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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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Please god tell me how Frank managed to control the Republican congress of the last 12 years. I will love, love, love to hear this.

"I do not believe that we're facing any kind of crisis." Barney Frank 2003 - That Barney Frank?

I didn't say Frank controlled congress you did.


"A total misinterpretation of events."

From the year 2000:

The Trillion-Dollar Bank Shakedown That Bodes Ill for Cities



The reactions to 9/11, where citizens were told, by Bush's government, to spend wildly in order to "beat the terrorists" is a perfect example of this pathetic government's complicity in these events. Others, above."

I suppose you were one that believed on 9-12-2001 that we wouldn't be hit again here on our shores for the next 7 years eh?

Has Bush done anything right to keep us safe in your opinion?

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So answer my question, you, directly: How is the Patriot Act NOT big government? Answer it or fail, because I'm sick and tired about hearing about this "big government" crap.

You mean the one Joe Biden bragged that Ashcroft stole from him? That PA?

In 1995 Joe Biden Basically Wrote The PATRIOT Act.


"I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill" -Joe Biden

Any time you all want to compare McCain/Palin vs Obama/Biden gaffes let me know. : )

Please don't tell me your like the MSM and just take the Obama talking points and spin for fact without checking it out first. If so you could be a 'journalist' too. : )

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"Ask any historian, laissez-faire economics and de-regulation caused the Great Depression. Social programs and "big government" saved us from an even deeper hole."

You consider GSEs laissez-faire economics? WWII finally took us out of it, FDR programs just put a selected handful of connected people to work in comparison to the greater problem. Some economist believe FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression.


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Obama is the Edward Bernays of politics. He has people living vicariously through him on his journey of self-discovery and if you vote for Obama you can shed White guilt as a bonus. Support Barack and you too can be wonderful just like Oprah. LOL!

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"While we're at it, let's get rid of this "Party of Lincoln" stupidity. Abraham Lincoln was against state's rights and is nothing resembling a Republican today. What do you call the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War? BIG GOVERNMENT"

No doubt about it. Over the years BOTH parties moved to the Left. The GOP is about where JFK was and the Democrat party is where Castro and Hugo Chavez is these days.

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It kind of reminds me of JFK v. Nixon, where the Rep. screwed everything up so badly, the people said enough, we will go with the guy who doesnt have alot of experience, but he has enough experience.

You know, all I hear is how bad the economy is. I heard all the talk from Bush and McCain on how "fundamentally sound" the economy is. The Dems knew this was coming, and now its here. I just wanted to punch McCain in the face everytime I heard him say the economy was fine.

Now he is gonna try and use this bill as a way to garner more approval on him as a commander and chief. Its not gonna happen, because for one, he isnt on the commitee, and 2 it will be behind closed doors, where he isnt allowed. He will have to try and sway the conservative reps. into voting for this bill as is. By him being this "Maverick" good luck with that. Alot of these conservative reps. are gonna try and block it, and run against it come election time. If this bill passes, it will be by the slimmest of margins. If McCain is so dead for this bill, and it fails, sucks to be him.

I for one, hope it fails, because there isnt enough transparency on it, and it really isnt all that clear on where all the money is going to go, or whom it will help.

Now if the bill fails and he doesnt show up in Mississippi, theres your double whammy and game over.

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What do you youngins know about Obama's mentors?

We know more about a statetrooper that still has his job than we do about Obama's asscociations with these marxist.

Frank Marshall Davis -proud CPUSA member and Obama's childhood mentor

William Ayers & Bernadine Doran -proud marxist and American terrorist and friends of Obama

Rev Wright -antiSemite, America hater and marxist liberation theologist besides being Obama's mentor the last twenty years.

Tony Rezco -Obama bundler, Syrian national and convicted criminal that bought house next to Obama same day Obama bought his, also sold Obama piece of land.

Stokely Carmichael -marxist revolutionary/Black separatist and with admiration the subject of Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis

Kwame Toure aka Stokely Carmichael -Obama's inspiration from Columbia days, see above

Father Fleger -Catholic liberation theologist who admires rabid anti-Semite Louis Farakan

The American people aren't stupid and 69% of those polled by Rasmussen believe the media is in the tank for Obama. McCain and the 527s will educate the Ameircan public about Obama's dubious associations and choice of mentors.

It looks like Palins list is growing, so hope you are keeping score with that as well. By the way, alot of this stuff is old, and Obama has either seperated himself from, or has been aquitted of most of these people. Thats why even Fox doesnt bring it up anymore. Racism is apart of the American fabric, which is sad to say, but its the same with anyone. I bet, at the core of Palins being, she is racist just a bit. Im willing to bet on that. Im not trying to use the racist card, but I am pointing out the references to Wright and others.

