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RE: sleeves and tattoo mod


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I did the following:

Extract the downloaded file, copy all files to ..EA SPORTS MVP Baseball 2005 and run the bat.

And You will change the arm for your player.

You opened the attrib.dat with Notepad.

Change your player's 38th number(is arm number) to 11~15.

11~~~~Armskin Tattoo and Black Glove(2X)

12~~~~blue Sleeves

13~~~~black Sleeves

14~~~~red Sleeves

15~~~~Green Sleeves


Arm tatoo and Long sleeves for Non-generic face players~

This mod is only effective for players who have his own cyberface

Why does he say the 38th number is the (arm number)?

The 38th number in my file is skin tone.

How do I install this?

Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Use this config file, copy it in the mvpedit installation folder, then in the appeareance tab>skin tone, you will see this list:












Armskin Tattoo and Black Glove Sleeves

Blue Sleeves

Black Sleeves

Red Sleeves

Green Sleeves

Just choose the sleeve you want to use. The numbers above are the skin tones. Good luck.

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  • 6 years later...

I'm assuming this is something they discovered that's part of another jersey file, not a mod file itself. Since it only affects the attrib.dat file, I would say experiment with a dummy roster set.

I assume you would make the config file by copying and pasting that text above to Notepad and then change it to a cfg file and place in the MVPedit main folder.

Addendum: Ok I played with it a bit and there is an existing config.txt file in the main folder (attached if someone wants to mess with it). I was able to make those labels appear in MVPedit. However, I clearly don't have something installed or it draws from a certain uniform file because I ended up with the Christmas colors for full arm sleeves. So the only thing I can tell you is that it will probably give you full arm sleeves if you want to figure it out. Backup your original config.txt file first.


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this mod just changes the skin tones, which is not apart of the uniform files. it's apart of the initstay file. it has a few extra slots so they added a few textures. you need to edit the config file for mvpedit so that you can assign the extra slots to the player you want to have these sleeves.

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That's exactly what I did Homer, but got the Christmas colors on the arms. Should it not draw from the initstay file or does something have to be modded within that file?

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I searched "sleeve" in the Downloads sect. and saw nothing for MVP. Regardless, if this puts full sleeves on players, it would look weird. Half sleeves under the uni would look good.

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I searched "sleeve" in the Downloads sect. and saw nothing for MVP. Regardless, if this puts full sleeves on players, it would look weird. Half sleeves under the uni would look good.

the difference one letter makes. i searched "sleeves" and the first three that came up had all the sleeve mods.

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Weird....usually in search engines, less is more. I'll see if I can look at it an make a modification for short sleeves. FSH files give me headaches usually.

Add: AVAST showing it as a threat.... gfxpak.exe file maybe?

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All I'm asking is can this be converted to a short sleeve mod. And I just mentioned that that particular file isn't like very well by AVAST AV. There's another sleeve file with a dead DL link.

Forget it... ain't that important.

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gotcha. i must have missed that part. yeah it can technically be converted to a short sleeve mod because all you have to do is modify the skin texture. all the guy did was add a color on top of the skin, so if you want it short, just add less shirt.

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