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Official Democratic Party Thread

Sean O

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This is a thread for supporters of Barack Obama / the Democratic party, or for progressives in general. It's also for anyone seeking information and clarification on the candidate.

These threads are being run like the old Yankees / Sox threads: no antagonizing, no passive-aggressive attacks, etc. If you want a place to debate, please use DJ's official politics thread. If you have a comment on McCain / or Republican matters, please use that thread.

Keep it civil.

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First step to changing the democratic party: eliminate lobbyist money.


"Beginning Thursday, the DNC will no longer accept checks from federal lobbyists or political action committees, mirroring the strict standard Obama adopted for his presidential campaign."

Finally, someone who not only wants to build the party, but who does so honestly.

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obama what can you say if you hate america vote for him he will have china running us in 2 years

Are you impaired? Sean O JUST SAID if you have deragatory things to say about Obama - PUT IT IN THE POLITICAL DEBATE THREAD.

This is the Obama thread. Similar to the Yankees Fan thread, this is the place for Obama SUPPORTERS. If you want to debate about Obama - go to the debate thread - NOT HERE. If you just want to bag on Obama and complain about him, go to the Republican thread.





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Prepare for an OCTOBER SURPRISE?


I have my doubts on this, however. It could be just another internet rumour. But I would not be surprised at all. The GOP may be going down, but they are going down swinging.

Indications are that either 1). the video is fake (or nonexistent, I refuse to believe that Clinton's insane bloodthirsty handlers wouldn't have leaked it), or 2). she said "Why'd He".

I'm not concerned. It certainly would be nice if we could, y'know, focus on policies for once though.

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It is amazing to see how far lobbyists reach. The city council out here in Glendale AZ, a city of just over 250,000 is run by lobbyists.

The less lobbying and lobbying money the better.

Could we say this is one of many CHANGES to come?

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LOL I bet you that he will keep all the donations to himself.

Not sure what you're trying to say here, but if it is a dig against Obama - this is not the thread for it.

This is the PRO-OBAMA (Democrats) thread. It is the same concept as the Official Yankee Fan Thread, etc.

Meaning, coming in here and randomly insulting Obama would be the same as popping into the Yankee thread and typing "Yankees suck!"

Bottom line: Don't do that here. Wanna bash democrats? Do it in the republican/mccain thread - or even in the debate thread.

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Wow. Even when you discount the highly questionable "inside sources", the general facts of the situation are really disturbing. After his terrible experience in 'Nam (which nobody is trying to discount or lessen), he frequently cheated on and then divorced his crippled wife to marry a rich woman 18 years younger.

I'm sure some will defend McCain saying he was trying to deal with he after effects of his POW time, but isn't he still dealing with that? Can we really handle him being president?

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  • 2 weeks later...

With all due respect, if you think this "truce" is going to last... you probably didn't pay attention when the two sides agreed to a truce two months ago.

Yup, all diplomacy is a waste. They should just keep bombing each other like we do when we need problems solved.

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I wish Obama could win......... he is like a ray of light in a new approach about political relations with Cuba ( my country ) so I hope he could find the right turn to make both peoples more friendly.. please it's just my wish so, don't try to see a communist ghost in Obama's speeches and words..

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And today's news...

Rockets Hit Israel, which says truce is broken

Didn't see that coming!

(Oh wait...)

It's nice that you seem to think this passes for dialogue, especially when you're wandering into our thread. I really do hope the Right does nothing but weak passive-aggressive attacks between now and our overwhelming victory in November.

How many low-information voters can they snag?

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The best part of the story was the last part

Mark Penn got drunk and printed up some cheap business cards and flew to Orlando, where he drove around with all two of his friends painting cars until dawn. He is still drunk today.

Why would anybody leave their business cards? It seems like either they want to get caught or they want to put the blame on someone else.

How many months is it before the election until the candidates usually select a running mate?

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