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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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Sorry I highly doubt that. I think that would do more harm than good for the Demo Party. It makes them look like copiers and it would make them look unsure in their decisions.

Def wont happen.

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Things will change here in a week or so. Biden will step down with a promise of a cabinet position and Hillary is in. It is in the works. Why else would Bill and Bama have a secret meeting

What secret meeting? What happened? I didn't hear anything of it.

Besides ... if they did have a secret meeting, it could mean anything. Bill has a lot of things he could do for an Obama Administration if he is elected such as by being an ambassador (?sp) in another country or working on a global effort to better relations between this country and some others. It could mean anything ... and besides ... you would tend to think that if that was true, that he would be meeting with Hillary directly opposed to Bill.

And why would Biden step down from the number 2 position? If you were someone else's VP candidate, would you step down to take a lesser role? I know I wouldn't. I don't think anybody I know would either. Unless if there was something that could damage his chances of winning, I don't see him stepping down as happening.

But, having said that ... I saw on one of the New shows this weekend that someone mentioned that Hillary was going to replace Biden on the ticket. However, I don't remember which show or channel that was since I watched CNBC, FoxNews, MSNBC and CNN this weekend.

If this happens though, no doubt that it will be a big story and the VP debates will get interesting.


The meeting could also have been to put aside their past differences they may have had if any and to come to an agreement regarding the future.

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That's why some Democrats are a little leery about nuclear power. Even if the Russians intentionally did something stupid to cause Chernobyl, the fewer opportunities we have to blow a nuclear reactor up, the better.

You obviously have no knowledge about nuke. Chernobyl is in no way even remotely close to being ran like any power plant here, which is just one reason the Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspects nuke plants every day. My plant has been shutdown 3 times this past year due to backup safety systems having a very slight issue with one component (bearings, etc). These plants are built with backups upon backups and absolutely no nuke plant in this country is in danger of having something like Chernobyl or 3-mile happen.

Nuke waste is now 90% reusable, too. If we hadn't sat on our butts for the past 15 years we could already have sites that could reprocess spent fuel (a la France) which would have already eased our energy needs.

To say "the fewer opportunities we have to blow a nuclear reactor up, the better" is an incredibly unintelligent comment.

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Things will change here in a week or so. Biden will step down with a promise of a cabinet position and Hillary is in. It is in the works. Why else would Bill and Bama have a secret meeting

i'm glad we have an insider that posts here...

if it were a secret meeting then how didsomeone find out about it?

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Things will change here in a week or so. Biden will step down with a promise of a cabinet position and Hillary is in. It is in the works. Why else would Bill and Bama have a secret meeting

Perhaps he's going to give Bill or Hillary a cabinet position, and thus pave the way for Hillary to return as the next Democratic presidential candidate.

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These plants are built with backups upon backups and absolutely no nuke plant in this country is in danger of having something like Chernobyl or 3-mile happen.

So, there is no chance that something which occurred in Pennsylvania could happen in the United States?

You are saying there is no chance, not even a slight possibility, of something going wrong with a nuclear power plant requiring a 30km plot of land to become permanently unusable? Aren't we in some sort of a global war on terror because the boogeyman terrorists are waiting behind every corner to blow up our country?

I'm not even anti-nuclear power, but the problems remain. There are always ways that things can go pear, and when it involves the greatest power that man has discovered, I tend to get a bit leery.

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So, there is no chance that something which occurred in Pennsylvania could happen in the United States?

You are saying there is no chance, not even a slight possibility, of something going wrong with a nuclear power plant requiring a 30km plot of land to become permanently unusable? Aren't we in some sort of a global war on terror because the boogeyman terrorists are waiting behind every corner to blow up our country?

I'm not even anti-nuclear power, but the problems remain. There are always ways that things can go pear, and when it involves the greatest power that man has discovered, I tend to get a bit leery.