Obama is gonna win this election based on the economy and not foriegn policy. Foriegn policy will be second in line now, since the reps are using the scare tactic that the economy is gonna crumble? LMFAO!!! The economy is in decline, which by definition is a recession, not depression. This 700 billion will be a waste of tax money, and the reps are gonna pay dearly. Rep = big spender, always has.

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"Obama is gonna win this election based on the economy and not foriegn policy. Foriegn policy will be second in line now, since the reps are using the scare tactic that the economy is gonna crumble? LMFAO!!! The economy is in decline, which by definition is a recession, not depression. This 700 billion will be a waste of tax money, and the reps are gonna pay dearly. Rep = big spender, always has."

That may be so, but I wouldn't count McCain out just yet. The MSM already made that mistake once. It isn't only the Republicans saying that either, Obama himself has said the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. It doesn't bode well for him if that's true and he's not in DC finding a solution. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Obama should be running away with this thing but he's not, I don't believe its because of his race but because of his inexperience and his dubious associations. IMO, people just don't trust him.

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thanks for that. I didn't think I would have to since its the biggest news story of the day haha. I think Obama should just show up for the debate and if McCain doesn't show....it will just be an Obama q&a session.

well, obviously you did have to post a reference since it turned out to be a false statement.

still waiting for your link that says where it was actually called off.........

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It was not called off. Mccain is just not showing up. The place its being held is still holding it and Obama is still supposed to show up.


P.S. everyone should see this vid if you really want more insight into what has been going on this past week


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It kind of reminds me of JFK v. Nixon, where the Rep. screwed everything up

except JFK would be considered more of a republican than mccain today.

"Boy, Wall Street is just doing perfectly these days, isn't it? Let's privatize social security! "

Wall St will recover and yes I would love to take 5% of the money I'll never see by the time I retire to invest in the stock market and keep.

seriously. social security will not be there 20 years from now. give it to people who actually know how to control their money and let them save it how they want to. plus it would be putting it back into the market, which sounds like it'd be a pretty good thing to do during these times, yes?

it would be interesting to know peoples' age who post on here... whether or not they're actually in the post-college workforce out making a living on their own or still suckin on their parents' proverbial teet.

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it would be interesting to know peoples' age who post on here... whether or not they're actually in the post-college workforce out making a living on their own or still suckin on their parents' proverbial teet.

At this rate with the economy... everyone is going to be sucking on the proverbial teet.

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You consider GSEs laissez-faire economics? WWII finally took us out of it, FDR programs just put a selected handful of connected people to work in comparison to the greater problem. Some economist believe FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression.

Did I call today's current situation laissez-faire eonomics? Please do not take other people out of context and try to "put words in my mouth". Some economists; two from UCLA, Conservapedia, and a book, say so.

No doubt about it. Over the years BOTH parties moved to the Left. The GOP is about where JFK was and the Democrat party is where Castro and Hugo Chavez is these days.

So you're calling Democrats communists, huh? Please, explain more.

What do you youngins know about Obama's mentors?

Besides the fact that you have no details or sources to support your claims, what do you know about the Keating Five? Rick Davis? Pastor Muthee? Also, please give sources and details about the relationships of these people.

You mean the one Joe Biden bragged that Ashcroft stole from him? That PA?

In 1995 Joe Biden Basically Wrote The PATRIOT Act.


"I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill" -Joe Biden

Any time you all want to compare McCain/Palin vs Obama/Biden gaffes let me know. : )

Please don't tell me your like the MSM and just take the Obama talking points and spin for fact without checking it out first. If so you could be a 'journalist' too. : )

Besides the fact that it's a quote taken out of context and no sources are cited from a BLOG, you didn't even answer the question.

Is it, Biden "pre-cursor" or not, something you would call big government? Something that's been supported wholly by the Conservative right?

It is ridiculous to rail on the mainstream media for not fact checking or citing sources when one person does not present any by his or herself.

Please, if you're going to try and construct an argument, at least bring details and more than just shady or out of context "sources".

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What do you youngins know about Obama's mentors?

We know more about a statetrooper that still has his job than we do about Obama's asscociations with these marxist.

Frank Marshall Davis -proud CPUSA member and Obama's childhood mentor

William Ayers & Bernadine Doran -proud marxist and American terrorist and friends of Obama

Rev Wright -antiSemite, America hater and marxist liberation theologist besides being Obama's mentor the last twenty years.

Tony Rezco -Obama bundler, Syrian national and convicted criminal that bought house next to Obama same day Obama bought his, also sold Obama piece of land.

