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Official Democratic Party Thread

Sean O

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Right about now, you're starting to take the "Don't feed the troll" cliché to a whole new level. You're on thin enough ice as it is right now with some of your recent comments, I suggest you don't push it.

You want to post this in the debate thread for both Democrats and Republicans, where others, myself included, have posted images taking light-hearted shots at McCain and Obama? Go right ahead. But you're in the Democrat/Obama thread, so only a total idiot or someone just dying to start trouble would post it here. Neither are welcome on this site, so, again, I suggest you re-think your posting policy.

Also, the "Nope" is pretty much redundant - in case you didn't know, the election's over, and 52.5% of voters said "Yep" to Obama, against just 46.2% for McCain, with 1.1% for others. That's a 6,120,984 vote difference between the votes for your next President (I bet you love reading that, don't you? Don't you?) and the votes for John McCain and the others combined.

So, tl;dr - take your trolling elsewhere.

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Mark, this guy's been doing this crap since election day and as soon as he reads your post he'll do something else to push the envelope. And then when he gets booted out of here, it'll be our fault as always.

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Well, it'll be his loss.

With that aside, here's the best joke I've seen in a while.

One sunny day in 2009, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Ave, where he’d been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the US Marine standing guard and said, “I would like to go in and meet with President Bush.â€

The Marine looked at the man and said, “Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here.â€

The old man said, “Okay†and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Bush.â€

The Marine again told the man, “Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here.â€

The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same US Marine, saying “I would like to go in and meet with President Bush.â€

The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I’ve told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don’t you understand?â€

The old man looked at the Marine and said, “Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it.â€

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, “See you tomorrow, Sir.â€

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Ok. The imatureness will stop. I'm very sorry to upset anyone. I'm just a little big angry. (in case you couldn't tell) But please, I don't like the bush jokes. If you stop I'll stop my crap. I am very sorry moderators and admins.

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Ok. The imatureness will stop. I'm very sorry to upset anyone. I'm just a little big angry. (in case you couldn't tell) But please, I don't like the bush jokes. If you stop I'll stop my crap. I am very sorry moderators and admins.

Remember that was your last chance. Next time, you're out.

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I don't like the bush jokes. If you stop I'll stop my crap.

I agree, it's OK for everyone to bash on George W. Bush, but since "your guy" is going to be the next president of this horrible country it's not OK to bash him?

You want to post this in the debate thread for both Democrats and Republicans, where others, myself included, have posted images taking light-hearted shots at McCain and Obama? Go right ahead. But you're in the Democrat/Obama thread, so only a total idiot or someone just dying to start trouble would post it here. Neither are welcome on this site, so, again, I suggest you re-think your posting policy.

Oh, so we can start our own thread about bashing this person? Great, start it up Lupe.

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obama what can you say if you hate america vote for him he will have china running us in 2 years

He only understands dumba$$, so you have to forgive him. Just like the radio call in shows here on the local 1100. I didnt know Obama was gonna have Ayers and Wright as cabinet members? Makes you question the intelligence of the people that live around you. When all else fails, b*tch and complain and give unwitty banter and whatever diatribe they choose to spit.

If you look back on the Bush family tree, Prescott was involved in money laundering for the Nazis. Bush senior and Junior were in the fraternal order of the skullz, so now who is elitist?? Calling Obama one is ouright bullsh*t.

Oh, so we can start our own thread about bashing this person? Great, start it up Lupe.

Go ahead I could use a laugh and maybe expand my IQ too :lol: I know what I have lived through these last 8 years. Nothing anyone can say or do will make me believe anything our former president has done was best for this country. Starting an illegal war with Iraq on the premise of WMD? Demolitioning 3 buildings killing 3000 Americans, and having planes that were "hijacked" and flown into them by "terrorists"? If you dont believe me, look at the videos again. Sure the planes went into the towers, but look at everything in between, from beginning to end. Look at the interviews on site, that they dont want you to see. When asked for the video tapes of the Pentagon, our former president wouldnt allow them to be viewed, and every interview our former president had with the 911 commission, our former VP had to be there. God I just look back and cringe at this whole outrageous presidency.

