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Where can I find my registration key?


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I have added to many mods and somewhere along the way the game became corrupted. I want to do a fresh install but I am afraid if I uninstall this copy when I re-install it will prompt for the cd key.

Does anyone know which file I can find my key in so I can write it down and install the game again?


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Pick your CD case up and turn it around to the back of it. Look at the bottom left. There you have your CD key. Have fun!

EDIT: I did read your post and I went back and re-read it. You stated you lost your box. I am guessing you lost the box that this game came in. If you mean you lost your CD case, then you are out of luck.

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It's in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREElectronic ArtsEA SportsMVP Baseball 2005ergc in your registry.

Showoff. I would have figured that out in two or three months all by myself.

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Thanks! I see that. Now how do I get the key out?

I'm in regedit. It won't really let me do anything. I'm unsure of where to find the key. Do I need another program to edit the registry?

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It's right there if you click on the folder ergc, it shows up as a value. just write down that value and type it in where you install.

mine says:

(Default) REG_SZ then the serial #

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