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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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Smile, HCL, smile. I've never seen anyone so constantly unhappy around this site. Even RQ and I are able to joke around sometimes.

Says the guy who constantly complains about how his 2-time-World-Series-champion-in-the-last-4-years organization is run.

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Smile, HCL, smile. I've never seen anyone so constantly unhappy around this site. Even RQ and I are able to joke around sometimes.

I don't get it.

HL didn't seem to be being crabby or ignorant just now.

I do have a related question.

Sean O, you were saying a potential problem w/ EC is that a victim could be too embarassed/ashamed/confused to go to their doctor soon enough after an attack to get the EC in time.

HL was saying a visit to any clinic (or in some cases, pharmacies) can get you EC, as a doctor's visit is not neccessary.

Is this not the case in all states? I don't have many facts on this one.

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Says the guy who constantly complains about how his 2-time-World-Series-champion-in-the-last-4-years organization is run.

Says the guy who constantly complains about how his 1-time-World-Series-champion-in-the-last-2-years organization is run. :)

:wink: tee hee.

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What do you mean carrying it for a while? Are rape babies known immediately to the mother/victim, as opposed to every other pregnancy? My guess is, when the rape victim finds out she's pregnant, while she's dealing with the emotional and physical effects of the attack, she wants to abort that kid pretty quickly.

Once again, I ask, have any of you ever been close to a victim of sexual assault?

I see that you referred to the supposed nonhuman in the woman's womb as a "kid." That proves my sociological point that deep down, we really believe that fetuses are human. We're just too stubborn to break from our ancient, outdated, unscientific cultural philosphy that until the child exits the womb, it is nothing more than blob of nothing.

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I see that you referred to the supposed nonhuman in the woman's womb as a "kid." That proves my sociological point that deep down, we really believe that fetuses are human. We're just too stubborn to break from our ancient, outdated, unscientific cultural philosphy that until the child exits the womb, it is nothing more than blob of nothing.

Yeah, you... got me there?

The way I see it, fetuses are wholly nonfunctional "blobs of nothing." This country has virtually no protection against murdering and torturing creatures far more capable of feeling pain, and with far higher functionality, without batting an eye. It's not murder when you drown a cat, but it is when you fish a sack of goo out of a uterus.

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Yeah, you... got me there?

The way I see it, fetuses are wholly nonfunctional "blobs of nothing." This country has virtually no protection against murdering and torturing creatures far more capable of feeling pain, and with far higher functionality, without batting an eye. It's not murder when you drown a cat, but it is when you fish a sack of goo out of a uterus.

Wow I hope you realize there is a huge difference between a cat and a human.

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This argument is going to go nowhere and only lead to more antagonistic feelings between us in addition to what already exists. You have your view, I have mine. So, let's talk about something else.

I suggest we change the subject to the environment. What's your opinion on global warming?

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This argument is going to go nowhere and only lead to more antagonistic feelings between us in addition to what already exists. You have your view, I have mine. So, let's talk about something else.

I suggest we change the subject to the environment. What's your opinion on global warming?

There are three topics that I tell coworkers that should be off-limits at work: Politics, Religion and Pro-Life/Pro-Choice. All these topics sometimes lead to heated arguments and everyone views their belief as right and the other is wrong no matter which side you're on. This is not the case if everyone involved is open minded to at least the point where they accept that other people will have a differing view or if you know they share the same view.

I work for a government agency so the politics is hard to escape and when a while ago I was asked which candidate I supported, I was criticized for saying that all the candidates are all the same after telling them five times that I don't talk about politics at work. Suffice to say, it angered them more. LOL

BTW ... Global Warming ... some believe there's no such thing. Some others believe it's going to be a big issue and is already happening. There's proof but professionals interpret the proof to suit their own belief of For or Against it. And besides, I think Global Warming is very good. Only if we can get more of it. I don't have to buy that many winter clothing anymore and we all know that winter clothes can be more expensive. Plus, I hate shoveling snow. J/K :)

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Wow I hope you realize there is a huge difference between a cat and a human.

A life is a ******* life. No matter if you are human or small bird. I love my cat, and its caturday dammit. Wheres the new pics! lol
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Wow I hope you realize there is a huge difference between a cat and a human.

You want to know the huge difference, A cat is actually a living breathing life form while a blob a nothing is just that, nothing.
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To go kind of off topic for a bit, Front line on PBS (NY Area) is now having an episode about Bush's administration regarding Iraq.

Part 1 of 2. A history of the Iraq War that features both new and archival reporting, beginning in the year following 9/11, when the Bush administration was discussing the idea of ousting Saddam Hussein's regime. Included: divisions within the administration on the matter; what role the UN should play; whether intelligence linking Hussein to Al Qaeda could be trusted.

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You want to know the huge difference, A cat is actually a living breathing life form while a blob a nothing is just that, nothing.

You are kidding, I hope. If you are actually comparing the value of a cats life to that of a human fetus then you are truly too far gone for me to even debate you.

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I'm telling you that until the legal mester that the thing inside the women is considered a living fetus and can not be aborted I consider it nothing but a blob that isn't living.

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If you are saying that Cats (or other animals) are valued less than people, then you should talk to those who have Cats or Dogs as pets. Also, talk to those from PETA. LOL

As a Christian, I believe that humans are more important than animals. However, I believe that God loves animals and we humans are given the task of caring for them.

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As a Christian, I believe that humans are more important than animals. However, I believe that God loves animals and we humans are given the task of caring for them.

I know. Me too but some people with dogs and cats I know think of them as part of the family and value their life just as much if not more than some of their family. And I don't know what those involved with PETA think but I would tend to think they do the same if not definately more so.

But, I do find it funny that some people with certain view points where they view life to be very important and sacred have no similar view point towards another issue where life should be just as important or sacred. But, I guess that's how life is.

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I think anyone who would kill a cat should be punished. The point I was making is that a human life is more valuable. I think you would have a hard time getting a capital punishment law passed for killing a cat.

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I think anyone who would kill a cat should be punished. The point I was making is that a human life is more valuable. I think you would have a hard time getting a capital punishment law passed for killing a cat.

I understand. But, how about if it happened on Caturday? :lol:

What do people think will be the biggest issue in the election?

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I think anyone who would kill a cat should be punished. The point I was making is that a human life is more valuable. I think you would have a hard time getting a capital punishment law passed for killing a cat.

There already are laws in place against abuse of animals. Look at what happened to Michael Vick.

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I'm telling you that until the legal mester that the thing inside the women is considered a living fetus and can not be aborted I consider it nothing but a blob that isn't living.

thankfully your mom didn't feel that way about you...

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Wow I hope you realize there is a huge difference between a cat and a human.

Yeah, cats and other animals don't commit genocide. Humans are disgusting, vile, selfish creatures. The 20th century gave us some tremendous examples of the depths of what humans can accomplish.

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