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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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Hey Sen-O, Life isnt fair, if people get lose something in their lives because of the free market than tough. Thats life. And even if that happens, the free market is the only plausible working kind of market we can have.

I know life isn't fair, that's why as a civilized society we try to keep the very bad people from hurting others. But the right wing believes in a financial religion that is the direct cause of the current crisis, and yet has decided total intransigence is the best reaction. The more I read about the bailout, the more I oppose it, because it's far too much of a boon to the same radical right-wing economics that got us into this.

We need checks and balances, and the government to actually help out its citizenry, rather than believing in a radical cult. The two biggest economic disasters of the last 30 years took place in a climate of extreme deregulation. That's not a coincidence.

DD, it's not your job, or your responsibility, to police this forum. If you have a problem with what someone types, prove him wrong, don't go after the refs.

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sorry, king, i didn't realize that you let the left-wingers say whatever they want to towards mccain supporters. thanks for proving to everyone what a double standard there is here. but, wait, it must be our fault, right?

Relax, duckdodger.

Sean O gets worked up over his opinions the same way you do, I do, and many other people around here do.

If somebody says something you feel is not relevant to the discussion/argument at hand, you can mention it - but there's no need to get so 'angry.' The reason I say that is - if you really do think Sean or anyone else isn't being "respectful" than simply say that - don't "sink to their level" and also become argumentative and disruptful.

I am fully aware that you are at-odds with Sean's political views. So am I - being that I am a Republican and McCain supporter.

And if you think Sean is being unfair to you - there is a better way to work around it - PM him, or even me or another staff member if you think you need some other perspective in here. No need to get involved in "shouting matches" - it doesn't help anything.

It seems you are under the impression that Sean O is throwing his "staff-weight" around in here. I don't think he is - but if he ever goes back and notices himself doing that - I am sure he would apologize for it. But, just because he is staff - if he disagrees with you - that doesn't mean it's a "Staff versus User" thing. It's just a "User versus User" thing, where one user HAPPENS to be a staff member.

However - there is no need for you to say other people aren't entitled to their opinions, even if you don't feel they express them in a way you would consider 'intelligent.' So, you yourself should also refrain from telling people to "leave the thread," as it were.

All that mish-mash being said - you ARE correct, in my opinion about one thing in particular:

The people in here better figure out a way to disagree without acting like kindegarteners fighting over crayons - or these political threads aren't going to last much longer.

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Thursday night is going to be delicious. We were all a bit disappointed by the lack luster presidential debate. But we know Biden is going to jump on her good and proper. And not in a good way *wink wink*.

Relax your rhetoric.

Alleviate my alliteration.

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Relax your rhetoric.

Alleviate my alliteration.

You can oppose rhetoric, but staff better be pro-alliteration.

The only time I'll post as a staff member rather than a user of this site is when people start telling each other what to do. When I've felt like someone has gone over the line, as someone on "my" side did a few pages ago (doesn't matter who), I've stepped in.

Any other questions to the contrary, a user should PM a staff member if you believe someone is acting out of order.

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With another economic plunge, where does everybody think this takes the election through the stretch run? What does this do for John McCain's attempt on a "game changer", suspending his campaign to "save" the economy, with the rest of the campaign? Does a bailout failure mean that McCain is doomed?

Also, baseball stats deity Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight has Obama with a projected 325 Electoral votes right now.

I'll say this: John McCain has run a terrible campaign. Back in July, I read an article detailing McCain's selection process for VP. McCain was going to go with who he felt like he knew the best, and who he got along with the best. He wasn't going to make a decision based upon what the electorate or party wanted.

John McCain met Sarah Palin once before he selected her. He's relied too much on borderline gimmicks, like Palin and suspending his campaign. It's too late to hit the reset button and abandon a woman who was said to be "disastrous" in mock debates and looked like Miss South Carolina when interviewed by Katie Couric.

The female vote is an important one, but the Palin selection looks like it could kill McCain. Sure, she energizes McCain, but wouldn't Mike Huckabee do the same thing? At least Mike Huckabee has some semblance of experience. Aside from a speech and a post convention bounce, what has Palin done?

Just like envisioning Sarah Palin in the White House does not seem right in the long term, Sarah Palin was not right in the long term for John McCain's campaign. Despite George W. Bush's gaffes, even his campaigns were not this poorly run. Somewhere, Karl Rove is shaking his head.

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They'll get another one sorted out PDQ. Or else it's not just McCain that's doomed.

The bailout is not universally regarded as "the solution", so it's early to jump the gun saying the rest of us are doomed. Let's not forget it's the Republicans who killed this, not the Democrats, with their votes.

I think the fact that John McCain's campaign at this point is reliant on the bailout to save him. The fact that he made such a big deal about it (Let's not forget both candidates voted for it) and now it can't make it through the house at least makes it an "incompletion" on his hail mary attempt. Essentially, the fact that he won't gain any ground on this issue (Obama is said to have a 6 or 7 point lead right now), does not bode well for him.

6 or 7 points is easy to make up in June or July. October? Not so much. It's not so much IF McCain can gain back ground, but HOW. How does he manipulate the issues? You know he's not going to blow out Obama in any debates. He can't dump Palin. Barring some kind of catastrophic national security issue arising between now and November 4th, the focus is on the economy, and that's not going to help McCain.

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I humbly disagree. Has Biden ever dealt with Vladimir Putin and the Russians?


Explain the above to liberal professor and watch him foam at the mouth and flunk you ****. : )

I'd only flunk you if you were taking my class at a public institution. :wink:


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sh*t sandwich, but better than any alternatives. I think the dems caved too much when it came to regulation and making sure wall street pays for what they did. Not that it matters, since it went down in flames, taking the Dow / S&P / TSX with it.

