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long day...:|

a couple of years ago, we started looking after my sis bf's dog because he had to be removed from where he was living (lost the job he had and couldn't afford). Well, originally he was suppose to sell the dog quickly which is why I agreed, but then he ended up moving in here so the dog just ended up staying.

It's a pitbull and is actually a rather sweet dog, and for a couple of years we had no problems. But then he started attacking my Shepherd, Schroeder. My sis bf is no longer living here (long long story haha) and we've just been keeping the pitbull in a crate except to go outside.

Well I'm sure you can imagine where this is going

I had let out Schro and bingo into our backyard. My sister then woke up like 30 minutes later and just let the pitbull out without really checking to see if Schro was back there, you know, still in morning fog.

So I'm playing ET and all of a sudden I just hear my sister screaming for me, yelling "I didn't know Schroeder was back there." So I'm just like f***, I run to the back yard and the pitbull is latched onto his neck. I remember hearing before about how you can't pull a pitbull because it'd rip the other dog, and to pry it's jaws open. Well, do you know how f***ing strong a pitbulls jaw f***ing is? Everytime I opened it's jaws a little bit, he'd just bite down as hard as he could, which would also mean biting my fingers. I tried wailing on it's balls, my sister sprayed perfume into it's eyes, nothing was working so I turned to her and asked if I could kill it, and told her to go get me a knife. Well I'm thinking our butcher knife but she brings me a f***ing steak knife. So i try to slit it's throat, which was a lot f***ing harder then I thought it'd be. And the knife got so covered in blood that it got slippery and I ended up cutting myself a lot. But I keep cutting and stabbing and cutting, just trying to kill the f***er.

after a bit the dog loosened it's grip and I got schro inside, my sister was on the phone with 911 haha and told me to rush schro to the vet (and ofcoarse not really thinking, I go to our vet which even driving absolutely insanely was still a 15 minute drive even though there's one less than a mile from our house). We get there, they see me absolutely covered in blood and start really worrying about my dog but I tell them it's mostly from the other dog, they take me to the bath area and get me to wash off while they look at him and I'm just like I DON'T f***ING CARE ABOUT ME RIGHT NOW but just washed off as much blood as fast as i could and ran back inside.

dude there told me that he was going to be ok, he has a lot of cuts but nothing serious and I'm just like thank god thank god thank god. Guy asked me what happened and I explained to him and during the story I started to break down cuz it really all started to hit me of what I did but the guy was absolutely amazing and really helped calm me down, just kept talking to me and sh*t, told me about how he had to kill a dog to save his when he was about 18. Just sh*t like that and it really really helped calm me down.

So anyway they sedate him, and once he was out of it they took him to go get stitched and stapled.

So my sister got her boyfriend and they found the pitbull and he wasn't dead, they rushed him to the vet and they said he'd be fine, that he was really lucky because I missed arties and sh*t and basically just got fatty skin. but he hasn't had a rabies shot and so he has to stay quarenteed for 10 days.

Luckily Schro got taken care of fast and he ended up being able to come home that day several hours later. He looks so f***ed up right now haha, they had to shave him where his cuts are, so he just looks so f***ing weird haha.

My sister suffers from panic attacks (and she was in an absolute hysteria the entire time...not just with the incedent but at the vet aswell and sh*t) so the rest of the day was mostly spent with her to make sure she'd be ok after I took care of my wounds (nothing serioes but I currently can't use three fingers on my right hand haha. No wanking for a bit :(). Mostly just watched kid movies haha, but it ended up being good for me to because it helped distract me. Cuz I mean...it doesn't really bother me THAT badly but at the same time, I just tried to kill a dog. And i don't just mean tried or whatever, I was a f***ing cold blooded killer, I wanted that dog dead. Like now when I re-live the moment and it's blood starts spilling out I'm just kinda like ahhh but at the time it didn't phase me at all, I wanted as much blood out of that dog as possible, I wanted to saw it's f***ing head off. So yeah, just thinking about that is rather :|

But yeah, everythings ok now. They're fine, I'm fine, it's all good. Stories always need a happy ending. Though needless to say that dog is not f***ing staying here anymore.

pic of the backporch, hotlinked since I'm sure there are those that don't want to see it


bad pic but too lazy to take another, more blood on the left

1. Edited by Y4L because I put the proper code in it.

2. Edited by RaptorQuiz to be a link for the photo.

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The main thing DoubleD is that you and your dog are allright. It's a well known fact I'm a dog lover, but at the same time I have no trust at all for pit bulls. That's one breed of dog that I am very wary of because of this kind of behavior.

You did what you had to do. Hang in there. I hope you, your sister and the dog will be fine in the coming days.

