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"Legends from the Booth" Play-By-Play


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if anyone wishes to jump in and try to make them compatible, i'm all for it. right now, i'm up to my eyelids getting the legends stuff done. unfortunately, i'm doing all the player audio with krukow/kuiper still. it'll be quite the feat to get this audio done for it.

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if anyone wishes to jump in and try to make them compatible, i'm all for it. right now, i'm up to my eyelids getting the legends stuff done. unfortunately, i'm doing all the player audio with krukow/kuiper still. it'll be quite the feat to get this audio done for it.

Me and you leather, let's do these in Vin Scully audio.

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if anyone wishes to jump in and try to make them compatible, i'm all for it. right now, i'm up to my eyelids getting the legends stuff done. unfortunately, i'm doing all the player audio with krukow/kuiper still. it'll be quite the feat to get this audio done for it.

Hey Homer,

Send me a list of some of the audios you need, and I can make a few for you.

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oh boy, you guys have no idea. click my sig. grab that spreadsheet. i would need to make player audios for all of those guys. for now, i've already done all the A's, M's, and some of the reds and red sox. if there are enough to sample from, i'm gonna need a way to access them so i can do them one by one too.

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I've gone through all of the player audio and unforunately Scully is missing a lot. There are a few legends but not many. If you want it all Scully, there will need to be a lot of cutting/splicing of other sounds. I've posted the name sounds in a hyperlinked download if you guys want to give it a shot. If you are serious about this, let me know and I'll e-mail you the player name portion of the Scully spreadsheet.

My project plans to deal with this problem by having Mel Allen do all the full name announcements and some of the last names but if you want it all Scully, I'm afraid you will have to create many of them yourselves.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have been away for a while but come to mvpmods every once in a while to see what's new. This mod has the potential to have a huge impact in replayabiltiy...along with classic season mods, this will be nirvana.

Glad to see you involved. I don't do much anymore roster wise, but I remember the OTB, TL3, and HH days....

As Dylan said, "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"

Don't punt on this one...no matter how long it takes...this will be huge.


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Have any idea how we could get the Yankee stadium PA announcer into the game? He is absolutely the best in the game. Any Yankee fans able to record him? Maybe if we can get a stack of recordings, we can get some names announced by him. We don't need everybody, just a good sample would be cool.

Bob Sheppard (aka The Voice Of God) missed this year of PA announcing for the Yankees & The NY Football Giants. His replacement, Jim Hall is very good with quite a similar style. There are a handful of Sheppard clips on the web........

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I don't know if somebody would want to take this on, but if he could find a good voice morphing software, we could maybe take the existing PA announcer and morph it to sound like Bob Sheppard.

I've also posted another sample on page 1 of this thread. It's Mel Allen this time doing the stadium intro and then handing off to Vin Scully to announce the starting pitcher.

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Just got a hold of this gem

Ernie Harwell's Audio Scrapbook

Who knows what gems we will sneak into the game from this great audio cd. Already, I've taken "Two for the Price of One" (Double Play Call), "He stood there like the house by the side of the Road and Watched it Go by" (Struck out looking), "It's gone, looong gone!" (Home run).

For some reason these signature calls were not in BBW but we'll get them here.

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I might consider doing another version of this mod that had even more legendary announcers in it. This would probably move this project in an even more liberal direction than some would like.

Some time, there may be another version of this mod that will also add in the likes of Harry Caray, Red Barber, Al Michaels, Jack Buck, and a few others. Maybe we'll do a version that could get all the Hall of Fame announcers and call it the Ford C. Frick Award edition. I would start compiling the sound bits together and see about doing this later on.

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  • 1 month later...

For practice, I decided I should finish the mod I had originally started working on for HH2003 and never finished. This was my original Mel Allen project. When HH2004 came out, I was so upset that I was going to have to do it all over again that I scrapped the project and quit. So.... it never really got released except to my closest friends. Well, I finished it. Even with Curt Gowdy doing the stadium announcing. It's a three man announcing booth with Mel Allen, Vin Scully, and Ernie Harwell. Mel Allen does the primary announcing but there is plenty of Scully and Harwell. This will be different from the MVP version which will have a lot more Scully. In this version I just used Scully to fill in some unused spots. This High Heat version also leaves in a little bit of color commentary from the original announcers. The MVP version will simply blank out the other commentary if I cannot find something appropriate from the Legendary threesome.