Well, I guess we finally agree on something. I personally wish we didn't have to do it, but it seems like the only choice. I think that this crisis is no single party's fault. It is the fault of the consumers for getting loans they should have known they could not repay, the financial institutions for issuing loans they knew would not be repaid, and the government for regulating Wall Street too much. All I can say is that I hope we get out of this soon.

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Someone answer me this?

How can McCain pass blame and then say now is not the time to pass blame? He is a walking contradiction, and it makes me sick. He is running a fearmonger campaign, and he hasnt done anything to sell his candidacy. All he has done is smear Obama in every possible way, and bring on board a nobody VP nominee. Sure Obama is a nobody nominee, but he was the elected nominee. JFK was a nobody nominee but quickly proved that he had what it took, just like Obama. Over the next month and a half, your gonna see this good ol' boy McCain, fall on his face. If I see one more ad talking about lies, I swear I will throw something through something. McCain has never read Obamas plan, nor did he listen to Obamas nomination speech. I cant wait until the final count of the electorates this election. This is gonna be way to easy. I think the American people are smarter than this, and I hope I am not wrong. My Euro friends already think Americans are stupid, lets hope he doesnt prove me wrong.

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If I see one more ad talking about lies, I swear I will throw something through something.

I am tired of seeing lies too.

Use factcheck.org - it's your friend.

Count 'em up - the number of campaign ads that are completely and utterly fabricated coming out of the Obama camp... versus the number coming from the McCain camp.

You would hope both numbers would be 0. Sadly, that is not the case.

In fact - the last count I read was something AROUND (I say around because I am going from memory here, and am too lazy to go count them myself) 8 for the Obama campaign and 1 for the McCain campaign.

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Here's another site, but a tad more vague.

I have 3 John McCain lies just off the top of my head. We better check that "scorecard" again.

One of the central themes of John McCain's campaign is that Barack Obama is going to raise taxes; only for the richest people. Taxes would actually be HIGHER under John McCain for the majority of us. That stands out more than anything, because it's as blatant as they come.

Edit: The St. Pete site has a scorecard.

John McCain

True: 26

Mostly True: 24

Half True: 19

Barely True: 27

False: 24

"Pants on Fire": 6

Barack Obama

True: 43

Mostly True: 26

Half True: 26

Barely True: 15

False: 20

"Pants on Fire": 1

So the St. Pete Times has John McCain in the lead for telling lies. I guess it's just that dang ol' Liberal Media though, right?

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I wonder if it's too late for Bloomberg to run. LOL

FactCheck is good. I can't wait for what they'll say about the VP debate.

Today at work, the rumor that has been spreading (thanks to AM NY newspaper last week and an article on Scopes this week) is that Biden will drop out due to health reasons and Hillary will take over. I vaguely reading an idea like that many pages ago here but for another reason. Within minutes of sending an e-mail to his friends, my coworker got about 10 responses back on his blackberry. He doesn't want Hillary but thought it would add more drama to an already drama-packed election season. LOL

If nothing has happened with the bailout package by Thursday, how much of the debate will be about this and which VP candidate would do better regarding this?

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Virus alert...

If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" in the subject

line, do not open it. It might contain a virus.

If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton," do not open

it. It might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton.

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Hey Reps, guess what? If Palin gets a family emergency later tonight, she is done. If McCain pulls her, hes done, and if he doesnt, hes done. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and Im sick of the run around answers she gives on questions. McCain is to tempremental and he is getting worse. Palin is now down to 30% in the favorability poll for women, down from 47%. People can see through the Miss S.Carolina dumb act. "Such as er the Iraq" :lol: Thats what Palins answers sound like.

I being Joe 6 pack, am disgusted to think she just called herself that. She is nothing like me or any of you. At least most of you know something on foreign policy and that living in Alaska doesnt give you foriegn policy experience....sheesh. Can she please just answer one question with a definitive answer? How did this woman become govenor?

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As much as I dislike Sarah Palin and think she has no place in the White House, if you're as inexperienced as she is and are put in the position of Vice Presidential Nominee... what are you supposed to do? Dance around questions and try and fake it is all you can do. She's in a no-win situation.

Which is OK by me.

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Im just tired of the run around answers that dont even really address the questions being asked of her. Hilary, as much as I never liked her holier than thou attitude, addressed questions with intelligence and vigor. She knows her information and gives it freely. Now I have to ask again, for those who are voting for the lesser of two evils, which is the lesser evil now? After the Des Moine debacle for McCain, he is gonna lose Iowa. Hes losing in Ohio by 8 points, and yes that is a true poll. Its even on the local news as well. We are voting early this year, and I am doing so when allowed. We will get a decisive number even before the elction, as early numbers start to come in. This is gonna be a wash for Obama, you wait and see. When Palin screws this debate up with her same old antics of not answering questions, the race will be over.

Do not underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Her intelligence is in question and everyone sees it. "Oh well she is a good debater as she dances around the questions, looking like Miss America waving her hand. Oh yeah, did I mention she has a great personality as well?" Personality doesnt win you the White House.

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I thought she asked him if she could call him Joe when this debate opened? It was either Mr. Biden or an accidental Obiden.

How many times has she:

A) said Alaska?

B) mentioned Soccer Mom?

C) mentioned her family?


You would tend to think Palin is running with Biden. Palin kissed Biden's kids and Palin's kids kissed Biden. They were so friendly with each other. Actually, the family get together afterwards seems like the end of a Family Feud show. LOL

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