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An old fan returns, and is mesmorized by what he finds


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Many moons ago I was a huge fan of MVP 05, this site, and video games in general. Then real life started knocking on the door. I was going to a tough school, working 40 hours a week, and trying to maintain some sort of social life. Something had to give, and I chose to give up gaming.

Fast forward a couple years, and now I'm graduated, unemployed, and have no girlfriend. So with a lot of free time on my hands, I installed MVP05, my favorite game of all time, on my new laptop. I then went back to MVPmods.com to see if the community was still active.

And good god I was floored by what I found.

The fanbase that still exists for this game is incredible. I just fired up MVP07 for the first time, and I must say I am simply amazed by the quality of this product. I salute all those who have contributed. It truly is a masterpiece. I'm so glad this site is still around; a donation is on the way.

That said, I'm trying to re-imerse myself in the community here, and I've got a few questions for you all. I've read over the FAQ's and such, but I apologize as some of my questions will probably be fairly "noobish."

First, I've seen a few datafile mods that change ball physics. It always kind of bugged me the way the ball seemed to just hang in the air, allowing infielders to catch liners they have no business getting to. Any recommendations on some of the better physics mods?

Second, whose/which datafile mod is used in MVP 07. I love the new pitching meter, but can't find anything about it in the included readme file.

Lastly, I've been experiencing some stuttering in MVP07. I've seen posts suggesting to use the 1x uniforms to help speed up graphical performance. I don't think my problem is graphics-card-related though. It seems that in between innings, and sometimes when a player comes to bat, my hard drive becomes very active, and as a result the game will freeze up for a couple seconds. Any advice on how to cure this?

Thanks to all of you. It's good to be back.

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Welcome back!

The only datafile i've used that has a noticeable change for me is Jim825's one. (Here)

It's kind of hard to hit home runs with it though.

It's interesting to hear you say this because none of my datafiles actually do anything with the ball physics. They mainly change some cameras, modify the infielder and outfielder depths and make changes to the pitch meter to make pitching a little more difficult.

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I'm a big fan of KSM's datafiles. They seem to play very realistic. Only problem is the guy barely speaks English so if you run into a problem you're pretty much on your own.

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Welcome back!

The only datafile i've used that has a noticeable change for me is Jim825's one. (Here)

It's kind of hard to hit home runs with it though.

As for the MVP 07 datafile, and the stuttering problem, i have no idea.

Dude, I'm from Charleston too!

What part?

James Island over here.

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