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Official Republican Party Thread

Sean O

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I would have to agree with you guys, Im also a 22 year old college student and I am finishing up on my teaching degree, and the amount of Liberal bias I deal with in those classes is f**king stupid. I would not consider myself a die hard republican, but I could never consider myself a democrat, so perhaps more of a moderate, but I cant take all of this Obama madness on TV. Every show on TV is pushing random celebrities on us and thier views, its so sad that the younger generations of Americans really believe these glorified losers in Hollywood and vote that way because of it. Im not a big fan of Mccain, he seems a little to liberal for me, But I hope to god that he becomes our next President, because Obama in office scares me to death, his foreign affairs, and his desire to raise taxes just doesnt come across as a great idea to me. I say, if our government isnt going to do sh*t to lower our gas and food prices then dont raise taxes on us, let us keep our own hard earned money so we can accualy afford this sh*t!

***Alright, I feel better now, lol***

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Time to stop playing games. Here's who McCain should pick for his cabinet (General David Petraeus as Secretary of Defense) With Bobby Jindal as VP.


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Woot, for I am thread reviver. Hear me roar?

I like Sarah Palin, but at this poitn in time I think that letting her get the veep slot just seems as if the GOP is pandering to the Dems. I like Bobby Jindal, too, but I think he needs to season himself for a few more years.

So you feel Sarah getting the VP post is only a counter measure to the possibility of a democratic female VP candidate? That is what I drew from your comment.

In my opinion I believe she'd be used as the young card to draw in voters from our 18-30 crowd who see McCain as this "old news grand dad republican dude" As stated by me =P

But yet again someone else who is against gay marraige and abortion =/.

Let people choose what they want to do for themselves.

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So lautrec...

Do you agree with my opinion that if Mccain wins that minorities especially african americans will be up and arms and possibly start a new race war?

No. I don't think that Irish-Americans will be up in arms if McCain loses the election, either. Nor do I think Jewish-Americans were unduly upset when Gore-Leiberman lost. Remember, obama is half white, so you cannot say that only Afro-Americans will get all up in arms over a potential loss.

Obama is as much white as he is black - why is there so much focus on his Afro-Americaness? It should have nothing to do with this election.

I will personally not vote for him for his political stances, not which race he links himself with.

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I noticed CNN.com decided to make a big deal out of that today.

Hey! Everybody remember that Obama is half-white too! So it's okay to vote for him if you're a racist pig, because you're only voting for HALF a black guy!

I swear to you - that seemed to be the only point of the article.

lol - CNN scares me.

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I noticed CNN.com decided to make a big deal out of that today.

Hey! Everybody remember that Obama is half-white too! So it's okay to vote for him if you're a racist pig, because you're only voting for HALF a black guy!

I swear to you - that seemed to be the only point of the article.

lol - CNN scares me.

Well, since CNN and pretty much all the other so-called news channels objective IS to scare you, then I'd say they are doing what they have set out to do.

I think the more feat, hatred, doom, destruction and sensationalism they can spread, the happier they are.

I don't think these "news channels" are too concerned with our state of comfortability, but are totally focused on stirring whatever pot they have hand, i.e. race, religion, sexuality, etc.

Crazy times.

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As a matter of fact, I was insinuating what you thought I was insinuating. If Gov. Sarah Palin was Gov. Samuel Palin, we really wouldn't consider her to be a top-notch Veep candidate. That's not to say she isn't a fine selection, but there's nothing that would distinguish her from other conservative Governors, like a Mark Sanford-type.

Heck, even Geraldine Ferraro admitted that she wouldn't have been a veep candidate if she was Gerald Ferraro.

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So he'll veto every beer will he?????

Mark my words, the man is going senile. He won't last a term.

He got ahead of himself while speaking (as I do, sometimes) and combined the words "bill" and "earmarks" into "beer..."

...and did you just break the rules by coming in to the Republican thread to bash McCain?


