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WCTB League (Looking For One More Owner for Season 1!!)


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It is now official that WCTB league is underway and looking for owners for teams. So far every team is open and its based on first come first serve. We are looking for 8 to 10 teams to start off the season with serious players only. We are a brand new league looking to deliver a great experience of online league play. This league will consist of using the recently published the MVP 08 mod for MVP Baseball 05. The league will consist of a leaguedaddy site once we get enough owners to start the season. Now if you are interested in playing in the WCTB go to the forums at:


Be free to join up..before joining be sure to read the welcome statement to see what this league will be about and if you are interested then come join the WCTB.

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just a quick update..we are looking for 4 to 6 more owners..so if your interested sign up quickly..plenty of teams still available (yankees, red sox, phillies. angels, etc).

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Just daily update.. we are almost filled up we are looking for 1 to 3 more teams and plenty of teams are still avail to choose from..(yankees, angels, red sox, phillies, dbacks, cardinals) so join while you can and be part of season 1!

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Update..there might be an opening for season 1 as an owner is lacking any response at all as I haven't heard since they posted to join..So due to that there might be an opening so be free to sign up on the waiting list which could eventually meaning be apart of season 1 ASAP so you can earn a spot and a team..

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