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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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The dude who says he doesn't think women should be able to vote, but still calls himself a Democrat, just said someone OTHER than Obama has the "rockstar" / "celebrity" tag in this election?


You could hardly say or do anything else to make yourself sound more out-of-touch and half-insane.

The difference, as always, is that Barack has exact policies and details on what he's going to do, while McCain doesn't. Look at the website: McCain has no policies whatsoever.

Hell, his own campaign manager said they don't care about the issues.

edit: big ups to the filter that replaces "b@rry" (as in b0nds) with John (as in John Dowd).

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The difference, as always, is that Barack has exact policies and details on what he's going to do, while McCain doesn't. Look at the website: McCain has no policies whatsoever.

Hell, his own campaign manager said they don't care about the issues.

edit: big ups to the filter that replaces "b@rry" (as in b0nds) with John (as in John Dowd).

that has absolutely nothing to do with what raptor just said.

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that has absolutely nothing to do with what raptor just said.

Uh, yeah it does. The right has hilariously tried this braindead "celebrity" line of attack to counter Hopey's supposed lack of experience. Now that Palin's the new celebrity on the block, the right seems to think they're comparable.

They're not. The Democrats still have a total monopoly on the policy front in this election. And considering Palin's ridiculously ignorance of foreign policy issues, there is certainly no comparison.

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Uh, yeah it does. The right has hilariously tried this braindead "celebrity" line of attack to counter Hopey's supposed lack of experience. Now that Palin's the new celebrity on the block, the right seems to think they're comparable.

They're not. The Democrats still have a total monopoly on the policy front in this election. And considering Palin's ridiculously ignorance of foreign policy issues, there is certainly no comparison.

I said it was insane that Blades would call anyone in this election a "rockstar" other than Obama. (See: the latest New Kids on the Block concert - oh wait, that was the DNC). Rediculous.

Sean O's response to my taking issue with Blade's statement was to say "McCain has no stance on the issues." Okay...

DuckDodger points out that you completely missed the point of my post, and posted something that really seemed unrelated in response.

Sean O replies to that with an attempt to connect my calling Obama a "celebrity" to his assertion that Palin is the "new celebrity" in this election. He then says she has "ignorance" on foreign policy. So I guess there is the connection between "rockstar" and "the issues."


You people slay me.

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Uh, yeah it does. The right has hilariously tried this braindead "celebrity" line of attack to counter Hopey's supposed lack of experience. Now that Palin's the new celebrity on the block, the right seems to think they're comparable.

They're not. The Democrats still have a total monopoly on the policy front in this election. And considering Palin's ridiculously ignorance of foreign policy issues, there is certainly no comparison.

going off-topic from the original celebrity/rockstar comment... again...

Obama hasn't even been around foreign affiars long enough to have any clue about those policies/issues. You can talk about your policies as much as you want, but actually doing something about it (since it has to be voted on, you know) and having a solid plan in tact to do this is what's important. what's he going to do when 80-90% of what he wants turns out to be impossible to accomplish? All this stuff he wants done also costs money, which will result in him turning around and taxing the hel out of all of us... INCLUDING the less fortunate.

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Been reading the far left blogs a little too much I think, because they have many divergent views. If you ever watched the channel you would know...


--- vbprogjoe

Actually I do not read blogs at all. I have been watching alot of fox news as well as the Obama, Reily Interview. That channel is always so critical of Obama more so then McCain. And Palin is on this high pedastal and they barely question her flip flops or past political decisions.

But I guess you see what you want to see. Dont we all? It is all about perception maybe, but I usually have to change the channel because I get annoyed watchin any of these networks bash one side and favor the other. What I saw on Fox was that whenever Obama gave a good answer to a Reily question, he was cut off and I think Bill was being rather rude. It seemed he wanted to get different answers from Barrack.

You cannot really believe that Fox does not lean right. Anchors have said it before that it leans a bit to the right in their opinion. And a bit is an understatement. Go look it up. Look up why republicans have canceled debates that have anything to do with the network.

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Obama hasn't even been around foreign affiars long enough to have any clue about those policies/issues.

So the Secure America, Lugar-Obama, DRC of Congo, Amendments to the Iraq War escalation, Comprehensive Nuclear Non-proliferation acts don't count?

You can talk about your policies as much as you want, but actually doing something about it and having a solid plan in tact to do this is what's important.

Well, McCain has no plan at all, so what are you getting at?

what's he going to do when 80-90% of what he wants turns out to be impossible to accomplish?