All plants are built with missle shield walls. not only will the exterior wall stop the majority of a blow from a missle or large aircraft, but the shield wall will stop the remainder. What you see on the outside is not the only wall. Another large cement barrier is about 8-10 ft inside this wall (another 6ft or so of solid concrete) which would stop, for example, a plane up to about the size of a 747. obviously they aren't Dreamliner tested. Of course there's a slight possibility that something could occur, but you should be more worried about a fire at a chemical plant than terrorism or an accident at a nuke plant.

The events at 3 mile occured because of the lack of safety systems that have since been implemented into all plants.

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The events at 3 mile occured because of the lack of safety systems that have since been implemented into all plants.

They also occurred because like with every other nuclear disaster I've seen to this point, there were substantial human errors and other "unforeseen consequences." All I'm saying is, and something I don't think is too controversial, that there is always the chance for substantial problems in anything humans do. And when it involves something that could potentially make the eastern seaboard uninhabitable, there is at least some reason to worry.

What I'm saying is, build all new plants in Iowa, or eastern Colorado.

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This is a little bit off subject, but I didn't want to start a new thread.


Cheney Linked Hussein to Al-Qaeda, Ex-GOP House Leader Says in Book

A GOP congressional leader who was wavering on giving President Bush the authority to wage war in late 2002 said Vice President Cheney misled him by saying that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had direct personal ties to al-Qaeda terrorists and was making rapid progress toward a suitcase nuclear weapon, according to a new book by Washington Post investigative reporter Barton Gellman.

Cheney's assertions, described by former House majority leader Richard K. Armey (Tex.), came in a highly classified one-on-one briefing in Room H-208, the vice president's hideaway office in the Capitol. The threat Cheney described went far beyond public statements that have been criticized for relying on "cherry-picked" intelligence of unknown reliability. There was no intelligence to support the vice president's private assertions, Gellman reports, and they "crossed so far beyond the known universe of fact that they were simply without foundation."

Armey had spoken out against the coming war, and his opposition gave cover to Democrats who feared the political costs of appearing to be weak. Armey reversed his position after Cheney told him, he said, that the threat from Iraq was actually " more imminent than we want to portray to the public at large."

Cheney said, according to Armey, that Iraq's "ability to miniaturize weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear," had been "substantially refined since the first Gulf War," and would soon result in "packages that could be moved even by ground personnel." Cheney linked that threat to Hussein's alleged ties to al-Qaeda, Armey said, explaining that "we now know they have the ability to develop these weapons in a very portable fashion, and they have a delivery system in their relationship with organizations such as al-Qaeda."

"Did Dick Cheney . . . purposely tell me things he knew to be untrue?" Armey said. "I seriously feel that may be the case. . . . Had I known or believed then what I believe now, I would have publicly opposed [the war] resolution right to the bitter end, and I believe I might have stopped it from happening."

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They also occurred because like with every other nuclear disaster I've seen to this point, there were substantial human errors and other "unforeseen consequences." All I'm saying is, and something I don't think is too controversial, that there is always the chance for substantial problems in anything humans do. And when it involves something that could potentially make the eastern seaboard uninhabitable, there is at least some reason to worry.

What I'm saying is, build all new plants in Iowa, or eastern Colorado.

they were not substantial human errors. the valve that did not close on the main feed pump would not be an issue in today's plants, as there are also auxilary feed pumps that will feed water into the steam generator (even the fire protection system will do this) and thus keep the reactor cool enough. of course, none of this would be an issue because if something like this failed today the reactor would be tripped offline and, in the most extreme case, if ALL feedpumps (main and aux) failed (meaning all 3 main feed and 4 aux feed (nearly impossible)), the reactor would still go into an isolated cold shutdown.

did anyone get hurt or receive a harmful dose at the 3-mile incident? no.

You receive more harmful radiation standing 15 ft from someone who smokes than you do from even working at a nuke plant.

building all power plants in one or two locations in the entire US would just be idiotic, as you have to have enough river water to cool each reactor.

i could go on and on but hopefully this has finally been put to rest.

