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Following dynasties that didn't go as hoped or planned throughout last year, i have spent alot of time this season creating templates and presentations for this dynasty. I learnt alot from presenting my previous dynasties and i hope that experience will help me create high quality presentations to keep you all interested and following.
Special thanks to all the guys that made this site and all the mods possible and JoeRudi26 for taking the time to look over some of my presentations and giving suggestions on how to improve them.

second season starts on page page 42.

Year 3 starts on page 92.

I am planning to play multiple seasons in this dynasty.

[align=center]Difficulty - MVP[/align]
[align=center]Batting/Pitching View - 6/4[/align]
[align=center]Strikezone - On
Hot/Cold Zones - Off
Pitch Cursor - On
Hitters Eye - On[/align]
[align=center]Mod - MVP 2008[/align]
[align=center]The Roster, Stadiums, Uniforms and Overlay are default to MVP 2008[/align]

[align=center]Starting Rotation[/align]

Nice approach!

Question: Why are most faces generic ones if you're running the MVP08 mod? Okajima, Matsuzaka, Papelbon etc?

I made the cutouts quite a while ago because i was originally hoping to start the dynasty on opening day and i used MVP 2007 to get the screenshots.

I made the cutouts quite a while ago because i was originally hoping to start the dynasty on opening day and i used MVP 2007 to get the screenshots.

That makes sense :)

Good luck on the dynasty bud, I'll stop by and check it out later on


Boxscore Game 1@Oakland

Top - RedSox take the lead on Big Papi's first homerun of the year in the 1st

Bottom - Redsox take the lead for good when Varitek's long ball left the park for a Grandslam


Top - Mark Ellis flashes the leather with a great diving play over at second base to retire Youkilis

Bottom - Ryan Sweeney lays down a great sacrifice to move Kurt Suzuki into scoring position


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