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everything is slow


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everything from the E...A...SPORTS, ITS IN THE GAME thing, to the actual gameplay itself is lagging. it was working fine for me the last time i played it, and i didnt install any mods since then. and ive never had any issues since i put it on this current computer last august. anybody know what might be wrong?

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i started playing because i was tired of not playing it, and in the 4th inning it started playing smooth again. i had no other programs running at the time.

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i dont think so, but eventually it just starts running smooth, i dont really mind it if it only does it in the menus, but if it does it in the game......grrrr.

ill try to keep it running only in the menu and see if it smoothes out.

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Are U using a laptop by any chance?

was curious as to how a laptop would affect whats happening to the game? SESbb30, i had been having similar trouble, re-installed everything, and now only the gameplay lags. it doesnt lag when a pitch is coming, but everything else lags. i do play on a laptop, so my problem is probably different than yours.

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Do you have any programs such as limewire, itunes, aol, etc running? Programs like those can slow down certain games and not others. Make sure the only program running is MVP.

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Im not sure but as long as you have a decent videocard and at least 512 mb the game should run fine.

im positive i got 512 or above ram and over 100 gig hard drive free, but i have the intel graphics media accelerator x3100, its a chipset but is said to be made for gaming and watching dvds. do you know how i can check to see if the vertical sync is on?

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  • 2 weeks later...

its my 360 controller. i started the game without it plugged in and it ran perfect, stated it again with the controller, runs slow. did that 3 times, same thing happend, regular without slow with it.

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If the game runs slower with the controller, then maybe the game has to initialize the controller it uses as soon as the game loads and it takes a while to initialize this controller. You can still try to increase the virtual memory (see below) to see if this affects anything. And if the game runs slow itself with the controller, then maybe the controller has a delay in getting its instructions to the machine or such. If this is the case, then increasing the virtual memory may not work. And last but not least, if the controller didn't do this before and if connecting it to another USB port (if uses one) doesn't help, maybe it's time to get a new controller.

Side Note -

Just because you have 512 MB RAM doesn't mean that your game can run slow. It depends upon the memory of the other programs and processes you have running as well. You can check this in the task manager and check to see how much free memory you have right before you would start up your MVP (or any other) game. If you have enough hard drive space, you can increase your virtual memory. Virtual memory doesn't run as fast as normal memory but it helps. With huge hard drives now-a-days, having a huge virtual memory setting shouldn't be an issue anymore.

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