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Official Political (Republican/Democrat) Debate Thread


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Agreed. I was waiting for Ferraro to just straight endorse the McCain/Palin campaign then and there. The bitterness of female Hillary supporters never ceases to amaze me.

Sarah Palin didn't really give any specifics. She just spewed out lies or toed the party line. She hardly answered the questions at all.

Give the debate a couple days to run its course, because all of the pundits and respective campaign managers are slobbing the metaphorical knob.

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Sarah Palin didn't really give any specifics. She just spewed out lies or toed the party line. She hardly answered the questions at all.

You've got to be kidding me. What debate were you watching?

Biden flat out LIED on at least 2 occasions: once when referring to McCain's voting on a tax issue, and another when he spoke about his own previous voting record on the war.

Not that I felt Palin was particularly strong (especially early on) either.

As is the norm with these types of debates - no one's mind is going to be changed here. It's just a chance for people to come out and cheer their canidate as if they're at a sporting event.

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You've got to be kidding me. What debate were you watching?

"Barack Obama is going to raise your taxes." To name one of the many.

Barack Obama's tax cut for the middle class is HIGHER than John McCain's. Almost 3 times higher. What debate were YOU watching?

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"Barack Obama is going to raise your taxes." To name one of the many.

Barack Obama's tax cut for the middle class is HIGHER than John McCain's. Almost 3 times higher. What debate were YOU watching?

Hey look.

You only responded to a fraction of what I said, and didn't really respond the substance of my statement.

You really WERE watching Biden in this debate! :wink:

lol - good lord - why do people give a crap about these debates - I say again - it's just a forum for people to clap for the persons they decided they were voting for like 3 months ago.

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lol - good lord - why do people give a crap about these debates - I say again - it's just a forum for people to clap for the persons they decided they were voting for like 3 months ago.

The problem with this debate wasn't so much that it was a debate, but basically a series of short speeches by each VP candidate. There was no "debating" going on, which is probably why neither of them really screwed up.

Yahoo has a quick fact check from the debate up already.

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The problem with this debate wasn't so much that it was a debate, but basically a series of short speeches by each VP candidate. There was no "debating" going on, which is probably why neither of them really screwed up.

Agree 100%.

These debates have become, basically, pointless.

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Biden was debating, Palin was dancing around the questions as usual. She gave some answers, but not definitive ones. I loved when Biden said "I have not heard what McCain was gonna do on such and such." Referring to Palins answer of the previous question. Biden had chances to knock her down multiple times, with just answer the question b*tch, but he didnt. If he would have kept at the "I still havnt heard a response" routine, he would have gotten alot more points. He won the debate flat out on points, issues and facts, because he gave alot more facts than Palin did. Only problem was, he didnt slam the door when he could have. Why didnt the moderator ask follow up questions to palin? Why didnt anyone tell Palin the NATO chief in Afghanistan was David McKiernan and not McLellan? I guess thats why McCain doesnt want her answering questions, because she is an idiot. Obama and Biden need to work together alot more, and hold interviews alot more. That will counteract the McCain/Palin side, where he is gonna shut her down as far as interviews from here on out. I dont know why he is spending more money in Ohio. He is gonna lose it just like Michigan. Where will he go then? To Redtucky?

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You've got to be kidding me. What debate were you watching?

The one where Palin read from cue cards for 90 minutes?

Biden flat out LIED on at least 2 occasions: once when referring to McCain's voting on a tax issue, and another when he spoke about his own previous voting record on the war.

And Palin lied on a number of occasions about Obama's tax record. They're politicians, they lie.

Not that I felt Palin was particularly strong (especially early on) either.

As is the norm with these types of debates - no one's mind is going to be changed here. It's just a chance for people to come out and cheer their canidate as if they're at a sporting event.

I thought McCain won the first debate, but Biden wiped the floor with bible spice.


factcheck: http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/fa...lin_debate.html

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I thought Obama edged on the last debate, and if I had to pick a winner from last night, it'd be Palin. She put Biden on the defensive repeatedly throughout the debate, and you could see from Biden's composure that he was getting mad (just like McCain did last time, which prevented him from looking at Obama). Palin did 10x better that I expected, and here rhetoric was perfect. I actually felt a little uncomfortable myself with how frank and straightforward her comments were.