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Haha, McCain's at my college, and I'm sitting here at the same place he's supposed to be giving a speech or something. I'm not going to go watch, but the line of McCainiacs is wrapping around the place. If I'm correct, the two vehicles in my sight are his, um, motorcade I guess... A cop seems interested in keeping a close eye on them and they're parked on a sidewalk in the middle of campus. Anyways, just saying this is kind of neat. I don't care either way about the candidates, as long as it's not Hilary.

I got eyed at earlier by the cop and I'm guessing secret service or security or something. :(

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  • 4 months later...

No, if Obama wins (which I seriously doubt), all the minorities will be happy, whites will just continue on with their lives (unless they are a white supremisist). If mccain wins, minorities, especially african americans will be up in arms and will think the "white man" is trying to screw them again, and call racism and make an excuse to further make the crime rate go up.

The difference between both parties, is the D party was unified by all races. Thats the problem the republican party had this election. There was the downfall. McCain was outvoted by Latinos and other ethnic races. Blacks vote Dem anyway, as history has proven. There wasnt even that much of a percentage increase in this years turnout for Blacks. You have to remember, alot of Republicans were turned off to McCain. Heres an example: In my state, which is Ohio, the Reps. lost something close to 30% of Reps. that either voted for Obama or didnt vote at all. Thats what your gonna have to contend with in coming elections from now on. The GOP will have to reform its policies.

I will say this, the Senator from Louisiana, I cant remember his name off hand, he is Indian American. If anyone can post his name, Id be greatful. But anyway, this guy is the real deal. He may give Obama a run for his money in 2012. Not Palin, shes a has been. There are very smart and well spoken guys on the rise in the Rep. party. The future is safe, but the party has to be reformed. Like I said before, Im not a democrat or a republican, I go with who is the best option. Now as for Bush, well, his legacy will be left in tatters. Thats not a bash on the Reps., thats just the truth. I like the future of the GOP, its just off track right now. We'll see in 2012 where we are as a country.

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Nice to have this thread up again. Here's a question for all the conservatives here. What do you think the Republican Party has to do to get themselves going again? I personally believe that this party has strayed from their conservative roots, and the American people are fed up with that and the failed promises. The Republicans promised smaller government and less spending, but as Sen. McCain said, they let Washington change them by increasing government and spending. The Republican party has also moved towards the center on other issues like abortion, immigration, and other issues. If they want to return to power, they need to go back the Reagan conservativism. That is the only thing that will save this party.

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The difference between both parties, is the D party was unified by all races. Thats the problem the republican party had this election. There was the downfall. McCain was outvoted by Latinos and other ethnic races. Blacks vote Dem anyway, as history has proven. There wasn't even that much of a percentage increase in this years turnout for Blacks. You have to remember, alot of Republicans were turned off to McCain. Heres an example: In my state, which is Ohio, the Reps. lost something close to 30% of Reps. that either voted for Obama or didnt vote at all. Thats what your gonna have to contend with in coming elections from now on. The GOP will have to reform its policies.

I will say this, the Senator from Louisiana, I cant remember his name off hand, he is Indian American. If anyone can post his name, Id be greatful. But anyway, this guy is the real deal. He may give Obama a run for his money in 2012. Not Palin, shes a has been. There are very smart and well spoken guys on the rise in the Rep. party. The future is safe, but the party has to be reformed. Like I said before, Im not a democrat or a republican, I go with who is the best option. Now as for Bush, well, his legacy will be left in tatters. Thats not a bash on the Reps., thats just the truth. I like the future of the GOP, its just off track right now. We'll see in 2012 where we are as a country.

In 2012 it should be Sarah Palin, most definitely. Only crazy people who are threatened, like Blades, would think she is not worthy. However, if for whatever reason she decides not to run, it would be my preference to have one of these three: Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA), Gov. Mark Sanford (SC), or Mitt Romney. A longshot that has a fantastic future, from my state of Wisconsin, is Paul Ryan.