Its gonna be tough going for the first couple of years, so Obama will have his hands full. I wonder what he will try and get through early? People were reporting that it may be the tax cuts, but that might be way to early to determine.

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Obama probably would prefer that you stop trying to "support" him.

Your craziness would scare even him.

Oh, and why did you edit out whatever you were saying about the childrens' book being upside down? :roll:

Your pathetic rants are simply beyond the pale.

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He only understands dumba$$, so you have to forgive him. Just like the radio call in shows here on the local 1100. I didnt know Obama was gonna have Ayers and Wright as cabinet members? Makes you question the intelligence of the people that live around you. When all else fails, b*tch and complain and give unwitty banter and whatever diatribe they choose to spit.

If you look back on the Bush family tree, Prescott was involved in money laundering for the Nazis. Bush senior and Junior were in the fraternal order of the skullz, so now who is elitist?? Calling Obama one is ouright bullsh*t.

Go ahead I could use a laugh and maybe expand my IQ too :lol: I know what I have lived through these last 8 years. Nothing anyone can say or do will make me believe anything our former president has done was best for this country. Starting an illegal war with Iraq on the premise of WMD? Demolitioning 3 buildings killing 3000 Americans, and having planes that were "hijacked" and flown into them by "terrorists"? If you dont believe me, look at the videos again. Sure the planes went into the towers, but look at everything in between, from beginning to end. Look at the interviews on site, that they dont want you to see. When asked for the video tapes of the Pentagon, our former president wouldnt allow them to be viewed, and every interview our former president had with the 911 commission, our former VP had to be there. God I just look back and cringe at this whole outrageous presidency.

Its gonna be tough going for the first couple of years, so Obama will have his hands full. I wonder what he will try and get through early? People were reporting that it may be the tax cuts, but that might be way to early to determine.

You make me sick. Your above comments show me how idiotic you really are. Do you know how offensive they are to people? Honest to God, for you to actually think that Bush had thousands of Americans killed for his own agenda is outrageous, and plain stupid. What about those g=family members who called their love ones from the planes, and told them what was happening, or was that all made up? Did Bush hire a bunch of Arabs to hijack the planes? I am confused???

Obama doesn't need supporters like you, wild conspiracy theorists, who are so paranoid, they think the world is out to get them.

I do not care how personal I got in this post, and I am not a Bush supporter, but my friend's cousin died in the towers, and for you to say it was an "inside job" is a slap in the face to everyone who died that day.

God Damn you are a detriment to this site. Keep on talking, make yourself look more like an idiot with each passing day.

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Look, Im just saying look at the towers coming down, those towers were demolitioned along with those planes. Look at all 3 buildings that fell, they all came straight down like they were set with charges. Look at the video again. DJ im sorry you had a friend killed, so did I, thats why this is important to me. The truth never came out, evidense was kept from the public. Why do you think I am so pi$$ed off about the whole situation.

That comment about the reading to the children was accidentally erased when I edited it the last time. When told about the planes being hijacked, Bush was reading to children in a school. The damm book was upside down. Look at the video, its there in black and white. Thats the legacy that will be left behind, one that was left in the dark. Every investigation was turned away and the truth was never told. I said the planes were hijacked, and those poor people were killed. Thats the problem with this whole thing. Even those families that were left to grieve never got the full story.

This isnt disrespectful to want the truth told to these families. I hope Obama can do something to shed light on it, since its been covered up and attention drawn towards Irag, 5 or 6 months later.

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Look, Im just saying look at the towers coming down, those towers were demolitioned along with those planes. Look at all 3 buildings that fell, they all came straight down like they were set with charges. Look at the video again. DJ im sorry you had a friend killed, so did I, thats why this is important to me. The truth never came out, evidense was kept from the public. Why do you think I am so pi$$ed off about the whole situation.

