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Anyone here using 64-bit Vista?


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I have Vista 64-bit Ultimate and while the game is not installed, I tried to install MVPedit and MVP 2005 Editor but got error messages. MVPedit would not install because of an error message saying something about a missing file mscomctl.ocx I downloaded and tried to install that file into system32, but Windows came up with a message to make sure it was compatible with 32 or 64-bit system. I can't figure out how to solve that problem.

The other problem I have is trying to install MVP 2005 Editor. I can't install MVP 2005 Editor in 64-bit Vista Ultimate. After extracting the file to Documents, I get the message This application has failed to start because it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the event log.

So, while I haven't tried to install the game, I don't see how to install these items that are a must for me to enjoy the game.

Anyone have 64-bit Vista and was able to install either of the programs I mentioned here? If you did, please state any resolved issues and which version 64-bit; for example, Premium or Ultimate.


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I am using 64 bit Home Premium and the game installed just fine. I am using the '07 mod. I use the latest Installer thingy. The main thing to remember about Vista is once you get everything installed is to right click the short cut and select Run as Administrator and also the files in the program too. When you do this also select properties and edit the permissions under the security tab by selecting all of the unchecked boxes. MVP edit works but you have to have MVP Baseball running also. Thats how it works in Vista anyway. :wave:

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I am using 64 bit Home Premium and the game installed just fine. I am using the '07 mod. I use the latest Installer thingy. The main thing to remember about Vista is once you get everything installed is to right click the short cut and select Run as Administrator and also the files in the program too. When you do this also select properties and edit the permissions under the security tab by selecting all of the unchecked boxes. MVP edit works but you have to have MVP Baseball running also. Thats how it works in Vista anyway. :wave:

I don't have the game installed. I tried to install MVPedit and got the error message I showed above. I am the administrator, and all my programs should be run that way. The problem is I can't install MVPedit. I can't install MVPedit because of an error message saying something about a missing file mscomctl.ocx I downloaded and tried to install that file into system32, but Windows came up with a message to make sure it was compatible with 32 or 64-bit system. I can't figure out how to solve that problem.

I have 64-bit Ultimate, hope it doesn't make a difference. How did you install MVPedit? No error messages?

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I installed the game before I installed MVP Edit. I am not sure but I think it is looking for the MVP folder. :mrgreen:

It says component mscomctl.ocx or one of its derivatives is not properly registered: a file is missing--something like that.

I will install the game and try it again, but I am fairly certain I've installed it without the game in XP. If you can install it without a problem in Vista 64-bit Premium, then I think the issue is with Vista 64-bit Ultimate. Ultimate has better security than Premium, and likely interferes more with programs. I will try two things, now that I know you can install MVPedit in 64-bit Premium. First, I will try installing the game and then MVPedit. If that doesn't work, I will try 32-bit Ultimate (Ultimate come with both 32 and 64-bit). If neither of those two work, I will reinstall XP, and really hate to do that because of the time consuming factor of updating through Windows Update. But, I must have MVPedit.

I also could not install MVP 2005 Editor because of an error message about some side-by-side configuration. This is so frustrating, and I really like Vista Ultimate.

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I installed the game before I installed MVP Edit. I am not sure but I think it is looking for the MVP folder. :mrgreen:

Well, it's not the game. I installed MVP 2005 and tried to install MVPedit but it did not complete the install because of that error message about component mscomctl.ocx or one of its derivatives is not properly registered: a file is missing

So, like I thought, this is an issue with 64-bit Ultimate. Now I don't know if I should waste my time installing 32-bit Ultimate or head straight back to XP.

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Have you thought about dual booting XP & 64-bit Ultimate?

Yes, but I use my other hard drive for taking an image of the entire disk. MVP 2005 installs fine, just MVPedit and MVP 2005 Editor are giving me a headache. I even installed bigGUI without an issue.

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I installed MVPedit in 32-bit Vista, but I had to install two missing components, .ocx files into system32 and get them registered.

This is not the best solution, for I prefer 64-bit Ultimate, but at least now I can install MVPedit.

So, if there are any 64-bit Ultimate users out there, you can forget about trying to install MVPedit, unless you use the 32-bit version of Ultimate. Fortunately, Vista Ultimate comes with both versions.

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