Stokely Carmichael -marxist revolutionary/Black separatist and with admiration the subject of Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis

Kwame Toure aka Stokely Carmichael -Obama's inspiration from Columbia days, see above

Father Fleger -Catholic liberation theologist who admires rabid anti-Semite Louis Farakan

The American people aren't stupid and 69% of those polled by Rasmussen believe the media is in the tank for Obama. McCain and the 527s will educate the Ameircan public about Obama's dubious associations and choice of mentors.

Frank Marshall Davis: Was close to Obama and was in the Communist Party in the 50's, although the allegation that he was influential is skeptical at best. Also, if you're trying to imply that Obama is a communist because Frank Davis was... then I give you Nazi War machine profiteer and financial supplier Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush. So if Frank Marshall is said to make Obama a closet communist... What does that make George Bush?

William Ayers/Doran: Not a "friend" of Obama, but an acquaintance (both served on a community board of education in Chicago), and donated $200 to the Obama re-election campaign for State Senate. Now a respected member of the University of Chicago, not a "terrorist". The link is a stretch, at best.


Reverend Wright: We've been through this before, and Obama has renounced anything anti-american that Reverend Wright has said. If you think he's bad, see Sarah Palin's pastor.

Tony Rezko- An American citizen, offered a job to Barack Obama as a young lawyer, which he turned down. The same firm Obama worked for represented Rezko, not Obama. Bought a strip of land next to Obama's new house, which he bought off of a negotiated price, and bought a strip of land next to it. A shady convict, donated large sums of money to the 2004 Obama campaign.

Not the best of characters, but nothing illegal (unlike the Keating Five) was done involving Barack Obama. Any of the tainted $10,000 Obama received was donated to charity.



Stokely Carmichael: Radical Black Panther who isin no way linked to Michelle or Barack Obama, except from Right Wing nutjob and extremist Jim Corsi's propaganda. Ridiculous to try and paint Stokely Carmichael as an Obama "mentor". Ridiculous.

Father Phleger/Louis Farrakhan: Both men are in no way directly linked or related to Barack Obama, and also another ridiculous Conservative act of propaganda which has no merit whatsoever.

Notice how I cited LEGITIMATE sources? See? See? Stop trying to falsely link Obama to people who have very little relevance to who the man is.

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"That may be so, but I wouldn't count McCain out just yet. The MSM already made that mistake once. It isn't only the Republicans saying that either, Obama himself has said the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. It doesn't bode well for him if that's true and he's not in DC finding a solution. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Obama should be running away with this thing but he's not, I don't believe its because of his race but because of his inexperience and his dubious associations. IMO, people just don't trust him.

McCain is using this as his own personal political agenda. You cant see that? He is trying to take credit for something that isnt his. The economy is a democratic strongpoint, and McCain is ingnorant on it. Obama was in DC, or dont you watch TV? This bill is gonna fail, because Reps. cant stand McCain anymore. They have found out what he is about. Read through all of the rhetoric and you will see the small print in front of your face.

Obama will run away with this election, because of one person...Palin!!! The more she keeps talking, the more we find out about her ability to lead. What did she say about Putin rearing his head? The Russian military in our airspace....where do they go? I know where *POOF* just like Palin in less than a month, after McCain replaces her, to stir up new interest in the party again.

Well we narrowed you down, didnt we? :lol:

By the way, when I mention JFK, it takes an education to understand that mans way of thinking. Wether you have been to college or not, you can still learn about him in many ways. Why would you classify this man as a republican today? Because he stood up to the Russians? I guess F.D. Roosevelt would be considered a Republican too than in your eyes?

McCain is going down, and I would advise you to hop off that ship before you go down with it. I was a republican until I finally woke my a$$ up and saw the light. Im not a dem either, but I know the best candidate for this time in history, and its not McCain. He helped to deregulate banking, and now he wants to deregulate the health care industry as well. I hope the next 4 years dont destroy us as a nation under Tom Cruise...oh my bad, I misspoke about the real Maverick.

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This is Palins exact quote about Russia.....hmm anyone have that video on youtube with "The Iraq" contestant?

"It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where — where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is — from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to ... to our state," she said.

I personally think as US Americans, we should really watch this video of Miss S. Carolina.........but first read Palins quote :lol: You just cant make this stuff up, especially with beauty pageant winners like these two.


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Obama should be running away with this thing but he's not, I don't believe its because of his race but because of his inexperience and his dubious associations. IMO, people just don't trust him.

