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everything is slow


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If the game runs slower with the controller, then maybe the game has to initialize the controller it uses as soon as the game loads and it takes a while to initialize this controller. You can still try to increase the virtual memory (see below) to see if this affects anything. And if the game runs slow itself with the controller, then maybe the controller has a delay in getting its instructions to the machine or such. If this is the case, then increasing the virtual memory may not work. And last but not least, if the controller didn't do this before and if connecting it to another USB port (if uses one) doesn't help, maybe it's time to get a new controller.

Side Note -

Just because you have 512 MB RAM doesn't mean that your game can run slow. It depends upon the memory of the other programs and processes you have running as well. You can check this in the task manager and check to see how much free memory you have right before you would start up your MVP (or any other) game. If you have enough hard drive space, you can increase your virtual memory. Virtual memory doesn't run as fast as normal memory but it helps. With huge hard drives now-a-days, having a huge virtual memory setting shouldn't be an issue anymore.

Interesting, I need to check on how to do this with my computer. I actually have 1GB of RAM and I have similar lag as soon as the ball is hit into the field. I can run it OK on 1024 resolution, but if I move up to 1280 (where it looks MUCH nicer), it's slow as molasses. I'm surprised by this because I have a Pentium IV 2.5 GHZ, 1GB RAM, and a nVidia 6200 GFX card.

Is the Virtual Memory stuff in Control Panel?

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Virtual Mem Settings-

My Comp (Right Click)>Properties

Advanced Tab>>Performance Settings>>Advanced>>Virtual Mem


Control Panel>>System Icon

Thanks, buddy, I'll try it.

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Thanks, buddy, I'll try it.

I did do this, and had probably over 2GB's of hard drive space dedicated as virtual memory...I think it made some difference, but not enough to allow me to play the game on 1280x1024 resolution, which is really the setting where the game begins to look "high def". IMO, I don't think you can play the game at that resolution with only 1GB of RAM and the nvidia 6200 video card I have...I think you need one of the newer PC's with better processing power.

The game is still enjoyable at the lower setting, but it just means that I'm basically going to have to keep it as is and download roster updates and some of the individual stadiums...the modded versions just aren't going to be worth the effort with my PC.

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How many process' do you have running in task manager? Just curious.

I alway check before playing anything. Especially Madden but MVP as well.

I have about 36 and six are absolute junk. I end them and all is well.

Just thought I would post this.

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