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I thought Obama edged on the last debate, and if I had to pick a winner from last night, it'd be Palin. She put Biden on the defensive repeatedly throughout the debate, and you could see from Biden's composure that he was getting mad (just like McCain did last time, which prevented him from looking at Obama). Palin did 10x better that I expected, and here rhetoric was perfect. I actually felt a little uncomfortable myself with how frank and straightforward her comments were.

But she gave no specifics about anything. The education paragraph was just ungodly:

""Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again. You preferenced [sic] your whole comment with the Bush administration. Now doggone it, let's look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future. You mentioned education and I'm glad you did. I know education you are passionate about with your wife being a teacher for 30 years, and god bless her. Her reward is in heaven, right? I say, too, with education, America needs to be putting a lot more focus on that and our schools have got to be really ramped up in terms of the funding that they are deserving. Teachers needed to be paid more. I come from a house full of school teachers. My grandma was, my dad who is in the audience today, he's a schoolteacher, had been for many years. My brother, who I think is the best schoolteacher in the year, and here's a shout-out to all those third graders at Gladys Wood Elementary School, you get extra credit for watching the debate."


She didn't deviate from her talking points at all, including when Biden offered specifics about how her 42k line (the same one that McCain incorrectly used 6 days prior) was a complete fabrication. When she did have to speak extemporaneously, it was an embarrassment.

Again, I think she generally did well, but I have seen nothing that shows her having a grasp of policy issues. I don't know why the McCain campaign won't release specifics about any of their plans to their website, and why they won't let Sarah hold a press conference.

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Do not underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Her intelligence is in question and everyone sees it. "Oh well she is a good debater as she dances around the questions, looking like Miss America waving her hand. Oh yeah, did I mention she has a great personality as well?" Personality doesnt win you the White House.

Yet W has been in the White House the last eight years.

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This is rich, coming from an Obama supporter.

You're right. Running an excellent, grass roots, 50 state campaign does. Barack Obama is a very charismatic figure, but make no mistake; this has been the best run Democratic campaign since Clinton in 1992. John Kerry, who looked like he should have won during points in 2004, even the day before, neglected to run in all 50 states. Barack Obama has campaigned vigorously through all 50 states.

Regardless of what you think of his policies, which is something both sides will never agree on, Barack Obama has run a far superior campaign than John McCain has. Barack Obama's popularity is based off of his charisma. If he has a victory in November, it will be based off of his campaign.

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This is rich, coming from an Obama supporter.

Difference is, that personality has a detailed plan. And as I've been asking all along, where is the McCain/Palin plan?

You can't insinuate that a candidate has no substance when the one you support has 0 specifics.

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The McCain campaign won't let Palin hold a press conference because they are afraid that she'll mess something up; I think there is no reason to think that, however. And, I think last night's debate gives the McCain campaign more confidence in Sarah than they had before.

I also should comment that Biden seems like a very respectable person. He was very gentlemanlike in that debate; in my opinion, it's too bad he's not the frontrunner on his ticket.

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You're right. Running an excellent, grass roots, 50 state campaign does. Barack Obama is a very charismatic figure, but make no mistake; this has been the best run Democratic campaign since Clinton in 1992. John Kerry, who looked like he should have won during points in 2004, even the day before, neglected to run in all 50 states. Barack Obama has campaigned vigorously through all 50 states.

Regardless of what you think of his policies, which is something both sides will never agree on, Barack Obama has run a far superior campaign than John McCain has. Barack Obama's popularity is based off of his charisma. If he has a victory in November, it will be based off of his campaign.


Poor Al. He gets no respect. People already forgot about him. Just because he invented the Internet doesn't mean he should go the way of the World Wide Web and the Delete Button.

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Poor Al. He gets no respect. People already forgot about him. Just because he invented the Internet doesn't mean he should go the way of the World Wide Web and the Delete Button.

Al Gore spent too much time trying to distance himself from Bill Clinton. Bill was a masterful campaigner and would have been a huge asset to the Gore campaign. Maybe it would have been enough of a difference for him to win.