If he was white he would be up by 20 points, It is just flat out shocking when canvasing or doing phone banks here in Cincinnati. 9 out of 10 people who say they are voting for McSame say they are doing so because they will not vote for a black man

I have had contacted with over 1300 people (yes I keep a log) who will vote for McCain and 90% (1174 of 1307) are doing so JUST BECAUSE Obama is black

Maybe it is not like that in the rest of the country but it is in Ohio, Ohio has 20 electoral votes, those 20 electoral votes decided the last two elections.

If he loses it is because of race and nothing else, Ohio is polling 1.2 points toward McCain. The color of Obama's skin is costing him Ohio

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If he was white he would be up by 20 points, It is just flat out shocking when canvasing or doing phone banks here in Cincinnati. 9 out of 10 people who say they are voting for McSame say they are doing so because they will not vote for a black man

I have had contacted with over 1300 people (yes I keep a log) who will vote for McCain and 90% (1174 of 1307) are doing so JUST BECAUSE Obama is black

Maybe it is not like that in the rest of the country but it is in Ohio, Ohio has 20 electoral votes, those 20 electoral votes decided the last two elections.

If he loses it is because of race and nothing else, Ohio is polling 1.2 points toward McCain. The color of Obama's skin is costing him Ohio

I'm the last person who actually comments in a political thread but really what Kraw is posting is not political, so I guess that can give me a pass and I can comment on it.

Kraw, I am not doubting on what you are saying is true or not, but if this is the case in Ohio, don't you think Obama's numbers will be worse down south. I mean just from what I am getting out of your post you are saying that the color of his skin is costing him in your state. My guess is that it will be worse in Mississippi and Alabama, just to name two southern states.

And if I'm wrong about this, just tell me. And that means anyone. I was just curious about Kraw's post. I really have no political interest at all.

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The south isn't as bad across the board as everyone thinks it is. That said, there are some folks in the south that would never vote for an N-word. A large number of young voters will be turning out in the South for the first time, however.

Here's an article that suggests that in my home state, North Carolina, McCain only has a 3-8 percent lead over Obama. Which is still a McCain lead, but it astounds me. Makes me wish I still lived there so I could cast my vote.

Racism in the south flourished as a result of poverty and general identity issues during the Reconstruction Era, and was passed down generation to generation. Racism continues as a reflex of issues of class and co-habitation in the south more than other regions, because there is a greater number of African-Americans in the south than in other regions.

However, we're two generations out from Civil Rights at this point, and race relations have improved substantially. It's not a shining utopia, but Afro American-Caucasian relations have improved (though actually, members of both groups are fostering racism toward Hispanics, specifically Mexicans). Younger voters have organized across the South, and Obama beat Clinton in the primary (though one might argue that there's also prejudice against gender).

The south also has the highest amount of African-Americans, and if they were mobilized to vote (though it would be wrong to generalize that they would all vote for Obama, many see this as a symbolic occasion, and African-American southerners tend to vote Democratic), they could probably sway the election in the south.

It's sometimes disheartening to be a southerner, to face the stereotypes and know that the negative ones all have bases in truth. Talledega Nights is a funny film, but it makes me uncomfortable that it was filmed in my hometown and that it gets so many negative things correct. This election might be a good opportunity for southerners to make a good showing, to go against stereotypes, though of course there are other things to overcome -- the perception that the Republican Party = Christians / Democrats = Godless Communist Heathens, for instance, plays into Obama's electability as much as, if not more so, than his race does.

Jesus, what an essay. I'm done now.

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I have had contacted with over 1300 people (yes I keep a log) who will vote for McCain and 90% (1174 of 1307) are doing so JUST BECAUSE Obama is black

Maybe it is not like that in the rest of the country but it is in Ohio, Ohio has 20 electoral votes, those 20 electoral votes decided the last two elections.

If he loses it is because of race and nothing else, Ohio is polling 1.2 points toward McCain. The color of Obama's skin is costing him Ohio

Thanks Kraw, its the same with me. Cuyohoga Cty. is democratic, and probably the most democratic in Ohio. I get the same thing as you do. My brother and his friends give the same answer. Hes what I ask him.

I say who are you voting for? He tells me McCain.

I ask why do you want 4 more years of Bush politics? He tells me, why not, its better than a black man running the country.

Now this is exactly the kind of stupidity I want to slap out of people, including my brother. America wasnt built on this principle, granted that there were no blacks running for public office in the 1700's. I wonder why?

Anyway, to get back on subject, Ohio is about as racist as the south when it comes to electing black officials. Cuyohoga County, where Stephanie Tubbs Jones was from (may she rest in peace) is a tolerant county. Thats why it has been democratic for who knows how long.

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