Where have you been? Have you listened to him once over the last year? He compromises, he works with people across the aisle, as he always has.

All this stuff he wants done also costs money, which will result in him turning around and taxing the hel out of all of us... INCLUDING the less fortunate.

Except, you're incorrect. 1). Anyone making under $100,000 will receive a tax CUT from Obama, while the only people who will benefit under McCain's taxcut are those making over 100k. 2). He has every penny accounted for, due to the hikes on the rich, the closing of corporate tax loopholes that McCain supports, ending the Iraq war, and going line-by-line through social programs to increase efficiency. 3). Obama supports reinstating PAYGO, which McCain has repeatedly opposed.

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Wait - people are actually arguing this???

CNN leans left.

FOX leans right.

"Leans" is probably too mild a term for both of these channels, as a matter of fact.

MSNBC is a nightmare all-around.

There is no such thing as "unbiased" reporting, and there is no such thing as "fair and balanced" news. Period.

You want a channel with no spin/bias/etc? C-SPAN. That's your option.

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actually hes right, because I too have been watching fox, and none of them have a favorable opinion on Obama. Its all Palin, like shes some kind of freak'n rockstar. She can do no wrong on Fox news.

I don't know who you are watching, but there are plenty of people on Fox News that have given Obama the benefit of the doubt. Bill O'Reilly has been more than fair to all the candidates (especially Obama), Shepard Smith is a Obama-leaner, Alan Colmes (because he is the liberal Democrat on Hannity & Colmes), the Chief of Staff and/or campaign manager for Hillary (can't remember his name) is a commentator/political analyst for the elections, and I would subscribe that Geraldo Rivera is behind Barack. Not to mention, Mara Liason and Mort Kondracke have either displayed outright support or leanings towards Obama on the show with Brit Hume. Those are just a few, if you gave me a chance to actually watch more coverage, I'm more than sure I could come up with more. Maybe they are NOT all Democrats of the common ilk, but they treat Obama just as fairly. You should maybe try watching some coverage, instead of taking all the DailyKos, Huffington Post, and MoveOn blogs as the sacred bible of knowledge.

I understand, Blades, maybe you don't have the time, but they are there to see - the actual persons. I will say what I said to Sean O, and in fact, we have corresponded with each other in some of your dynasties, so I mean no offense, but you are ill-informed on what Fox News has to offer. They have a wide range of views, unlike MSNBC, which is essentially an extension of the DNCC. However, if your opinion is still the same, fine - I respect your right to have it, we do live in a free country to express our free thoughts. We might have to agree to disagree on this subject, I guess. I hope there is no hard feelings or anything, as it sounded like you were a little flustered above in the other post. I did not mean to insinuate any less value in yours, or anybody's opinion, and I don't view your viewpoints as "less than" due to what you termed a lack of "eloquent writing skills," as I wouldn't classify your writing skills as any better or worse than mine or anyone else's?...

With That I Wish You A Good Day,

+++ vbprogjoe (Joe W.) :)

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Well, McCain has no plan at all, so what are you getting at?

so since mccain doesn't have a .pdf on his website he has no plan? what a joke to think he has no plan for America and no clue on what to do. I'm sure he would have won the nomination had he not....

Where have you been? Have you listened to him once over the last year? He compromises, he works with people across the aisle, as he always has.

stuff like that got Jimmy Carter real far, too, didn't it? All people can do is listen to what he says, because that's all he can do is speak. he doesn't have a long enough voting record for anyone to truly realize where he stands on everything.

Except, you're incorrect. 1). Anyone making under $100,000 will receive a tax CUT from Obama, while the only people who will benefit under McCain's taxcut are those making over 100k. 2). He has every penny accounted for, due to the hikes on the rich, the closing of corporate tax loopholes that McCain supports, ending the Iraq war, and going line-by-line through social programs to increase efficiency. 3). Obama supports reinstating PAYGO, which McCain has repeatedly opposed.

Why don't you think about that 1st one again... if you own any kind of stock, mutual, 401k, etc... he wants to DOUBLE the capital-gains on it. DOUBLE!!! that is an incredibly grotesque amount. now, how does that make your tax 'cut' seem now?

McCain will end the war once it's fit for us to leave the country in a state they can handle on their own. They can't, yet. Move them out now and it returns to the Iraq of 8-10 years ago.

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so since mccain doesn't have a .pdf on his website he has no plan? what a joke to think he has no plan for America and no clue on what to do. I'm sure he would have won the nomination had he not....

