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Official Democratic Party Thread

Sean O

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The comedy stylings of John McCain, from the Tucson Citizen, 1986:

"Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’"

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I think Obama's great. I hope people are smart enough to vote for someone smarter than them, instead of the "guy you'd share a beer with".

Actually, Obama would probably be a fun guy to drink with....

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  • 1 month later...

So who watched the speech tonight? Obama came out swinging at everything the republicans have been slamming him for. I can't wait til the debates start. I wish I was American so I could vote.

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So who watched the speech tonight? Obama came out swinging at everything the republicans have been slamming him for. I can't wait til the debates start. I wish I was American so I could vote.

Knocked out of the #()#*ing park. Simply unbelievable, surpassed every expectation I had.

And that pathetic right swing smear job written before the speech was given in the AP is a travesty.

Total HopeGasm.

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Does anybody have a link to any video of the speech? I was working while it was going on and figured I'd be able to watch it on TV.

Also, check out Nate Silver's (creator of PECOTA) election prediction website, which accurately predicted the primaries to within 3 percent on most occasions. He uses a similar system as PECOTA, taking previous similar demographic information then runs thousands of simulations to produce a result.

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Does anybody have a link to any video of the speech? I was working while it was going on and figured I'd be able to watch it on TV.

Also, check out Nate Silver's (creator of PECOTA) election prediction website, which accurately predicted the primaries to within 3 percent on most occasions. He uses a similar system as PECOTA, taking previous similar demographic information then runs thousands of simulations to produce a result.

It's on barackobama.com. And yes, I've bene following 538 since Nate was posting as "poblano" on Kos.

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All joking aside at how terrible the Palin pick is, I'm legit worried. Because of the sheer number of stupid people in this country, McCain stands a way better shot at being elected than he should. And when he keels over, since he's already 72 and having "senior moments" nearly daily, we'll be left with a person who 2 years ago was the part-time mayor of a 6,000 person town.

This is a hail-mary shot-in-the-dark that more importantly could lead to serious unforeseen consequences down the line. We can joke about hopey being unprepared to lead, but the former beauty queen is undoubtedly unprepared to lead.

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at the end of the day, people will ultimately vote for the candidate and not the VP.

But shouldn't we be concerned that the VP, which is of the utmost importance for a 72 year old candidate, has a year and a half of running a state without any large cities or notable agricultural economy, who is being investigated on corruption, and who previously ran some random village? That is a dangerous, neglectful pick.

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I dont understand why Americans want McCain? 8 years of Bush, and look what we have. I was a republican, but not this election. The writing is on the wall people. If McInsane is elected, and he dies in office, we will have a woman who doesnt know her a-hole from a hole in the ground leading the country.

He is insistant on war with Iran, and he will instigate Russia. He wants a draft policy reinstated. He is 90% Bush politics, and Im sick of it. People dont want Obama because he is black, not because he is inexperienced. Believe me, when the Republicans saw the woman announced, they liked the decision. Its ok to have an inexperienced VP, but not ok to have an inexperienced Presidential nominee? Get real, its BS!!!

My friends that live abroad love Obama. They love what he represents and what he stands for. These are European people. They know what goes on everyday in the US. Most Americans are ignorant to the fact about day to day things, because they dont pay attention.

I heard somebody say that even after the speech Obama gave last night, he still didnt know what Obamas stance was on issues. OMFG!!!


He has to be the single most dumbest person in this country. I watched that speech last night, at 10 EST, and took everything I wanted from it. He told me everything I needed to know, and how he was gonna implement it. It didnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

If we elect George Bush to 4 more years, I will simply leave. I will become a citizen of another country. I cannot stand ignorance in the face of adversity. The smart choice is the obvious choice, and come election time, I am afraid that stupid America will elect Bush politics over a Black male, and we can all watch the Republicans run this country into the ground, and into WW3.

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I am afraid that stupid America will elect Bush politics over a Black male, and we can all watch the Republicans run this country into the ground, and into WW3.

Didn't McCain mention possibly re initiating the draft. Correct me if I am wrong because I believe I heard this and am not 100% certain. If it's the case you might not be far off.

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Heres one clip of it.......


Republicans can spin it in anyway they want, but he said what he said. He didnt deny anything. They can accuse Dems of warmongering and fearmongering, but the truth is, McCain is a warmonger, and always has been. He is looking for a fight with Iran, and he will soon be instigating Russia. The draft is an executive order, so if he calls for it, he can make it happen.

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But shouldn't we be concerned that the VP, which is of the utmost importance for a 72 year old candidate, has a year and a half of running a state without any large cities or notable agricultural economy, who is being investigated on corruption, and who previously ran some random village? That is a dangerous, neglectful pick.