That comment about the reading to the children was accidentally erased when I edited it the last time. When told about the planes being hijacked, Bush was reading to children in a school. The damm book was upside down. Look at the video, its there in black and white. Thats the legacy that will be left behind, one that was left in the dark. Every investigation was turned away and the truth was never told. I said the planes were hijacked, and those poor people were killed. Thats the problem with this whole thing. Even those families that were left to grieve never got the full story.

Spoken like a true psychopath.

Are you so dilluted that you missed the throngs of engineers attesting to the fact that the thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel weakened the steel support columns to the point where the weight of the upper floors simply sent them crashing down through the lower floors, the momentum carrying them straight down?

Are you really so amazingly foolish and naive as to think a "conspiracy" of such magnitude could POSSIBLY be executed in the first place, and then covered up afterward?


Why am I even engaging you in this conversation?

You're a joke.

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Spoken like a true psychopath.

Are you so dilluted that you missed the throngs of engineers attesting to the fact that the thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel weakened the steel support columns to the point where the weight of the upper floors simply sent them crashing down through the lower floors, the momentum carrying them straight down?

Are you really so amazingly foolish and naive as to think a "conspiracy" of such magnitude could POSSIBLY be executed in the first place, and then covered up afterward?


Why am I even engaging you in this conversation?

You're a joke.


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so explain the third bulding einstein

You mean WTC7, I assume.

The one that a 3-year study performed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology determined was caused by fire? The fire started by all the falling debris and resulting destruction?


Lol - it's almost cute that you're this rediculous.

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so explain the third bulding einstein

I can't explain it, because I wasn't there....but for you to just go and spew a bunch of ******* ****, is crap.

You are a frigging moron to believe that Bush had anything to do with this, and so is anyone who believes in these wild conspiracy theories.

Keep spewing this stuff Blades, and what little bit of respect you get from some of the guys here, will be gone out the window. This **** ranks right up there with Nazi Propoganda, as far as I am concerned. It's crap, and it's disrespectful to the lives of anyone who died in, or helping during 9/11.You are a disgrace to the american people, and you don't even realize it.

Frigging nutjob, why won't you just either go away, or think beore you type.

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Blocks away?? I highly doubt it Raptor. Both building fell straight down, and so did the other one. A steel fram building such as WTC7 wasnt even hit by a plane, but came down only minutes later than the second building. Hmm, if it were just a fire in the WTC buildings, they wouldnt have fell. It would have been fire damage, because the temperature of a normal fire wouldnt have melted the inner core of steel beams. Those were cut with a plasma cutter at the bottom. The outter core at the top was on fire from jetfuel. In the rubble they found the support columns had been cut in a diagonal pattern. Explain that?

I will stop, but do the research, and as for Grandpa Bush, you can find that on wikipedia...Its not hard to do a key word search for Prescott Bush.

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Blocks away?? I highly doubt it Raptor. Both building fell straight down, and so did the other one. A steel fram building such as WTC7 wasnt even hit by a plane, but came down only minutes later than the second building. Hmm, if it were just a fire in the WTC buildings, they wouldnt have fell. It would have been fire damage, because the temperature of a normal fire wouldnt have melted the inner core of steel beams. Those were cut with a plasma cutter at the bottom. The outter core at the top was on fire from jetfuel. In the rubble they found the support columns had been cut in a diagonal pattern. Explain that?


7WTC was in the same complex as the two primary towers. LINK

7WTC was across the street from 1WTC and 2WTC. Get a clue.

And if you don't think debris from the collapse of two 110-story buildings can cross a street - you need help. If the debris fell in a way as to not leave the original footprints of 1WTC and 2WTC, then you'd just have two 110-story high piles of debris.

And you just said it was MINUTES after the second building?!?! HAHAHAHA.

7WTC came down at approx 5:20pm.

The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m..

That's not "minutes later." It's hours and hours later of an uncontrolled fire raging inside a building that was already severely damaged by falling debris, and that had developed a noticible "bulge" as reported by numerous firefighters.

Keep on trying, you crazy piece of ****.

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Just. Shut. Up.

Isn't it amazing how stupid some people can be?

