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Can this be done?


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I'm trying to figure out the simplest way of editing 30 teams' jerseys to create a "new league" (USBA instead of MLB), as I did on NHL95 and HH2003. The simplest and perhaps only way I could this with the time I have (or am willing to spend on the project) is to edit existing uniforms, versus creating 30 (times 2, at least) jerseys from scratch.

For example, could I remove the lettering from, say, a Texas Rangers jersey and then place this logo (below) on the jersey (minus the Tulsa part).


I have read about how to add letting, but not about removing it. Can it be done?

Edit: The only idea I currently have is to colorize a jersey template to be the same color as the Texas jersey, and then copy the same sized section of jersey from the template and place it over the Texas lettering ... but this gets more difficult when there is piping on a jersey.

Note: This is just for my own usage. I do not intend to claim the work as my own.

Thanks in advance for all feedback. I will continue to use the search feature to try and find answers to my questions.

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What you need to do is replace the JERx files inside of each uXXX.fsh uniform file. 3 JERx files for the front of the jersey and 1 JERx file for the back.

The easiest way would be to use one of the templates (Kennyess or KC) and create the jersey files by hand. Either one of those jersey templates has layers for different things such as pinstripes and piping. Just click on and change the color.

There is a uniform tutorial around here somewhere. I think highheat32 made one.

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I understand the process of creating a jersey from scratch using the templates, and that may be the route I have to go. Luckily, I'll just have to creat the jersey front, edit the seelves (remove logo if present), edit the hat/helmet if need be, and just keep the pants, shoes, gloves, etc.

I was just wondering if there was a way to highlight a section of the jersey, and "remove layers/colors" without deleting the whole highlighted section (resulting is just a plain white box on the jersey.

The latter would be much quicker and still result in a quality looking jersey. Like I mentioned, I'm doing this solo (for myself) and for 30 teams (60+ jerseys), so I don't have a strong desire to dedicate the numerous hours creating wonderful jerseys, like so many wonderful folks here have (and I must say many of the jersys are just out-frickin-standing).

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I am almost positive you will have to create the Shirt Files, Sleeves, and Hat/Helmet from scratch. You should be fine with the pants and etc being the same if thats what suites you.

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I think you're both right.

The only other thing one cound do is color a jersey template the same color as the jersey you're editing and copy a section of the template jersey and place it over the edited jersey (aligning the wrinkles, of course) to create a "Texas" (for example) jersey without the lettering, and the apply the logo/lettering you wish to place on the jersey.

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