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how to install cyberfaces


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I know how to install all the mod's with the exception of the cyber faces. I tried using tit and it looks as if every thing goes well, just like all the other mods, but when I check my rosters in the game they don't have the cyber faces. I did notice that some used eagraph to install, which I have no idea how to use or where to get. any info would be appreciated.

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you also need mvpedit to make sure the cyberface numbers match. Each player with a cyberface has a number that corresponds to the numbers you see in the files for the cyberface. Using mvpedit you can change the number for a person's face to match those of the files you are installing. Or, if the player already has a cyberface, jut change the numbers on the files themselves to match the face number you see in mvpedit.

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Cyberface Info

When a cyberface is installed, it is given a number based upon the filename. For example, c497.fsh will be given the cyberface number of 497. In order to get this face to show up for a particular guy, this number has to be assigned to the player. The easiest way to do this is via MVPedit and at the beginning of the season. If, at the middle of the season, there is a tool that can extract the dat files from a dynasty and then re-import those files after modified. But, I try to stay away from that. So, if in the middle of the season, I rename the filename of the new cyberface [to import] to match the number of the player. For example, if a player has #497, I would rename the new filenames to c497.fsh, c497.ord, c497.orl and then import those renamed files into the models.big file.

Importing files using BigGUI

You can use TIT I believe but for cyberfaces, I just do it manually via BigGUI. I'm not sure about EaGraph as I don't use it. BigGUI lets you import, extract, compress, uncompress and rebuild the .big file. EaGraph allows you to see the actual .fsh file within the .big file. First thing you can do is to backup your .big file (in this case models.big) you are going to modify in case if something doesn't work. Next you open the models.big file and click the import button / text command from the toolbar. Navigate to the files you want to import and click okay. They should be imported. But, they may not be compressed. Most files in a .big file must be compressed. Check the files you just imported to see if they are already compressed; if they aren't compressed, highlight the file(s) and click the compressed button / text command from the toolbar. After compressed, make sure the actual .big file size is at its minimum by re-building the file. You do this by clicking the rebuild button / text command from the toolbar.

Note: If you are going to replace and overwrite one person's cyberface files with another set of files, I would backup the first set of files in case if you want to put them back in the game.

I hope this explains what you want to know.


MVPedit: http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=4459.html

BigGUI: http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=1100.html

(also you can search for biggui in downloads you will come across a lot of cyberface dowloads with installation instructions as well ... same goes for EaGraph)

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  • 2 months later...

I've tried to use TiT to install a new cyberface for Juan Castro, but the old one is still showing up. I've checked MVP Edit and MVP Editor and the cyberface numbers match. Is it not possible to change a face in the middle of a dynasty?

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