I totally agree Sean. We have already seen a near assassination attempt on Obama, that was caught. God forbid, if anything happens, I would feel alot safer with Biden as President.

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what happened to "no passive-agressive attacks", as in "McIdiot"?

It's the democratic thread. As long as it doesn't break site rules it's pretty much ok here. If it were the republican or debate threads it'd be different.

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When you dont know your own GPA in college, how many houses you own or where a country is located, or the fact that one country is now two countries, you expect me to call him a genius? :roll:

anyway, wolfey I was a republican until last election. I was with you and didnt vote for Bush, because I knew he would win. It was about protecting the country and finishing the war. So he had to win.

This year it has to be based on getting the troops home from Iraq, going after Osama Bin Laden where he lives, bolstering our position in Afghanistan so we can fight the Taliban and Al Qaeda there.

We need to take the money we dont spend in Iraq, pay off the Chinese for the billions we borrowed to pay our oil in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

We need to balance our budget, yet again after another Republican term.

We need to raise the value of the dollar, and that will happen when we pay off our bills.

Stop our jobs from leaving to china, and lethal toys from coming back in.

All of this is happening on Bush's watch. I dont need 4 more years of this crap from McCain.

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What nobody seems to understand when voting is that everything ties into the economy. Healthcare, military spending, education, everything. It all ties in.

The problem with the argument against standardized healthcare is that we're already paying for people who don't have healthcare. People who do not have healthcare do not get turned away. Illegal immigrants who do not have healthcare do not get turned away. They do not get the benefits that those with healthcare do get, and there are many procedures not performed, but a significant number of people who don't have healthcare receive it, therefore standardizing is a legitimate response.

Republican Dwight Eisenhower's biggest accomplishments in the White House were drawing down the military and addressing the needs at home. He preached lower military spending so we can fix the problems we have in America. We can no longer afford to be spending hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq. We are no longer an economy that thrives on war; we are a consumer economy. The money used in Iraq can be put towards education so in the future decades we can reap the benefits of new technologies, instead of falling behind the rest of the world. The money used in Iraq can be used for 21st century public transportation, helping us to lose our dependence on foreign oil; or the development of new fuels.

Most of all, however, the money can be given back to the middle class, the true motor of our economy. Our money shouldn't be going to the upper class, putting their money into the Cayman Islands or outsourcing new factories and jobs. As a consumer economy, our money needs to go into the middle class in order for us to move forward.

A friend of mine once said the problem with the education system is that kids are "lazy pieces of ****". While this may be true, it will take more than new tests for children to succeed. Take the Japanese, who spend longer hours in school then the rest of the world. Put money into adding an hour a day to school, giving students more instructional time. Put money into giving teachers better salaries, attracting the best and the brightest instead of the few who want to teach.

The greatest long term success of the American economy was after World War II, when hundreds of thousand of returning vets went to college for free. Two decades later, we were the first country on the moon. Put the smartest kids in college, not the richest, and we will once again accomplish great things. We are no longer the greatest producer of technologies in the world. An improvement in education will change that.

Our foreign policy does not need to be unilateral. Our best successes in foreign policy have involved the help of NATO and the rest of the world. Who paid for 74% of the original Gulf War? Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar (If I'm not mistaken). "Threats" to the world and the Middle East are not just our problem, and we need to be diplomatic again.

Ask yourself these questions: Who will bring money to the middle class?

Who will enrich our transportation, public schools, and diplomatic policy? Who will put our economy at the forefront of a world economy that is moving forward without us? Who will address the issues at home, so we have the clout and ability to address the issues abroad?

To those who doubt Barack Obama's ability and readiness, I will say this: No one has surrounded himself with better advisers and staff as Barack Obama. It is my belief that he does have the knowledge and ability to run the country, but if he doesn't, he can turn to his dream team of advisers. A bi-partisan team that includes former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, former NATO Supreme Commander Wes Clark, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and former Secretary of the Treasury and Bush cabinet member, Paul O'Neill.

John McCain today is not the same John McCain he was eight years ago. He does not believe the same things he did eight years ago; he is not a maverick anymore. He has sold his soul for the nomination a group of conservatives who do not even want him. He has turned against his own immigration bill. He does not know the geography of countries that are integral to our foreign policy success. He is out of touch, and wants to continue the same failed policies of the Bush Administration.

Albert Einstein once said "the definition of insanity is to try the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." With the failed policies of the Bush administration, wouldn't you be insane to vote for John McCain?

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Blades, I live in a town that is VERY southern, as in redneck. I do know many racisit people, and when the elections first started I heard way more people saying no way they wanted a woman president. Most people would of rather had Obama when it came to a democrat, but also 99% of them are republicans.

