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MVP 08


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Hey spungo, how bout you stop whoring your mods out and read this


better yet I'll post it right here.

spell /spɛl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spel] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, spelled or spelt, spell·ing.

–verb (used with object)

1. to name, write, or otherwise give the letters, in order, of (a word, syllable, etc.): Did I spell your name right?

2. (of letters) to form (a word, syllable, etc.): The letters spelled a rather rude word.

3. to read letter by letter or with difficulty (often fol. by out): She painfully spelled out the message.

4. to discern or find, as if by reading or study (often fol. by out).

5. to signify; amount to: This delay spells disaster for us.

–verb (used without object)

6. to name, write, or give the letters of words, syllables, etc.: He spells poorly.

7. to express words by letters, esp. correctly.

—Verb phrases

8. spell down, to outspell others in a spelling match.

9. spell out,

a. to explain something explicitly, so that the meaning is unmistakable: Must I spell it out for you?

b. to write out in full or enumerate the letters of which a word is composed: The title “Ph.D.†is seldom spelled out.

And how bout you get my name right for once without being a complete douche bag about it. You don't see me calling you Spungobob Gaypants.

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Sorry BigSpelt, the only thing I'm 'whoring out', as you so eloquently typed, is knowledge. The knowledge that a good dictionary can provide to a troubled youth like yourself.

I see so little of myself in you, which is probably why I want to help you -- help me, BigSpelt. Help me, spelt you.

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Ok....BOTH of you had your say.....now refocus this thread back to Mvp 2008.

Because this thread is serving some sort of diligent purpose, right?

Regardless, you got it boss -- back on topic.

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Because this thread is serving some sort of diligent purpose, right?

Regardless, you got it boss -- back on topic.

The only purpose this thread should have is talking about this upcoming mod and what updates (if any) Kraw has and wants to share with us. Also this is a place where everyone who works on this mod can post too. Sorry to say that lately all that I have been reading is "when's it going to come out?" There has been some patience shown by people, but you really got to look to see it.

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BigRog - I think there IS a lesson you can take from this little itty bit blow-up that occured just now.

Stop butting in to other people's conversation, and interjecting your statements when they are (A) off-topic and (B) inflammatory.

Obviously, if you are actually contributing to a conversation, that's fine. But when you just butt in when it's not required for you to try to correct someones behavior, spelling (lol), or anything else... from now on? DON'T.

This is not the first time I've told you about this.

I'm sure it won't be the last.

People aren't picking on you - they just get genuinely irritated when it seems you are trying to nitpick everything they say or do.

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I couldn't get MVP 07 to work. I hope I can get this one to work. And yes I have the originals of the game but still crashed on get go. Hopefully 08 works.

that happened to me but here's what I did, and many others which made it work:

1) Uninstall both versions

2) Install MVP 07

3) Install MVP 05

4) Copy everything from the 07 folder into the 05 folder (over write all)

5) Start up the game, if gameplay is fast:

a)Make sure v-Sync is turned on in the game

b)Make sure v_sync is turned on for your graphics card.

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what's up with him? I heard something along the lines of him being the oldest rookie

lol. Yes, his major league debut (and finale) were both on the day before his 60th birthday.

Oh Billy Crystal: You. Look. Mah-velous.

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