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Yes Theme v1

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KSM the datafile contains a mixture of features it includes your scenery camera angles and big schmooz playabalitiy the only personal work on it was behind the pitcher camera. So Datafile=KSM+Big Schmooz+only behind the picther cam (me)

I mentioned your name in the readme, since your past work was influential in this

hope this explains the datafile,

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KSM the datafile contains a mixture of features it includes your scenery camera angles and big schmooz playabalitiy the only personal work on it was behind the pitcher camera. So Datafile=KSM+Big Schmooz+only behind the picther cam (me)

I mentioned your name in the readme, since your past work was influential in this

hope this explains the datafile,

Before including other modder's work in your mods, you should contact them to get their permission to use their work. Simply listing their name in the readme isn't enough.

Most people are happy to share their work. They just like to be asked first. By doing this, you can prevent messages like the previous one from KSM, where he was obviously caught off guard.

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Jim is absolutely right. Out of respect for the original modders, this mod will be disabled until permission is granted.


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Thats just the issue, I never get a response from him, KSM never responds to my messages,so asking for permission is just going to leave me hanging as well. I never took credit for any work that wasn't my own. I have submitted a datafile combo in the past before without permission and its still up there for years. This is just absurd and outrageous. Nothing is taken out of disrespect especially if credit is given. When you write a paper with while using different sources do you contact the original author for permission? KSM showed screenshots of his YES version using my logos, and he never even mentioned it was my work. Nobody pulled out a red flag on that, and i was ok with it even though he didnt release anything, he never came for some permission as you guys seem to dictate.

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Thats just the issue, I never get a response from him, KSM never responds to my messages,so asking for permission is just going to leave me hanging as well. I never took credit for any work that wasn't my own. I have submitted a datafile combo in the past before without permission and its still up there for years. This is just absurd and outrageous. Nothing is taken out of disrespect especially if credit is given. When you write a paper with while using different sources do you contact the original author for permission? KSM showed screenshots of his YES version using my logos, and he never even mentioned it was my work. Nobody pulled out a red flag on that, and i was ok with it even though he didnt release anything, he never came for some permission as you guys seem to dictate.

Asking for credit is just common courtesy. Regarding your combo datafile, if it's been there for years, it just means that the guys whose work you included either didn't know you used it or didn't care. Had anyone on the staff known this, it would have been pulled off.

My datafile in the downloads section is a combo datafile, however, I did contact each individual modder whose work I included. I would rather be safe than sorry, and as I said, most guys won't have problems with others using their work as long as they are asked. If I didn't get a response, from someone then I didn't include their work.

As far as KSM showing your logos in his screenshots, did he actually include your logos with his mod? What he did is analagous to a uniform modder showing a screenshot of his uniforms in the game. For example, if I were to mod 1956 Milwaukee Braves uniforms, I might show a screenshot of them from a game played in PaulW's 1956 Milwaukee County Stadium, but that doesn't mean that when I release the uniforms, I will be including County Stadium with the uniforms.

Now, if KSM did include your logos with his mod, which I don't believe has been released yet, without asking you, then that would be wrong and his mod would be pulled just like yours was.

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OK, this rule is not even mentioned in the rules section or even in the thread linked in it, which i relied on to make sure all my submissions were safe in the first place. I advise the mods to edit the rules section to communicate this, since this is treated as important and future modders can be alert about this aswell

Anyway im going to try and make right with the site rules and ask for the attention of all three modders Trues, KSM, and Big Schmooz whos work has been used in my work without their expressed permisson, whether or not to allow me to include the portion of their work in my submission. A no, response will result in removal of their respective work in my submission.

Thanks and sorry for misunderstanding.

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forEvErYankEE87, although I think the mod is very nice, as I've said in this thread, I do agree with the reasoning behind the action taken. The "ask for permission" request isn't something that really has to be communicated openly - it's more of an unwritten rule, which almost anyone who has made mods in the past or who plans to make mods in future understands without even having to be told. It's like not stealing bases when your 15-1 ahead in the 7th inning, or pointing at the pitcher and laughing after hitting a homer. Some things just don't have to be said, or aren't appropriate in certain situations. Conversely, the opposite is also true. In certain situations, it's appropriate to do something - in this case, ask for permission to use someone else's mod in your package. It's more of a common courtesy or manners issue than an actual rule that needs to be enforced.

As Jim said, most of the time, guys will say yes if you approach them with your idea and if they think it can be of benefit to the community. It's quite rare for the number of mods released that someone turns down a request to incorporate all, of part, of their mod in someone else's.

Thanks for understanding, and I hope this doesn't put you off modding. :)

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I have no problem whatsoever with you (or anybody for that matter) using any of my work as long as proper credit is given.

That's just my view on the subject and I realize others feel differently.

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Nice job ! I like the YES intro music in particular...

However, i think the music has a bit echo which i think it will affect the "atomsphere"...

Are you recording it using mic or something ?

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yeah the only device i had to get the music was my mp3 player with built in record, to get the audio from my tv. I agree the quality isnt pristine, but its the best rip i could get without Michael Kay or some other commentator blabbering in the middle of it.

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I don't mean to criticize the sound, but I mean there is room to improve for that...We all known that YES music is hard to find. :)

I did a little rip of that music, but contains a little noise from "people" on the timeline ....

http://frogreaders.tripod.com/files/yes.mp3 , feel free to try that out

P.S How to edit that .big music file ? I use Big gui but it reported that file has a invalid header

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