Since his campaign has flat out said issues aren't important, isn't that rather telling? I'm saying that if you're planning on being the leader of the free world, shouldn't you have exact policies? McCain has no specifics listed on anything, doesn't even mention HIV/AIDS in the "issues" section, and has only vague pledges in his ethics, economy and health care page.

And, he refuses to answer questions for specifics. Do you really think we should elect someone when we don't know what they stand for?

stuff like that got Jimmy Carter real far, too, didn't it?

Ah, Straw Man argument, an excellent way to begin.

All people can do is listen to what he says, because that's all he can do is speak. he doesn't have a long enough voting record for anyone to truly realize where he stands on everything.

Except for the massive amount of policy information on his website, which I assume you haven't touched, due to the, forgive me, blatantly incorrect information in your posts so far.

Why don't you think about that 1st one again... if you own any kind of stock, mutual, 401k, etc... he wants to DOUBLE the capital-gains on it. DOUBLE!!! that is an incredibly grotesque amount. now, how does that make your tax 'cut' seem now?

TYPING IN ALL CAPS MAKES IT TRUE. Also, PPOR, and compare it versus the other tax breaks he's giving in a wide variety of other venues.

McCain will end the war once it's fit for us to leave the country in a state they can handle on their own. They can't, yet. Move them out now and it returns to the Iraq of 8-10 years ago.

So we're ignoring what the Iraqi government wants to do with the Iraqi government, i.e. Nouri Al-Maliki agreeing with Obama's plan? We're refereeing a civil war where we pay both sides, while the Iraqi parliament takes summers off and runs up a massive surplus while we pour 30b a month into the conflict.

Since McCain has never said when it will be fit for us to leave, and it isn't listed on his website ("Our goal is an Iraq that can stand on its own as a democratic ally and a responsible force for peace in its neighborhood" isn't policy, or anything really), I fail to see how this is a plan.


“The top capital-gains rate for families making more than $250,000 would return to 20% -- the lowest rate that existed in the 1990s and the rate President Bush proposed in his 2001 tax cut. A 20% rate is almost a third lower than the rate President Reagan set in 1986."

I'd suggest you stop listening to Dick Morris on Fox News, who erroneously said that Obama would double the capital gains tax, and look at more independent sources. Check out what the Tax Foundation or the tax policy center, both of which are nonpartisan, say about it.

"Both John McCain and Barack Obama have proposed tax plans that would substantially increase the national debt over the next ten years, according to a newly updated analysis by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. Compared to current law, TPC estimates the Obama plan would cut taxes by $2.9 trillion from 2009-2018. McCain would reduce taxes by nearly $4.2 trillion. Obama would give larger tax cuts to low- and moderate-income households and pay some of the cost by raising taxes on high-income taxpayers. In contrast, McCain would cut taxes across the board and give the biggest cuts to the highest-income households."

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Ah, Straw Man argument, an excellent way to begin.

I am now officially convinced you don't know what Straw Man Argument means.

It means arguing against a point that your "opponent" didn't make (just a similar one), in order to make your own point sound more valid.

Duckdodger gave an EXAMPLE of someone else who made similar promises. He didn't do anything approaching a "straw man" argument. :roll:

TYPING IN ALL CAPS MAKES IT TRUE. Also, PPOR, and compare it versus the other tax breaks he's giving in a wide variety of other venues.

Ah yes, when you get tired of others disagreeing with your views (the only ones that you think a sane person should hold), attack the way the other person posts or types.

Also, don't forget to throw in your lame and overused internet-acronyms like PPOR (Post Proof Or Retract) and TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read). Well here's one: STFU. :lol:

Since McCain has never said when it will be fit for us to leave, and it isn't listed on his website ("Our goal is an Iraq that can stand on its own as a democratic ally and a responsible force for peace in its neighborhood" isn't policy, or anything really), I fail to see how this is a plan.

That's because only an idiot would attempt to put a set timetable on something that obviously can't be accurately predicted.

Hence why anyone suggesting a defined timetable for complete withdrawal from Iraq is an idiot.

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Except for the massive amount of policy information on his website, which I assume you haven't touched, due to the, forgive me, blatantly incorrect information in your posts so far.

blatantly inccorect information... nothing i have stated is incorrect.

ok King Admin... you complain a lot about people who use emphases available to us in the message box. if it ticks you off so much use your magical powers to disable them. i capp'd DOUBLE because it's a very large amount. double

the iraqi govt doesnt have a clue, yet.

wow, forgive us, again, for not referring to a website for all of our information. from now on i'll start taking in every 'truth' i hear from such sites like wikipedia... because we all know everything we read on the internet is true, and the world revolves around his website, right??? please...

