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Summer Movies


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Just like the title says. What movies have you seen so far this summer? What are you looking forward too?

I have seen:

Iron Man

Indy Jones

The Incredible Hulk

Kung Fu Panda

I have enjoyed them all, although Indy just didn't totally feel like an Indjy Jones movie for me. To much Shia LeBoeuf for my liking.

I am really looking forward to WallE, The Dark Knight, XFiles, The Pineapple Express, Tropic Thunder, and Step Brothers. Hancock looks good as well.

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Just like the title says. What movies have you seen so far this summer? What are you looking forward too?

I have seen:

Iron Man

Indy Jones

The Incredible Hulk

Kung Fu Panda

I have enjoyed them all, although Indy just didn't totally feel like an Indjy Jones movie for me. To much Shia LeBoeuf for my liking.

I am really looking forward to WallE, The Dark Knight, XFiles, The Pineapple Express, Tropic Thunder, and Step Brothers. Hancock looks good as well.

Can't really think of anything else then what you said. Probably Get Smart and Hancock. I'll admit I love Star Wars so I'm looking foward to the Clone Wars movie. Even though this isn't coming out anytime soon it's going to be sweet. http://themovingpicture.net/jay-and-seth-d...-the-apocalypse
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I have seen:

Iron Man

Indiana Jones

The Happening

Wanting to see WallE (looks funny), The Dark Knight and the X-Files movie. Not sure what I think of the Hancock previews, but I will probably end up seeing it. Maybe Get Smart, too.

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I have seen Iron Man, Indiana Jones, The Incredible Hulk, and the Happening. They were all pretty good.

Movies I want to see are Wanted, the Dark Knight, the new X-Files.

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Just like the title says. What movies have you seen so far this summer? What are you looking forward too?

I have seen:

Iron Man

Indy Jones

The Incredible Hulk

Kung Fu Panda

I have enjoyed them all, although Indy just didn't totally feel like an Indjy Jones movie for me. To much Shia LeBoeuf for my liking.

I am really looking forward to WallE, The Dark Knight, XFiles, The Pineapple Express, Tropic Thunder, and Step Brothers. Hancock looks good as well.

I've seen:

Indy 4

Will see

The Dark Knight

As for Indy 4, I enjoyed this. The way I look at it I didn't waste my money and was entertained for 2 hours. Yes, there was some flaws, but Harrison/Indy was his old self.

I understood they tried to make this more of '50's scifi flick (kind of how like the first 3 were '30 adventure movies).

So, the alien origin skull plotline didn't bother me as I understood what they were doing, although I thought it should of been more subtle than it was (the ending). It was a solid movie from the beginning through the chase for the skull until the ending, but the ending kind of sucked and the wedding scene was lame.

Other than that, it was fine. For the most part the actors were, even Shia for the most part. The motorcycle chase scene was good, but jungle Tarzan scene was stupid..

Finally, I was going to see M. Night Shamyalan's "The Happening" until all the bad reviews.

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Younger brother works at a theater so I get movies and concession free. Every movie that has come out this summer, I have seen. Every movie that will come out for the rest of 08 I will see. No matter how horrible the movie is.

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Younger brother works at a theater so I get movies and concession free. Every movie that has come out this summer, I have seen. Every movie that will come out for the rest of 08 I will see. No matter how horrible the movie is.

My goodness you seem to live a charmed life. Red Sox season tickets won a free XBox 360, free movies. Life must be good.

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Younger brother works at a theater so I get movies and concession free. Every movie that has come out this summer, I have seen. Every movie that will come out for the rest of 08 I will see. No matter how horrible the movie is.

Lucky son of a gun. Wow.

Well, the movies I am waiting to see are as follows:

The Hulk

The Happening

The Mummy (not out until August 1st)

I"ve already seen Indiana Jones and Iron Man. Iron Man was better.

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Younger brother works at a theater so I get movies and concession free. Every movie that has come out this summer, I have seen. Every movie that will come out for the rest of 08 I will see. No matter how horrible the movie is.

How was Sex and the City? :lol:

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Wall-E, Kung Fu Panda, Indiana Jones, Don't Mess With The Zohan, and The Incredible Hulk make up my "to-do" list this summer (not necessarily in that order).

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I would say Don't mess with the Zohan but it's a comedy with Sandler. And he hasn't had a good one since Mr.Deeds which is barely good. He needs to stick to serious acting

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My goodness you seem to live a charmed life. Red Sox season tickets won a free XBox 360, free movies. Life must be good.

I recently won the lottery and on my way to the bank to deposit the 42 million dollar check, I met Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - and she immediately dumped Brad and decided to go out with me.

Our "celebrity couple name" is Rapto-lina.

Oh, and I am also much more handsome than Brad Pitt.

And you.

And everyone else.

....anybody buy any of that? Please? I need people to find me interesting SO BAD!!!!!!

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I recently won the lottery and on my way to the bank to deposit the 42 million dollar check, I met Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - and she immediately dumped Brad and decided to go out with me.

Our "celebrity couple name" is Rapto-lina.

Oh, and I am also much more handsome than Brad Pitt.

And you.

And everyone else.

....anybody buy any of that? Please? I need people to find me interesting SO BAD!!!!!!

I can vouch for this. I have seen a pic of him. He is "Man-Pretty".


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