Obviously, race will hold a factor. I don't know the exact number but I think Obama gets 90%+ of the black vote in each state. This should easily outnumber the amount of people that are racist against blacks, wouldn't you say?

Also, not everything that's going wrong in America today can be blamed on Bush...He might not be the greatest president but he's not a complete idiot like a lot of people like to portray him as.

I do think that a lot of women will suddenly jump on McCains side, (who I'd like to win btw), which could hold a major factor. I do hate the move, as he is now a complete sell-out and is showing how desperate he really is...but what are ya gonna do?

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excellent post el jefe, agree with it 100%

honestly, i can't even see how polls show that this is a close race. it seems like a democrat would have the edge in this election. obama also appears to be the stronger candidate.

i don't see why mccain picked palin as his vp either, if he wanted a shot to win. maybe some women will jump the boat, but cnn today made a good point. hillary supporters, women especially, liked her candidacy because she is an "accomplished" politician. i dont see how 1.5 years as governor of alaska puts john mccain over the top, and more importantly, makes palin ready and able to become president at any given moment.

bill clinton put it best in his speech wednesday night...they told him he was too young and too inexperienced for the job. he turned out to be one of our country's best presidents

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el_jefe061 very nice post, and thank you for re-interating some of my points. McCain will lose the minority vote, because of his immigration bill. Im glad el_jefe pointed out most of these, because this is what Obama spoke about in his speech. Obama is not speaking just to hear how good he sounds. The Clintons are 100% behind this man, and honestly, I didnt think it was possible. After hearing Bill speak, I was really surprised. I gave both Hilary and Bill a thumbs up as I clapped whilst sitting in my recliner.

You know what I hear, all over? When a democrat speaks about a Republican, its oh here we go, looking for something to start a conflict between parties. I read articles all day, about Dems defending themselves, but when a Dem opened up about Palin, the nerves seemed to come unhinged. Everything seemed to be about how good Palin is. Who the h*ll is Palin, and who has any idea who she was before she was nominated? How can the Republicans say she was a great choice, when they have no clue who she is. Im speaking on the voters, not the members of congress. Its ridiculous how the bandwagon starts.

Bush policies have killed this country, I dont care what you Republicans try to spin. He is the president, and he signs off on everything. The buck stops with Bush. He started a war, we never should have been in, and now look. Everything fell downhill from there. The cost of the war made alot of setbacks. We ran out of money, therefore we had to start borrowing to pay for the war and our oil. With Iraq not producing oil and terrorism running amuck, that sent oil prices through the roof, causing a chain reaction still felt today. Everything falls back on the war in Iraq.

I agree with the cutting back of the armed forces. Not the troops or the equipment, but alot of the high priced machinery we use, that we really dont need. Wasnt it Clinton that close bases down, to recover money to pay the Bush deficit the first time? I cant remember exactly, but if anyone remembers, refresh my memory.

How bad is it, when 2 presidents named Bush, have similar spending patterns? We were in debt with Bush senior, now we are in serious debt with Junior. I dont know where the money is gonna come from, other than raising taxes, to pay for it. Its inevitable, because theres just not enough closable loopholes in government to bring in enough money. The deficit is in the trillions of dollars. It took Clinton 8 years to balance the budget, but he left with a 10 billion surplus, and the dollar was at its strongest. Yes the two are inter-twined. The dollar is based on budget spending and interest rates, and a few other things. The deficit in the trillions, equals dollar worth crap.

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excellent post el jefe, agree with it 100%

honestly, i can't even see how polls show that this is a close race. it seems like a democrat would have the edge in this election. obama also appears to be the stronger candidate.

i don't see why mccain picked palin as his vp either, if he wanted a shot to win. maybe some women will jump the boat, but cnn today made a good point. hillary supporters, women especially, liked her candidacy because she is an "accomplished" politician. i dont see how 1.5 years as governor of alaska puts john mccain over the top, and more importantly, makes palin ready and able to become president at any given moment.

bill clinton put it best in his speech wednesday night...they told him he was too young and too inexperienced for the job. he turned out to be one of our country's best presidents

You know why, its because the republicans fail to see the comparison between George and John. They will never see it, because they dont want to see it. "I hear no evil, therefore I see no evil." Its all the same to them. The state of this country, the state of our alliances, the state of our friendships. Almost all but gone thanks to this regime. Bush talks about regime change in Venezuela and the Sudan and in N. Korea, but how about here in the states?

and how can women say they support Hilary, and then go against her and vote for McCain? Didnt she say and I quote "No way, No how, No McCain?"

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