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Actually I do not read blogs at all. I have been watching alot of fox news as well as the Obama, Reily Interview. That channel is always so critical of Obama more so then McCain. And Palin is on this high pedastal and they barely question her flip flops or past political decisions.

But I guess you see what you want to see. Dont we all? It is all about perception maybe, but I usually have to change the channel because I get annoyed watchin any of these networks bash one side and favor the other. What I saw on Fox was that whenever Obama gave a good answer to a Reily question, he was cut off and I think Bill was being rather rude. It seemed he wanted to get different answers from Barrack.

You cannot really believe that Fox does not lean right. Anchors have said it before that it leans a bit to the right in their opinion. And a bit is an understatement. Go look it up. Look up why republicans have canceled debates that have anything to do with the network.

You obviously are seeing and hearing what you want, because I've never heard them say that or ANYTHING close to it. Reference my post to Blades a page back for a more detailed summary, because you are sadly mistaken. The only channel "in the tank" is MSNBC.

As for the O'Reilly-Obama interview, I think Bill treated him more than fairly. O'Reilly just required Barack to actually answer the questions he asked, and not bloviate and give us more of the fluff he gave us throughout the election so far. I like Obama personally, but be realistic man, he hasn't gone on a show that actually asked him any in-depth questions UNTIL he went on "The Factor." If I wanted to take him to dinner, the questions he got asked on "Oprah" or "Ellen" would do; but consequently, he is running for President of the United States, so I actually want the real answers to some basic and serious questions. Mind you, I like the guy as a person, and would have a beverage with him, but I can't trust him as a President - due to his foreign and domestic policy (as well as the lack of legitimacy I find in his health care system).


--- vbprogjoe

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It means arguing against a point that your "opponent" didn't make (just a similar one), in order to make your own point sound valid.

Duckdodger gave an EXAMPLE of someone else who made similar promises. He didn't do anything approaching a "straw man" argument. :roll:

Obama is liberal. Carter is liberal. Carter was ineffective, therefore Obama is ineffective. right?

Ah yes, when you don't have something valid to say, attack the way the other person posts or types.

Also, don't forget to throw in your lame and overused internet-aconyms like PPOR (Post Proof Or Retract) and TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read). Well here's one: STFU.

I did post proof at the bottom, because dd refused to post any proof of what he was saying.

That's because only an idiot would attempt to put a set timetable on something that obviously can't be accurately predicted.

Hence why anyone suggesting a defined timetable for complete withdrawal from Iraq is an idiot.

What about when the Iraqi Government wants us out, per their own prime minister?

McCain is saying that we can leave when we won, and he has never accurately described when we won. What does "Get Iraq's Economy Back on its Feet" mean? Does that mean pre-War levels, does it mean a multifaceted economy that goes beyond oil? Does it involve a specific GDP?

As for the democracy argument, does it involve the completion of the governmental benchmarks? Does it involve a perfectly equitable arrangement between sunni, shi'a and kurdish factions? Does it involve the complete cessation of hostilities?

If you have answers for these, I'd love to hear them, because they're not in his speeches or on his website.

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wow, forgive us, again, for not referring to a website for all of our information. from now on i'll start taking in every 'truth' i hear from such sites like wikipedia... because we all know everything we read on the internet is true, and the world revolves around his website, right??? please...

Then, by all means, tell me how McCain is disseminating his information. This Argument from Ignorance isn't making the best case, that McCain must have a plan even if there is no proof of the plan. Now, I provide non-partisan information on the comparison of their tax plans, which frankly rips into both of them, and that's wrong too?

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Then, by all means, tell me how McCain is disseminating his information. This Argument from Ignorance isn't making the best case, that McCain must have a plan even if there is no proof of the plan. Now, I provide non-partisan information on the comparison of their tax plans, which frankly rips into both of them, and that's wrong too?

perhaps if you actually listened to any of his speeches rather than getting all hot and bothered by the Joe Buck of political speeches (that's Obama, in case you were confused) then you could gather some information. Obama is a hyped up, internet craze/fad and you are proving my point during every single rebutal. i said nothing further about the tax plan after you edited your post.

