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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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" Someone who is intelligent scares you? Well, perhaps that's why someone like Bush became President and got elected for a second term! Did you vote for Bush?"

No, intellectuals like Obama do though, ideology trumps reality with them. And that man is a gaffe machine. Talking encyclopedias retain lots of info too but they are not capable of thinking outside of their programming.

"McCain's grandmother does not necessarily mean he will live to 95 or not get Alzheimer's disease."

True, but he's been given a clean bill of health. And his skin cancer is not life threatening. Bill Clinton was a governor from a smaller state than Palin too. Palin seems to be pragmatic like Clinton, I long for the days of pragmatism.

Yes I voted for Bush the second time because I didn't like how Kerry turned against his comrades in Viet Nam. The fact is though both were Skull and Bonesmen. I'm sick of elites running the WH.

No more harvard or yale elitist in the WH for a while and no more one party power is what I'd like to see.

I forgot about this one. Bush is an elitist? I mean, you couldn't tell from the way he spoke that he was, err, not like JFK, Johnson, Truman, etc.? Uh--err--ah--hmm...

You got turned off on Kerry because of some personal thing and voted for the "right man for the job."

End of story, and I have other more important things to do, such as play MVP baseball. :)

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"debate called off. that blows. I was looking forward to watching it. "

Probably a god thing if true since that debate was supposed to be about foreign policy and with all that is going on now it would have been about the Wall St crisis.

I don't like the fact pols are rushing this bailout and buck Fush and his proposals, IMO congress shouldn't do anything until the FBI finishes it's investigations first.

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"I forgot about this one. Bush is an elitist? I mean, you couldn't tell from the way he spoke that he was, err, not like JFK, Johnson, Truman, etc.? Uh--err--ah--hmm..."

Bush was a skull and bonesman just like Kerry. No more Yal or Harvard secret handshaking elites is what I believe. And no more one party control.

"You got turned off on Kerry because of some personal thing and voted for the "right man for the job."

I voted for the guy who didn't blow with the wind. At the very least I can respect the fact Bush put his re-election on the line to keep doing what he felt was right. History will judge the Iraq decision and any fool trying to write history before its been played out is either a moron or a partisan.

Do you really think for one minute that if all in Iraq went splendidly that democrats like Kerry wouldn't be bragging about the fact they supported the war at first. Think about it!

Can you just imagine Tom Brady in the face of a blitzing defense looking up to the crowd to see what audible to call? Is that leadership? I think not but it is what most if not all pols do. Bush didn't and that's the reason he got this democrat's vote. McCain wasn't even considered a Republican by Republicans before this election. Think about it!

The country needs a guy like McCain, Obama has nothing but talk and I don't know how the most liberal far-left ticket in the history of this country is going to bring the country together as he promises since his record doesn't match his rhetoric, McCain's does. Weird! We truly live in bizarro-world when words speak LOUDER than actions.

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No, I don't trust a 72 year old man with someone like Sarah Palin to take charge if McCain dies or becomes incapacitated, nor do I want Joe Biden as President. Sticking to the choice of McCain and Obama, I think Obama is more intelligent and a safer choice to at least live out the four years without dying, becoming incapacitated, or getting Alzheimers.

so now you're discrimnating based on age? you could die from a stroke or car accident tomorrow, so maybe your employer should just go ahead and fire you. doesn't make much sense, now, does it?

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please quote/reference your sources






My personal favorite, from fark:

"Frail old man runs from African American asking for change."

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The debate has yet to be called off. McCain is calling for it to be postponed, and Obama is against that.

McCain is looking like a coward right now. He has not voted in any way, shape or form since April, now he wants to run back to Washington and play Superman. Give me a break.

The people of the United States of America HAS to see what 8 years of Republican "RULE" has done to your country. I can't imagine voting for Four more.

This "Crisis" is only going to hurt McCain, and it should. Bush will pop up on television tonight, and try and spread his fear-mongering, and people like Elizabeth Hasslebeck will fall for it. I only hope that the majority of the public sees this speech for what it will be: A sad little man trying to instill enough fear into the masses, so he will be able to push through yet another pathetic attempt at justifying eight years of constant mistakes.


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The people of the United States of America HAS to see what 8 years of Republican "RULE" has done to your country. I can't imagine voting for Four more.

Hey DJ, it looks like I have enough points as of now to immigrate to Canada, or at least I will when my fiance has her ph.D. Hopefully the system won't have changed from people desperate to escape the US.

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Hey Obama will make a huge mistake to call off the debate, and I dont think he will. McCain is stalling for time, and it is evident. He is not ready to tangle with Obama, yet he calls out Obama on the debate issues. Obama, if he is smart, should pounce now, while the polls have shifted to his favor.

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I guess in all his age and "experience", McCain hasn't yet acquired a set of cojones to cash the cheques that his mouth is writing.

Seriously. What else can this work for? My rent is due some time next week, can I say the financial crisis is freaking me out too much to write the thing? A debate takes 90 minutes, if you're not ready to hold a debate at the drop of a hat, you don't deserve to be president anyway.