Also Blades, as a Republican-leaning independent conservative, the Republicans problem has really little to do with race. It is strictly a fourfold issue of returning ourselves back to conservatism: smaller government, less spending, personal responsibility and accountability, and most of all, strong national security problem solving. The Hispanic-Americans may not have come out for us this year, but they will come back to us in 2012 if we return to the basic tenets of conservative policy making. We might also be able to get the Jewish-American vote that MSNBC/CNN so vividly showed that we lost by 35 some points on Tuesday.

Put all that together, and explain why Obama ("The Little O") is wrong for this country's interest, and we WILL win four years from now. With the liberals in total control now, and George Soros and Howard Dean wanting their "check to be paid" by Barack now, it shouldn't be much of a sell that "The Lil' O" was a wrong choice in 2008. Four years from now, hopefully the people will see that the Pelosi(s), Reed(s), Schumer(s), Durbin(s), and Obama(s) are just too much of a threat to the security, health, and prosperity of our economy and national security! Turn the anger to the good of the country and get us back on track, and away from secular progressive wildness, and focus on our country and not capitulate to the European sensitivities (international at large). It is alright to try to form some alliances, and be carefully diplomatic and deliberate before using our military might, as well as being willing to slightly compromise. However, let's not let that desire overwhelm what is important - that being our well being as a nation. I don't want to live in Europe, or even live in a predominantly European state of mind, it won't work - it never has. Let Europeans be European, they do it quite well (and it works for THEM); and let us, consequently, be American - because that is what we are!


--- vbprogjoe (Joe W.) :) :wink: :idea:

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I don't want to live in Europe, or even live in a predominantly European state of mind, it won't work - it never has. Let Europeans be European, they do it quite well (and it works for THEM); and let us, consequently, be American - because that is what we are!

a predominantly European state of mind, it won't work

they do it quite well (and it works for THEM)

it won't work

it works


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People seem to have forgotten the rules (including me, at times) so I will remind everyone.

The Republican thread (this one) is for the discussion of the Republican party among Republicans. It's basically like a team fan thread (This thread).

The Democrat thread is for the discussion of the Democrat party among Democrats. It's basically like a team fan thread (LINK).

The DEBATE thread is for discussions between the two sides (LINK).

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My bad, RQ! I sprang them all out into separate tabs and thought I was posting in the two-fer thread. Consider my question marks withdrawn!

lol I wasn't really talking to anyone in particular - I was just trying to get things back in order.

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Has the Alaskan Senatorial election been decided? Last I saw, it was either too close to call or they had to go through the votes again. I couldn't find anything on the net.

Everyone has been saying on TV that if Stevens wins and has to step down that Palin may take his place. [since Palin can't name herself Senator] Palin would step down and the Lieutenant Governor (Sean Parnell) would take her place and name a replacement for Stevens who probably would name Palin leaving Palin as the Senator of Alaska for the remainder of Stevens' term until next election. And then I'm sure she'll win in the election whether be special or standard. I was wondering how likely this would be ... but then again, it hinges upon whether or not if Stevens wins.

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lol I wasn't really talking to anyone in particular - I was just trying to get things back in order.

Yeah, all these political debate threads are starting to run together for me, as well.

Also count me out, too! Sorry for the confusion.

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Has the Alaskan Senatorial election been decided? Last I saw, it was either too close to call or they had to go through the votes again. I couldn't find anything on the net.

Everyone has been saying on TV that if Stevens wins and has to step down that Palin may take his place. [since Palin can't name herself Senator] Palin would step down and the Lieutenant Governor (Sean Parnell) would take her place and name a replacement for Stevens who probably would name Palin leaving Palin as the Senator of Alaska for the remainder of Stevens' term until next election. And then I'm sure she'll win in the election whether be special or standard. I was wondering how likely this would be ... but then again, it hinges upon whether or not if Stevens wins.

I read that Palin has said she will not pursue that Senate position if Stevens gets booted out. However, I think that'd be pretty interesting to have John McCain and her working together...unless of course there really is a dispute between them like the media and some McCain aides have been reporting.

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