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perhaps if you actually listened to any of his speeches rather than getting all hot and bothered by the Joe Buck of political speeches (that's Obama, in case you were confused) then you could gather some information. Obama is a hyped up, internet craze/fad and you are proving my point during every single rebutal. i said nothing further about the tax plan after you edited your post.

His speeches don't contain any set benchmarks upon withdrawal, or any details upon his policies. I am personally amazed that someone who feels so strongly about McCain cannot answer basic questions about his policies. I'll repeat my basic questions:

McCain is saying that we can leave when we won, and he has never accurately described when we won. What does "Get Iraq's Economy Back on its Feet" mean? Does that mean pre-War levels, does it mean a multifaceted economy that goes beyond oil? Does it involve a specific GDP?

As for the democracy argument, does it involve the completion of the governmental benchmarks? Does it involve a perfectly equitable arrangement between sunni, shi'a and kurdish factions? Does it involve the complete cessation of hostilities?

It makes no sense to say that Obama is all style and no substance when I can point to exact numbers on his plan. I'm not attacking McCain or anyone here; since I honestly think McCain will get elected, I want to know what his policies are. If you're a big McCain fan, it is hardly out of the ordinary to ask you basic questions and get basic answers.

If you have specific speeches that outline his policies, that would be wonderful. Obviously you feel strongly about McCain as statesman, so how does he plan on fixing our problems?

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Wait - people are actually arguing this???

CNN leans left.

FOX leans right.

"Leans" is probably too mild a term for both of these channels, as a matter of fact.

MSNBC is a nightmare all-around.

There is no such thing as "unbiased" reporting, and there is no such thing as "fair and balanced" news. Period.

You want a channel with no spin/bias/etc? C-SPAN. That's your option.

Even C-SPAN leans a little to the left, although, who could blame them. You want people to watch, so you are going to put on some crazy people that might entertain 5% of the world. As much as I don't like Charlie Rangel, Charles Shumer, Richard Durbin, Russ Feingold, and Nancy Pelosi (to name a few), it is sometimes funny to watch their backwards logic backfire on them. The closest thing the Republicans have is Lugar, and he just doesn't have the same pop as the liberals when he goes off in tangents.

You're right though, I'm tired of arguing this point, it makes no sense to bicker anymore! I think it is a tad overstated that Fox News is so far right, as I detailed in my response to Blades, but the vulgar and bitter attitude of people like "Sean O" and some others makes me sick to my stomach. I got to get to sleep soon, and I'm just too darn tired today to continue arguing with people who think they are elite. Sean took my "bullying" analogy out of context, as I said it was a benign analogy not to be taken strictly as parallel, and he starts telling me international relations are NOT a vacuum and stuff that made no sense at all. In my years of studying Political Science, I've never heard such twisted logic and innuendo, so I stopped trying to separate the "wheat from the chaff" in his argument and went to the next post. Judging from his posts the past few pages, he probably was a "bully" in school, and thus wouldn't understand my point if I tried to re-explain it, and I just don't have the energy for someone who can't relate or understand someone who has had experiences that he obviously hasn't. He thinks that his opinion is elite, and there is no other valid or valuable alternative. As far as he is concerned, he is "The Lord of Opinions..."

--- vbprogjoe

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going off-topic from the original celebrity/rockstar comment... again...

Obama hasn't even been around foreign affiars long enough to have any clue about those policies/issues. You can talk about your policies as much as you want, but actually doing something about it (since it has to be voted on, you know) and having a solid plan in tact to do this is what's important. what's he going to do when 80-90% of what he wants turns out to be impossible to accomplish? All this stuff he wants done also costs money, which will result in him turning around and taxing the hel out of all of us... INCLUDING the less fortunate.

So him going to war and being a captive of the Vietnamese gives him foriegn policy experience? 33 years in congress and he has done absolutely nothing, except follow the damm leader.

Just like he continues to do.

I have Vietnam vets that work with me at my job, and they believe he isnt telling everything about his captivity either. Im not gonna say what they said, because of the backlash I would get, but I think it is very credible what they say.

And McCains daughter, oh shes a winner let me tell you. Anyone see the interview on Today show, from yesterday I believe it was?? Blonde and dumb as a box of rocks.

By the way, what Imeant about women, was they have no clue to what they even vote for. Oh theres a woman to vote for? Oh, I support Hilary, so I will vote for any woman on any ticket, regardless of her stance on issues. Thats just outright lunacy, IMHO. And yes, Palin is a rockstar, just like the right has painted Obama to be. Just one difference though, Obama doesnt want to be potrayed as that, and Palin is eating it up. Big difference.

and as far as Fox noise is considered, that panel Brit Hume has, they all need to be let go.