The best part is McCain acting like this was his idea. Obama called him at 8:30 this morning to work out a bipartisan solution, and now McCain is trying to steal his thunder.

As wonkette said, "Has there ever been another presidential campaign that consisted solely of dumb muppet stunts?"

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I cannot wait until November. If only the polls could show how many newly registered voters are going for Obama. All the work that was put into the ground registration game is really going to pay off. Not to mention, at my college and my friends college the huge majority of voters want Obama in. Young people love him and for once are looking at the future. We are not thrilled about other possible conflicts with countries abroad and more taxes, so no McCain for us.

Hooray for Obamas tax plan, and hooray for regulation(hopefully).

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I cannot wait until November. If only the polls could show how many newly registered voters are going for Obama. All the work that was put into the ground registration game is really going to pay off. Not to mention, at my college and my friends college the huge majority of voters want Obama in. Young people love him and for once are looking at the future. We are not thrilled about other possible conflicts with countries abroad and more taxes, so no McCain for us.

Hooray for Obamas tax plan, and hooray for regulation(hopefully).

As it is, I pity whoever is going to be sworn in as president on 1.20.09. I'm obviously a big fan of Obama, but I think BushCo's problems are too great for us to solve. Two losing wars, a financial system in crisis, no social programs whatsoever, in mountains of debt to China, a wrecked environment, and so on. There's no way we can fix these things.

At least the right wing will gets its wish: its deregulation has destroyed universal health care. Suck it, poor people.

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My personal favorite, from fark:

"Frail old man runs from African American asking for change."

thanks for that. I didn't think I would have to since its the biggest news story of the day haha. I think Obama should just show up for the debate and if McCain doesn't show....it will just be an Obama q&a session.

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"Hey Obama will make a huge mistake to call off the debate, and I dont think he will. McCain is stalling for time, and it is evident. He is not ready to tangle with Obama, yet he calls out Obama on the debate issues. Obama, if he is smart, should pounce now, while the polls have shifted to his favor."

That's funny since he didn't do so well in his democrat primary debates and if it weren't for the silly way dems run their primaries and award their delegates Hillary would have been the nominee. I don't think John McCain fears a guy who believes there are 57 states, or that Iran is a tiny country that is no threat to the world etc... Has Obama ever heard of Japan?

McCain was smart to postpone the foreign policy debate because it wouldn't have been about foreign policy at all with the Wall St crisis going on. Not unlike the young ones that support him Obama is all talk, he's never walked the walk nor has he ever been in a tight race like he is now. It will be fun to watch those debates, Obama's one line quips are getting tiresome and the MSM won't be able to protect him in the three debates against McCain since the American people WILL BE paying attention to those unlike the primaries were around 36 million voted for dems there will be 160 million voting in the general.

And can somebody explain what "we are the ones we've been waiting for" means? We who? We marxist? I'm pretty sure that's not even a sentence in the English language and that guy is Harvard educated?

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"As it is, I pity whoever is going to be sworn in as president on 1.20.09. I'm obviously a big fan of Obama, but I think BushCo's problems are too great for us to solve. Two losing wars, a financial system in crisis, no social programs whatsoever, in mountains of debt to China, a wrecked environment, and so on. There's no way we can fix these things."

Hillary is laughing that's for sure. You're right though Sean, the next POTUS is going to be saddled with the next four years and its not going to be pretty for who ever it is. And where do you get this idea we are losing two wars? Did professor tell you that?

"At least the right wing will gets its wish: its deregulation has destroyed universal health care. Suck it, poor people. "

Barney Frank got his wish, that deregulation BS is pure propaganda. Fannie was a GSE not a private organization and it was people like Barney Frank who wanted poor folks in homes he knew they couldn't afford. Most of the policies you're talking about were put in place under Clinton at the recomendation of Rubin.

DO you care to explain exactly which policies Bush put in place or which reforms Bush blocked? I've already posted a Bill which McCain co-sponsored and McCain actually predicted what happened last week within that Bill, dems blocked that Bill not Bush. Stop listening to professor and the hyperbole and check the FACTS.

Obama is a slick Chicago pol who has people living vicariously through him on his journey of self discovery. I find it rather bizarre myself but you youngins will just have to learn that the hard way I suppose.

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"At least the right wing will gets its wish: its deregulation has destroyed universal health care. Suck it, poor people. "

Everything that big government touches turns to crap. Why do you believe universal healthcare would be run better than the post office?

Thomas Sowell said it best:

"Virtually everything that the government does costs more than when the same thing is done in private industry -- whether it is building housing, running prisons, collecting garbage, or innumerable other things. Why in the world would we imagine that health care would be the exception?" --Thomas Sowell

National Healthcare, the efficiency of the Post Office and the compassion of the IRS, at Pentagon prices.

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"Virtually everything that the government does costs more than when the same thing is done in private industry -- whether it is building housing, running prisons, collecting garbage, or innumerable other things. Why in the world would we imagine that health care would be the exception?" --Thomas Sowell

National Healthcare, the efficiency of the Post Office and the compassion of the IRS, at Pentagon prices.

Boy, Wall Street is just doing perfectly these days, isn't it? Let's privatize social security!