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Yet W has been in the White House the last eight years.

Thats because W is an idiot, and people felt sorry for him I guess :shrug:

W lost the first election, and he knows it. There should have never been a second one, because there should have never been a first one.

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The McCain campaign won't let Palin hold a press conference because they are afraid that she'll mess something up; I think there is no reason to think that, however. And, I think last night's debate gives the McCain campaign more confidence in Sarah than they had before.

I also should comment that Biden seems like a very respectable person. He was very gentlemanlike in that debate; in my opinion, it's too bad he's not the frontrunner on his ticket.

Confidence to do what? Run for Miss USA? She is a joke. She cant answer one simple question, and the media needs to do follow ups on the ones they do ask, and force her to answer them. If she cant handle the questions, she shouldnt be nominated as a running mate.

Heres a question for Palin? Sarah, your the VP, how are you gonna help with the peace plan for Israel and Palestine?

Sarah: Oh Im gonna show them I was govenor of Alaska and had strong ties to Russian trade agreements and hockey moms across the country and joe 6 pack were all in agreement as we elected the "Maverick" into office. Just drill baby drill!!! :lol:

This is rich, coming from an Obama supporter.

Obamas personality knows how to answer questions, and doesnt beat around the bush when asked. Especially his plans on what he intends to do. I hear questions to McCain and Palin, and they both go off to topic to answer them. I cant believe people are falling for this nonsense. My friends in Czech Republic and Slovak Republic are right, people in this country are stupid if they cant see blind rhetoric. Im not saying your stupid Paul, Im saying that the vast majority are looking at this election with blinders on. Normally I vote Republican. This year, the nominee is an old has-been, who has to use the ol' duck and cover method to answer questions about his campaign. Thats if he even answers a question at all. This election shouldnt be as close as it is, because McCain is washed up. Give me McCain of 10 years ago, I may have voted for him this year. I dont recognize this McCain at all.

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Al Gore spent too much time trying to distance himself from Bill Clinton. Bill was a masterful campaigner and would have been a huge asset to the Gore campaign. Maybe it would have been enough of a difference for him to win.

I was just kidding before. But, yeah ... you're right. I'm not sure why he distanced himself ... maybe because of the whole Lewinksy thing but Clinton left as a very popular President. No doubt he would have helped. But, of course some people would probably say that Gore was going to be Clinton number two or maybe Gore didn't want to run in Clinton's shadow.

I think Kerry's problem was that he thought the attacks on him would go away and that he didn't have to defend himself. But, what will be, will be.

When is the next debate?

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Hey, blades, I'm not that crazy about her either. But here's the point. She's not the one running for president. John McCain is. Now, I know you'll ask, "What if John McCain dies?" Well, I honestly doubt that he will during his first term as president.

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Difference is, that personality has a detailed plan. And as I've been asking all along, where is the McCain/Palin plan?

You can't insinuate that a candidate has no substance when the one you support has 0 specifics.

I don't often agreen with sean o, but I have to agree here. obama DOES indeed have a plan. And that is EXACTLY why I will vote against him. There's almost NOTHING in his plan that I support or agree with. However, the point has been made that his political machine has ran a good machine, combining his teleprompted charismatics and biden's million dollar smile into a so-called "grassroots" movement. True that. But the biggest difference maker for obama and biden, is the way the media has just fell all over themselves for them. Typical. The biggest question this election? Will the media convince enough of the taxpayers (the ever thinning middle class) to vote for obama? You can't say that the media hasn't done everything in their power to make it happen.

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Im voting for a guy whos tax plan is going to work in my benefit. I do not know how anyone could not vote for Obama's plan. As if McCain really cares about the middle class, and Palin seems to really think shes in the middle class as well. Give me a break. Everyone on this forum is probably the middle class that Obama's tax plan will benefit, yet youd rather see big companies get tax breaks if he is not elected.

Economy is the biggest issue now, especially after that stupid bailout was signed. I hope Ron Paul is not right AGAIN about the economy. He foresaw this and told the people in washington what could happen if they interfere and do this bailout.

Lets see what happens.

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