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There were a lot of curse words in that story.

Stream of Conciousness Style, right there, from Mr. DoubleD, ladies and gentlemen.

Crazy story, DoubleD. I'm glad that pretty much everyone involved is okay. Dogs can get so weird around eachother, and it can be scary when one is strong and as capable of violence as a Pitbull, etc.

I don't know exactly how I would've reacted to this situation - but I'm glad that you and your sister are okay, and I'm glad no dogs had to die in this story either.

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Y4L, pitbulls are all dependant on how their raised. If they're raised right then they're just big playthings, if wrong then you get things like this. This kind of behavior isn't prevalent when they're young and treated very well, not blaming anyone, but just saying that sometimes people don't always know what's best for a dog (maybe it was the boyfriend who did even one thing that discouraged the dog into this kind of behavioral pattern).

Hope you're okay Double D, you did a much better job of handling that situation then I would have. I probably would have kept kicking him in the nuts honestly.

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Y4L, pitbulls are all dependant on how their raised. If they're raised right then they're just big playthings, if wrong then you get things like this. This kind of behavior isn't prevalent when they're young and treated very well, not blaming anyone, but just saying that sometimes people don't always know what's best for a dog (maybe it was the boyfriend who did even one thing that discouraged the dog into this kind of behavioral pattern).

Hope you're okay Double D, you did a much better job of handling that situation then I would have. I probably would have kept kicking him in the nuts honestly.

I've heard this before ronmexico. It's all depended on how they are raised and up to a point I believe this. But I have also read that this breed is a highly aggressive dog that at any time they can change their personalities and become less friendly and more mean and aggressive. This is why I don't trust this breed around children, other dogs (mine most of all) and other people. I avoid these dogs.

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Keep your head up, DoubleD. The main things is that you and your sister are OK, and it's a good bonus that both of the dogs are OK as well. BTW, just a heads-up, that blood will turn yellow in a day or so when the blood cells separate from the plasma.

Good luck man. :)

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I've heard this before ronmexico. It's all depended on how they are raised and up to a point I believe this. But I have also read that this breed is a highly aggressive dog that at any time they can change their personalities and become less friendly and more mean and aggressive. This is why I don't trust this breed around children, other dogs (mine most of all) and other people. I avoid these dogs.

It's true, pitbulls are dangerous sometimes. They are pretty strong dogs too.

DoubleD, you did the right thing.

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As terrifying as that story is, I'm really glad you shared this. For raw emotion, I'd give this essay an A+. This was written in a very well-formulated thought flow, and the feelings you were going through really came out.

As happens many times with horrific situations, sometimes something spontaneously funny, sometimes nearly hysterical comes out. In this case, it is when you are describing your sister bringing a steak knife when you were expecting or hoping for a butcher knife. I am not making fun of you or the horrid situation, but it is just so like real life, that in the worst kind of heated moments something ALWAYS goes wrong, and you are forced to deal with it. And you did admirably. You just described it so perfectly, with the right amount of emotion and curse words. I believe every word you say here!

At any rate, I hope you and your dogs are doing fine, and I think you did the best you could possibly do in that situation. Thank you for sharing that story.

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This is Why In my county in Kansas city Kansas we banned pitbulls. We did that because a few years ago in fact two years ago, A little old |Lady was killed by a neighbors pitbull When all she was trying to do was garden, and the guys pit bull broke loose and killed her. Then Last summer a guy thought it would be funny to let his roommates two pit bulls run loose, just to see what happened. Result Two People were mauled and almost bleed to death.

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sorry about the cussing admins, this is the only forum I've ever been on that has that rule and I always forget about it since I'm not used to it haha :(

but thanks for your thoughts guys <3 Things have been very calm since, and Schroeder is doing well. Life is back to being life again

lautrec: Are you an English teach/studying to be one? Thanks for the review :) I haven't had an English class in over 6 years and haven't exactly kept in practice so it's nice to know I haven't lost it all haha

And horrible story Robertpaullocke, I hate owners like that :

I've heard this before ronmexico. It's all depended on how they are raised and up to a point I believe this. But I have also read that this breed is a highly aggressive dog that at any time they can change their personalities and become less friendly and more mean and aggressive. This is why I don't trust this breed around children, other dogs (mine most of all) and other people. I avoid these dogs.

Yeah, while I agree very much that upbringing has a very very very lot how a dog turns out, this was a very sweet dog that never been aggressive to a living thing before. He's extremely affectionate to people, even ones he just met, and has gone to dog parks and never had any problems. Then he started lashing out at my dog after 2 years of never having any problems. Needless to say I really don't trust the breed.

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