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Barney Frank got his wish, that deregulation BS is pure propaganda.

Please god tell me how Frank managed to control the Republican congress of the last 12 years. I will love, love, love to hear this.

Fannie was a GSE not a private organization and it was people like Barney Frank who wanted poor folks in homes he knew they couldn't afford.

Tell me, where did Frank deal with avoiding regulation of ARMs which caused this whole issue? First, the institution of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, and then the Republican congress forced through the repeal of Glass-Steagel. The CRA had a minute affect; its potential negative effects should've been managed by regulations already in place.

Then, in 2002-2003, the treasury itself was on a dereg bent and opposed state intervention to oppose predatory loans. Inaction is as bad as bad action; predatory loans were allowed to go unabated and without governmental oversight.

Most of the policies you're talking about were put in place under Clinton at the recomendation of Rubin.

A total misinterpretation of events.

DO you care to explain exactly which policies Bush put in place or which reforms Bush blocked? I've already posted a Bill which McCain co-sponsored and McCain actually predicted what happened last week within that Bill, dems blocked that Bill not Bush. Stop listening to professor and the hyperbole and check the FACTS.


The reactions to 9/11, where citizens were told, by Bush's government, to spend wildly in order to "beat the terrorists" is a perfect example of this pathetic government's complicity in these events. Others, above.

Obama is a slick Chicago pol who has people living vicariously through him on his journey of self discovery. I find it rather bizarre myself but you youngins will just have to learn that the hard way I suppose.

Don't confuse your overwhelming feeling of self-worth for wisdom, and you especially should not be patronizing. This has nothing to do with youth, as you have consistently refused to post hard facts to back up your absolute certainty.

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That's funny since he didn't do so well in his democrat primary debates and if it weren't for the silly way dems run their primaries and award their delegates Hillary would have been the nominee. I don't think John McCain fears a guy who believes there are 57 states, or that Iran is a tiny country that is no threat to the world etc... Has Obama ever heard of Japan?

As opposed to a man who thinks:

* Czechoslovakia is a country

* Spain is in Latin America

* Iran is Sunni

* Iran is training Al Qaeda

* he can fire the SEC chairman

* the fundamentals of our economy last week, but in turmoil this week

* Dr. MLK doesn't deserve a holiday

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Everything that big government touches turns to crap. Why do you believe universal healthcare would be run better than the post office?

For all the Conservative "bullspit" about "big government", what the hell do you call the Patriot Act? What the hell do you call the bail out? How are those, ESPECIALLY THE PATRIOT ACT, not big government?

So answer my question, you, directly: How is the Patriot Act NOT big government? Answer it or fail, because I'm sick and tired about hearing about this "big government" crap.


Ask any historian, laissez-faire economics and de-regulation caused the Great Depression. Social programs and "big government" saved us from an even deeper hole.

While we're at it, let's get rid of this "Party of Lincoln" stupidity. Abraham Lincoln was against state's rights and is nothing resembling a Republican today. What do you call the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War? BIG GOVERNMENT

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So, what does everything think about McCain not wanting to be at the debate on Friday?

The school already spent 5 million dollars on it and said they are still going ahead with it. Obama said he was still going though. A friend of mine said that this wouldn't be a problem. They can just a cardboard cut-out of McCain and just put it on the stage.

My personal favorite, from fark:

"Frail old man runs from African American asking for change."


As opposed to a man who thinks:

* Czechoslovakia is a country

* Spain is in Latin America

* Iran is Sunni

* Iran is training Al Qaeda

* he can fire the SEC chairman

* the fundamentals of our economy last week, but in turmoil this week

* Dr. MLK doesn't deserve a holiday


The last is just sad.

PS I just got home ... sorry if I brought up something that people may have been talking about.

Is it me or was Bush trying to use scare tactics in his speech? And was he correct when he was explaining what led up to this mess?

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What do you youngins know about Obama's mentors?

We know more about a statetrooper that still has his job than we do about Obama's asscociations with these marxist.

Frank Marshall Davis -proud CPUSA member and Obama's childhood mentor

William Ayers & Bernadine Doran -proud marxist and American terrorist and friends of Obama

Rev Wright -antiSemite, America hater and marxist liberation theologist besides being Obama's mentor the last twenty years.

Tony Rezco -Obama bundler, Syrian national and convicted criminal that bought house next to Obama same day Obama bought his, also sold Obama piece of land.

Stokely Carmichael -marxist revolutionary/Black separatist and with admiration the subject of Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis

Kwame Toure aka Stokely Carmichael -Obama's inspiration from Columbia days, see above

Father Fleger -Catholic liberation theologist who admires rabid anti-Semite Louis Farakan

The American people aren't stupid and 69% of those polled by Rasmussen believe the media is in the tank for Obama. McCain and the 527s will educate the Ameircan public about Obama's dubious associations and choice of mentors.

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"Boy, Wall Street is just doing perfectly these days, isn't it? Let's privatize social security! "

Wall St will recover and yes I would love to take 5% of the money I'll never see by the time I retire to invest in the stock market and keep.

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