So here is the HH2003 mod in all it's glory:


If you are wondering why I even bothered to do this, the answer is that 1) I just felt compelled to finish something that I never was able to complete beforehand and 2) It also was great practice and I learned a lot about what type of announcer calls are available to me.

This will make me better prepared to do the MVP version. How many times have we gotten deep into a mod only to figure out that there were probably better ways to do things early when when you really didn't know what you were doing? Well I learned a few things with the sound tools I am using and hopefully it bears fruit later. There is also some clipping in this mod which I tried my best to get rid of but in the end, it was impossible to get rid of it all. Using the same files and importing them into MVP, I did not have the same problem. It can be alleviated by adding silence to the end of the wave files but in HH it just didn't work as well. I suppose I could work on it some more but I'm moving on to the real thing now.

I guess the good thing about MVP is that it hasn't changed in years so I don't have to worry about doing this project again next year! The HH2003 game has about 3700 sound calls. So I guess in the end doing MVP will feel like doing this project four times over which at this point doesn't seem too bad incredibly enough.

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Major Announcement!!!

After ten years, I've finally figured out how to crack the Harwell source files from the BBW cd. This is huge. I had previously manually recorded some 100 games and was clipping snippets of sound calls from the recordings. Now that I've gotten to the actually raw sound files, I've found that this play by play database is a lot larger than I thought it was. No longer will you hear additional ambient crowd noise behind the Harwell calls. The Harwell PBP file is more than three hours long which is more than 3x the Mel Allen content. I expect to find more appropriate color sound calls to fill in for Krukow. I will be able to have Harwell do the Krukow last names as well as the team names for Minor League teams. Obviously this will take additional work to parse out and you can add another year to the workload. I was hoping to have this done by Spring but that timeline doesn't look possible now. If anybody wants to help indexing the Ernie Harwell PBP file, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be doing it myself which I'm willing to do, it just takes longer.

When you consider that 3 out of the first 5 Ford Frick Awards were won by Mel Allen, Ernie Harwell, and Vin Scully, you start to see this project is as much an exercise in preserving these golden voices in history as anything else.

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Just a question-out of curiosity. While we're waiting for this fantastic mod-I wonder is it possible to just "blank out" the color announcer's files from MVP?

I have no problem with the play by play-but it seems like there are maybe 3 or 4 files from the "color" man-that are sooo repetiive-they ruin the game.

#1- That was a purpose pitch-he was trying to get the batter to chase.

#2- Sometimes you try and get the batter to hit your pitch-that was what he was doing right there.

#3- Seems like the catcher and pitcher have a purpose in mind-so far the batter is ignoring those pitches.

Those 3 seem to play over and over-sometimes 3 times in a row for the same batter. If you could just erase those calls and maybe a few others-the "Cmon MEAT-you're killin me- and the stupid Big Boy ones-the game would be a lot more bearable.

Is it possible to just replace those calls with blank space?

That would be a great compromise while we wait for this mod to be finished!

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Just a question-out of curiosity. While we're waiting for this fantastic mod-I wonder is it possible to just "blank out" the color announcer's files from MVP?

I don't think you can but this is a good idea. I don't really mind listening to Kuiper but this Krukow guy is the one that gets on my nerves with his dumb comments like Meat and Big Boy.

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I have done alot of work on the audio in the past. Right now and for the forseen

near future I will not have the time. The Harwell replacing Krukow is a great idea.

The TC mods would get a HOF announcer with some of his "signature" calls. We really do not need to add Harwell last name audios. Just rid the Krukow ones. Oddly, he does not really say more than a handfull of names in a game. Several of us created so many Krukow last names for the TC mods and they are hardly ever heard. IF Joel can get some help with this we can ad Harwell to replace Krukow and this would really add to all the TC mods.

I am just lobbying for some help for Joel and TC here :)

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I've actually blanked out many of the Krukow calls already, including the signature calls by Krukow mentioned above. If I get enough encouragement, I might be talked into finishing this and posting a link to it. I wouldn't want to post it as an 'official' release or anything as it's a work in progress and the file would have the beginnings of some Vin/Mel/Ernie calls in it. I could however link you guys to an FTP where you could download it to hold you over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I finished clearing out the Krukow calls. We'll just call this the 'No Krukow' phase of the project. Next will be replacing these slots with some Ernie Harwell calls instead but right now, they've just been blanked out as so many of you have requested. Here's a link for now.


Hopefully, Trues will be posting it soon.

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