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Official Democratic Party Thread

Sean O

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I hope Senator Tom Coburn gets hit by a bus. The same pile of crap that did nothing while the Bush thugs racked up 5 trillion dollars of debt is now peeing his pants over $50m to arts funding in the stimulus bill. Apparently my job, where I work 50-60 hours a week for less than I deserve, isn't meaningful and should be lost.

For all the blathering by the administration about how we should be "post-partisan", I want these jerkoffs to fry. Shove the stimulus down their hypocritical throats.

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He has some serious issues, claiming that his grand children future will be ruined if the bill passed

the bill CREATES JOB, and jobs are what we need

If people work they will spend money, if they spend money the economy improves

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He has some serious issues, claiming that his grand children future will be ruined if the bill passed

the bill CREATES JOB, and jobs are what we need

If people work they will spend money, if they spend money the economy improves

Considering this walking junkpile was such a vocal proponent of the Iraq War, it's totally unsurprising that now he seems to care about fiscal responsibility. Hey Tom, the trillion for Iraq, you do know that it put us into greater debt, right? And adding concomitant tax cuts didn't help us turn a profit?

Go back to forced sterilizations and getting sexual pleasure from Schindler's List, Tommy boy.

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Considering this walking junkpile was such a vocal proponent of the Iraq War, it's totally unsurprising that now he seems to care about fiscal responsibility. Hey Tom, the trillion for Iraq, you do know that it put us into greater debt, right? And adding concomitant tax cuts didn't help us turn a profit?

Go back to forced sterilizations and getting sexual pleasure from Schindler's List, Tommy boy.

Actually... Tax cuts help a lot. With high taxes, companies will not be able to afford it. Last time I checked the economy was not doing well.

America was about starting a business, and having a dream.

Now it is about the government taking your money to give it to people who do not want to work.

People are now asking themselves if they will have a job next week.

The only businesses doing well are the government businesses.

And I agree that the trillion or whatever spent on Iraq does not help us either.

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Actually... Tax cuts help a lot. With high taxes, companies will not be able to afford it. Last time I checked the economy was not doing well.

Because of the same deregulation that chumps like Coburn love. This downturn has nothing to do with taxation, but tax cuts certainly won't help us regain an economic foothold. The only thing that tax cuts since 2001 have done is drive us further into debt.

America was about starting a business, and having a dream.

Now it is about the government taking your money to give it to people who do not want to work.

Of course it is, because this stimulus plan is designed to keep people from working. Wake up.

People are now asking themselves if they will have a job next week.

The only businesses doing well are the government businesses.

Right, because so many private companies were greedy and did anything for a quick buck. Now our economy is ruined, necessitating something to keep unemployment from reaching 10-11%. It's the Republicans (and Clintonites) who did everything to create this crisis, and who are now doing everything to prolong it.

We saw what happened when the free market gets its chance, and now our economy is ruined. Thanks, fiscal conservatives.

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