Obama would be sad to find out this freak-show voted for him (or at least I would hope so).

He posts YouTube videos made with dramatic music and poorly edited texts/fonts and that's it... it's like, "Hey! Some crazy asshole posted this on the internet - IT MUST BE TRUE!"

Your comments are friggin' hilarious too.


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NORAD should have been able to down those planes, where were the fighter jets? Why did it take 80 minutes for them to get airborne? There is an argument for everyone you have. It will be a never ending cycle. Because NORAD was doing a hijacker simulation, and didnt know if it was a drill or real life. Now tell me thats not coincidence? So many things went wrong that day, and nothing has been explained. The people who built those towers said they could withstand 10 jets flying into them. Thats coming from the guy who built the tower. I think he knows alot more about construction than we do. They were built to withstand that kind of abuse without falling, because of the amount of airtraffick in the area. The amount of jet fuel didnt spread evenly. Most of it should have fallen to the one side or the other. One side of the building should have been hotter than the other and if it were to have fallen, it would have fallen on a teter and crashed to the ground unevenly, not like the perfect demolition that happened to all 3 buildings. You know, the 2 that were smashed into, and the one that caught fire, or so was the excuse?

so what your saying is keep quiet and never question authority? thats just fine, so when we lost civil liberties under Bush, your ok with it? This travesty happened and people speak out, yet the government says shutup. There were videotapes confiscated from buisnesses near the pentagon, never were viewed, some near the twin towers, never viewed, I dont know, something isnt right and it needs to come out. The truth was never told Raptor, thats all Im saying. Im not the best analytical speaker, so I cant talk in terms of the average college student, but even you have to know that there is alot that wasnt disclosed. So you think its conspiracy, well thats fine, ok. Kennedy was shot, nobody knows who did it, but its supposedly classified? C'mon now, where are these records, and why are they not allowed to be viewed? Who is hiding what, and why? 3 buildings owned by one man, all destroyed on the same day? In a way that is really suspicious and decieving.

I hope something is disclosed under Obama, because alot was left untold. I wont continue this arguement, because I got off rant. This message was about hoping Obama could continue the investigation, that was what this was suppose to be about. I added a little more than intended. Deep inside, alot of people are angry. At the government mostly, but guys like me for bringing it up. I get that, but people are not stupid. People know the government can do shady things when given the opportunity. Do you think your life means something to the government? Your just a tax dollar to them and so am I.

and yes, looking back at this situation, and my inability to speak well, I probably should have left it well alone. I re-opened pandoras box, and now I have to deal with it. Im not crazy, idiotic or a lunatic. I keep my mind open to all things. So it doesnt suprise me if someone wants to silence someone else. Its human nature. But I question, I always have. I was taught to question and never settle. I lost a close friend of mine, who I served with in the navy. This hits hard at me too, you dont think I dont know that? Every night I think about why our country does what it does. We get no explanations, yet we live our lives like mice under the governments watchful eye. 50% get it, and the other 50% walk around like a programmed robot.

You are right, but its a little to late to say this should have not been posted. I get passionate about things that mean alot to me, but I dont use my head when it comes to keeping it short and not go off in detail, especially when this isnt the forum for it. That I apologise for, and to those that are offended. Even though you may not really care, I just ask you to keep an open mind and open eyes about everything going on around you. Dont settle for what the government tells you. They can feed you poop and call it chicken, and you would believe them. Dont do that, thats all Im saying and nothing more.

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Why is it that the conspiracy theorists are often quick to assume everything is a conspiracy, yet the "normal" people are just as quick to assume conspiracies are crazy and impossible.

Could there not be some middle ground on this issue? Or did everything that happened that day make complete and total sense and there is no need for further questioning?

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I'm no admin or moderator, but these kind of topics should not be allowed on here. We all have our different opinions about everyone and everything. Religion and Politics spark the most controversy from friends (or in this case Internet buddies). For the sake of this site and all the members, these topics should be locked and never talked about again. Let's talk Baseball and not politics, please.

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