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New Yankee Stadium


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So, since some of the stadium modders here have not been shy about expressing their lack of motivation for making a new Yankee stadium for MVP 05 i figured id give it a shot. I don't have much so far and This is all very rough needs a lot of works but.


The above is the Box in center and a piece of the facade. As you can see both a very rough at this point and need significant work, however i feel confident that i can model the stadium accurately.

Their are a few things that bode well for me.

1) The field of play has the same dimensions as the current yankee stadium so i dont have to completely redo the wall collision data.

2) I have a year to do it.

3) 3ds max

In any case i have a collection of 25 or so photos of the current construction and then a few renderings but it would be appreciated if people would post images here that may be usable.

Im also hopeing some of the experianced stadium modders around here can help me with a few of the MVP specific issues like some of the collision data and How lighting works in MVP.

In any case wish me luck...

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Yep, you've made a good start there. I'll post any good photos I find. Also, just a thought, I've not used Total Classics in a while, but depending on if you want to import your changes again, you might want to think about using paulw and Sean O's Classic Yankee Stadium as a base, instead of the current Yankee Stadium. Paul's one is based on the 1940's-1960's Yankee Stadium before it was remodelled in 1975 and as the new stadium is going to be based on the pre-remodelled stadium rather than the current Yankee Stadium, it might save you some time basing it on that.

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Nah as i said in the first post, because they have kept the outfield wall at the exact same dimensions in the new park i think it will save me a lot of time to use the current one as a base.

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  • 5 months later...

Well no that this thing is nearing completion i have picked it up again, Lsot everythign i made previously in a computer crash, but most of it looked wrong after looking at updated photos anyway so... This is what ive done so far, almost this is all the stuff that doesn't look boring


That Seating there is the 3 sections seen hear via the 3d Seat Locator on their website (which the awesomest thing ever for this).


Its not much, YET, but this is only a few days work and with that locater its starting to move quicker, hopefully its done for opening day!

EDIT: oops forgot one, Ladies and Gents the Letteirng thingy:


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yep, its not that hard to do once you get going but you sort of have to develop your own unique style of using it because there are 100s of different methis to model anything and all have the same end result, if that makes sense.

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Lol you think a thousand program would be stable. I had a couple of those crashes and none of the darn auto backups recovered.

I dig the seats, looks really detailed. I really wish I didn't have to worry about polygon count. Just kills creativity.

One issue you will eventually run into when using max/zmod is the improper importing, with your models all over the place. Just reset the xform for each messed up part. If that doesn't work just duplicate it after reset xform. Just a headache that took me couple weeks to figure out.

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Yeah i crashed a few times i eventually just learned to save A LOT. I crashed right beofre saving the Yankee stadium facade design and had to redo it form scratch almost....

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hehe so i suppose a poly count around 10 mil would cause a crash or 2?

got into the joys or crunching polys today, its looking like 250k polys is pretty likely.... hope its not too much

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Well its starting to actually look like what its is which is exciting. Its moving pretty quickly now.

You can kinda get a sense though the FOV on the camera in these two images is REALLY different, haha i think mine is actually closer to reality everything in the 3d seat locator looks really small and far away.


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Well its starting to actually look like what its is which is exciting. Its moving pretty quickly now.

You can kinda get a sense though the FOV on the camera in these two images is REALLY different, haha i think mine is actually closer to reality everything in the 3d seat locator looks really small and far away.


3d seat locator?

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