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"The economy was fine from 2001 to 2006?

1) A 2 1/2 year high means the consumer confidence was lower in the previous 30 months.

2) August 2006, gasoline cost about $3 per gallon. The price went down to $2.19 around election time, but was back up to $3 per gallon by May 2007.

3) Unemployment was over 6% for much of 2003.

4) On October 9, 2007, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at the record level of 14,164.53. The first time it closed over 14,000 was July 19, 2007. By the way, it's currently at approximately the same level it was in October 2006.

5) What did the Democrats do to cause the foreclosures? "

Considering the Y2k bubble burst and so did the jobs that came with the hype, the stick market bubble early on, the dot.com bust, 9-11, two wars and all I'd say YES. the economy was waaaaaaaaay better when the GOP controlled congress.

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Let's not forget President Bush inherited a Clinton recession too, economist argue about when it started re under Clinton or Bush but the fact remains they all agree we were in one long before Bush enacted his economic policies later his first year in office.

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Start at the bottom and work your way up. if you want to know what the MSM won't tell you about Obama and his past and future planes.


Let it be known that I am in favor of future planes, but slightly less than I am in favor of personal rocket-packs, aka jetpacks.

Thank you.

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So the top 5 investment banks are almost no more.

Funny that after over 20 years in senate, and also the 1999 bill, that McCain wants to regulate now. Now he wants to. Now some of the repubs want to put some more rules down for big businesses. They wait till were are in the shitter to try something. And what is it. They want to bail out already rich top level execs, who scrwed up in the first place. But with OUR tax dollars.

*sigh*It seems Mccain's doing or saying anything to try and get into the white house. And with the economy getting worse I cannot trust another republican term.

Btw I luv that his campaign wants a shorter debate time for the VP debate because they say Palin is not experienced in debate. Go figure, them trying to save her. Cannot wait for this friday, and I def cannot want to see Biden and Palin on Oct 2.

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Btw I luv that his campaign wants a shorter debate time for the VP debate because they say Palin is not experienced in debate.

I wonder if that will work when she's staring down Putin. "I'm not really experienced, can you cut me some slack? And you can see Russia from an island in Alaska, where I was governor."

Facing the press is mild compared to functional diplomacy. We can't have 12 straight years of underlings doing the president's job for him/her.

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Funny that after over 20 years in senate, and also the 1999 bill, that McCain wants to regulate now.

Except, let's also put these finance geniuses in charge of social security and health care. Nah...it'll be fine. If they screw up, we'll just bail them out. You know, with the bags of surplus money we have lying around.

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I wonder if that will work when she's staring down Putin. "I'm not really experienced, can you cut me some slack? And you can see Russia from an island in Alaska, where I was governor."

Facing the press is mild compared to functional diplomacy. We can't have 12 straight years of underlings doing the president's job for him/her.

mmhmm... because Obama has a helluva lot of experience dealing with extreme countries, yes? While Russia moves their navy into strategic positions, Obama will sit on his **** and try to do what he does best... talk to them about it. What a scary thought that would be come January when forces in N Korea, Russia, and Iran start stock piling their nukes and manuevering them towards us.

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So the top 5 investment banks are almost no more.

Funny that after over 20 years in senate, and also the 1999 bill, that McCain wants to regulate now. Now he wants to. Now some of the repubs want to put some more rules down for big businesses. They wait till were are in the **** to try something. And what is it. They want to bail out already rich top level execs, who scrwed up in the first place. But with OUR tax dollars.

*sigh*It seems Mccain's doing or saying anything to try and get into the white house. And with the economy getting worse I cannot trust another republican term.

So the Dems want to bail out every consumer who signed up for mortgages they could not afford, and every one else who lives sensible has to pay for it. What a joke.

Have you forgotten that Congress is controlled by your beloved Dems and that THEY are the ones voting to bail out everyone?!?

*sigh*, blame the republicans for the mess that the democractically controlled Congress has put us in.

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