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New Classic Roster Set?


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I heard rumors about an update for the classic rosters set that

would include some of the earlier (1900-1930) rosters that have been

uploaded lately.

Is this true??

Is there any chance that the teams in AAA and AA might be reorgainzed by time period?? Say AAA 2000-1970 and AA 1969-1900???

Just curious. I love this roster set and would love to start several dynasty seasons using specific teams within each league.

Thanks for you hard work.

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can someone release a file replacing MLB teams with like allstar teams, like the teams best team (i.e yankees, dimaggio, mantle, ruth, gerhig, randolph, nettles) like players from different eras but the best players of the teams history.

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Guest Mindwarped

  fuzzone said:
yes, total classics 3.0 is going to be released very soon.

it's just i've been hauled over busy with work and such. sorry guys.hopefully this weekend.

oh where have I heard that before LOL

how is college going?

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if u want mindwarped, u can help out, but i dont wanna take the chance u tampering with the reds teams looool

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Guest Mindwarped

  fuzzone said:

if u want mindwarped, u can help out, but i dont wanna take the chance u tampering with the reds teams looool

tamper with them I made them

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Glad to hear this Fuzzone.

I was just curious. No pressure intended.

BTW, Have you thought about my second question??

I.E. - Reorganizing the AAA and AA teams to reflect

grouping by "era"???


Just wondering.

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