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Paraphrasing Colbert -

We know nothing about Obama, only that he can give a great speech, and that is not enough.

By the way, Sarah Palin, great speech last week.

Haha good one. Def kills the experience and "who is this person" angle huh.

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And yes, Palin is a rockstar, just like the right has painted Obama to be. Just one difference though, Obama doesnt want to be potrayed as that, and Palin is eating it up. Big difference.

Why is she a rock-star? Is he famous around the world? Does she make people cry or faint whenever she gives a speech? Do the 3 news giants in the US, ABC, CBS, and NBC follow her wherever she goes? Can she go to a foreign county like Germany, for example, and attract thousands of people? These are all the things Obama has, and that's why the conservatives have painted him as a rock star. But the question is does Palin have that same attention...

His speeches don't contain any set benchmarks upon withdrawal, or any details upon his policies. I am personally amazed that someone who feels so strongly about McCain cannot answer basic questions about his policies. I'll repeat my basic questions:

McCain is saying that we can leave when we won, and he has never accurately described when we won. What does "Get Iraq's Economy Back on its Feet" mean? Does that mean pre-War levels, does it mean a multifaceted economy that goes beyond oil? Does it involve a specific GDP?

So you think that McCain's Iraq war policy is no good because he's not a prophet who can foretell when the war will be won. Wouldn't that be a great thing if President F. Roosevelt set a timetable for the war against Nazi Germany. That would have been a great success, wouldn't it? The fact is that most people don't understand what's happening right now. WE ARE AT WAR! Since you people are too blind to understand, I'll repeat it again: WE ARE AT WAR! We are fighting against the enemies of freedom, and the war will not be over until they are defeated. How can we know when that will come? All we can do is stay the course until the job is done. To place timetables would be to micromanage the war, and that will only lead to disaster.

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Why is she a rock-star? Is he famous around the world? Does she make people cry or faint whenever she gives a speech? Do the 3 news giants in the US, ABC, CBS, and NBC follow her wherever she goes? Can she go to a foreign county like Germany, for example, and attract thousands of people? These are all the things Obama has, and that's why the conservatives have painted him as a rock star. But the question is does Palin have that same attention...

Shes not a rock star. But she is as much as a fad that you guys claim obama to be.

I mean jeez louise. The bridge thing was a joke. Let me back the bridge, collect the cash, and then keep it all for other things. Yeah tax payers love that all that money did not go where it was suppose to. Even though it was a dumb idea to begin with.

Not to mention her saying how she said No about the bridge. Wow what lies. And that picture of her next to a dead caribou. I can imagine all the boards and forums eating that up if it was obama.

Dont get me started on her foreign policy views(oh wait lol) and her basically hiding from media interviews unless they favor the party. At least Obama had the guts to face O reilly. He did well even though I feared a possibly not so good outing.

All I am saying is this. For all the flack that Obama received from Republicans, and then they bring out Palin who is certainly no saint herself.

It is a bit dumb to now back a person who has all the same criticisms you put on your rival.

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So him going to war and being a captive of the Vietnamese gives him foriegn policy experience? 33 years in congress and he has done absolutely nothing, except follow the damm leader.

ignorance. just plain ignorance. please don't post if you can't make logical contributions.

I have Vietnam vets that work with me at my job, and they believe he isnt telling everything about his captivity either. Im not gonna say what they said, because of the backlash I would get, but I think it is very credible what they say.

Ok, so you have others who have an opinion about someone. Awesome... so does everyone else in the world. Were they even in his same platoon? Ignorance.

And McCains daughter, oh shes a winner let me tell you. Anyone see the interview on Today show, from yesterday I believe it was?? Blonde and dumb as a box of rocks.

who's running for office? John McCain. who's not? John McCain's daughter. k... thanks. ignorance.

By the way, what Imeant about women, was they have no clue to what they even vote for. Oh theres a woman to vote for? Oh, I support Hilary, so I will vote for any woman on any ticket, regardless of her stance on issues. Thats just outright lunacy, IMHO.

be glad there is probably a 99.9% male dominance on this site or else you would get absolutely molested by that comment anywhere else. ignorance.

ignorance is your forte, blades. at least offer something we can actually debate rather than your opinions.

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