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MVP07 or MVP08?


Do you prefer MVP 07 or MVP 08 or MVP2005?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • 3. MVP 2005 (original game).
    • 1. MVP 07
    • 2. MVP 08
    • 4. none of the above

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Well, maybe you should worry about taking better care of items you've purchased instead of losing them, especially rare games that now sell for 2 or 3 times their original purchase price on eBay, and don't worry about what I'm doing. Sound good?

If you want a no-CD crack that works with '08 so badly, if there isn't one already, go make one. I use the CDs, so I'm not sure if there is already one that exists that works with '08, but if there is, you won't find a link to it here.

Ridiculous. You're as useful as you are polite and helpful, which is to say not at all.

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and how useful are you? you can't take any time out of your life to read the forums? it's a pretty simple idea, but you'd rather sit here and point fingers at others for not fixing your problem. how's that working out?

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and how useful are you? you can't take any time out of your life to read the forums? it's a pretty simple idea, but you'd rather sit here and point fingers at others for not fixing your problem. how's that working out?

Look Mr. White Knight, I heard this was a cool thing to try and did so. It didn't work and I commented that it didn't and why. That's all. It is your precious friend there that took an attitude with me. Rather than explain that there was no fix to this or offering any kind of help, he was a dick about it, and so are you.

But I'm sure you can't be bothered to see things from my point of view. So again, thanks for all your "support" and "help".

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Wait...I took an attitude with you? Unbelievable. Just a heads-up here - from the tone of your original post alone, I could have scolded you and actually ripped you apart, but I chose not to, instead preferring a post that somewhat matched your level of attitude. "I wasted part of my day installing something that doesn't work - BAAAWWWWW". What a damn shame. I bet you ***** and moan when a bird craps on you as well, because it means you need to take time out of your day actually doing laundry instead of jacking off to furry porn.

Now, suddenly, by pointing out your own mistakes, we're the bad guys? Sorry pal, no dice. As Homer said, stop blaming others for your own screw ups, and if you really want to play the game that badly, go make your own no-CD crack. If you can't manage to store your CDs correctly, it doesn't say much for your organisational abilities, so for you to come on the forum and complain that you can't use a free mod that others have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours working on because you've lost your disc - well, let's just say it doesn't lend the highest amount of credibility ever.

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Mark I think you took his post the wrong way and are just looking to get into something. Sometimes I believe the admins and "vets" here are truly too combative with new folk. Who cares if he did not search. Hes new and obviously did not know. Not such a big deal. And yes most games have no cd cracks so why jump on his back about not knowing this game did not.

I read his post and thought..hmmm it took long to install and it sucked that it didnt for him and he feel s he wasted his time. And thats that. How do you know the tone of it, if this is all text.

He could of meant it in an aloof, whatever-ish way. Or he could of wanted to be a douche. He could of at least been asked the tone of the post first and what he was getting at instead of being jump on. You chose however to make it a big deal and give an attitude.

I swear alot of you need to chill out sometimes. I was just saying this in the shoutbox last week.

And OP, if you cannot find the discs or afford new ones, there are other means of playing the game that cannot be spoken of here. This site does not endorse certain measures in the wide realm of pc gaming.

And please do not give me any guff about that statement, because many pc gamers know this route and alot of people in this forum have gone that route.

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Mark I think you took his post the wrong way and are just looking to get into something. Sometimes I believe the admins and "vets" here are truly too combative with new folk. Who cares if he did not search. Hes new and obviously did not know. Not such a big deal. And yes most games have no cd cracks so why jump on his back about not knowing this game did not.

I read his post and thought..hmmm it took long to install and it sucked that it didnt for him and he feel s he wasted his time. And thats that. How do you know the tone of it, if this is all text.

He could of meant it in an aloof, whatever-ish way. Or he could of wanted to be a douche. He could of at least been asked the tone of the post first and what he was getting at instead of being jump on. You chose however to make it a big deal and give an attitude.

I swear alot of you need to chill out sometimes. I was just saying this in the shoutbox last week.

And OP, if you cannot find the discs or afford new ones, there are other means of playing the game that cannot be spoken of here. This site does not endorse certain measures in the wide realm of pc gaming.

And please do not give me any guff about that statement, because many pc gamers know this route and alot of people in this forum have gone that route.

Thank you for your level headed response. I wasn't even remotely trying to **** anyone off with my post. I'm glad that there are people here who aren't elitist snobs. Thanks again. Anyway I've got MVP 06 up and running and it's working well. Good enough for me. Thank you to the creators of that mod.

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You can always try and use roster updates to make your 06 up to date with 08. Which you probably already have done.

If you want the 08 datafile I can send you mine. Its the 08 datafile, but I put in the default 05 fielding view, because the 08 one is too close up and sort of aerial. And I also put in the default 05 center 4 batting view, and Pareds behind pitcher view 6. Other than that everything else is the 08 tweaks the 08 crew put in.

I just was having too much trouble playing with the views they had.

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Mark I think you took his post the wrong way and are just looking to get into something. Sometimes I believe the admins and "vets" here are truly too combative with new folk. Who cares if he did not search. Hes new and obviously did not know. Not such a big deal. And yes most games have no cd cracks so why jump on his back about not knowing this game did not.

I read his post and thought..hmmm it took long to install and it sucked that it didnt for him and he feel s he wasted his time. And thats that. How do you know the tone of it, if this is all text.

He could of meant it in an aloof, whatever-ish way. Or he could of wanted to be a douche. He could of at least been asked the tone of the post first and what he was getting at instead of being jump on. You chose however to make it a big deal and give an attitude.

I swear alot of you need to chill out sometimes. I was just saying this in the shoutbox last week.

And OP, if you cannot find the discs or afford new ones, there are other means of playing the game that cannot be spoken of here. This site does not endorse certain measures in the wide realm of pc gaming.

And please do not give me any guff about that statement, because many pc gamers know this route and alot of people in this forum have gone that route.

And, with your post in mind, how do you know the tone of my original post, if it's all text? As I mentioned in my last post in this thread, I could have went all out with one post, but decided, like you mentioned, that he could just be looking to make a comment about it and not mean any harm - hence my response. I did consider putting a smiley emoticon at the end to show I wasn't intending to be rude, but, yet again, it seems certain people need a 15x15 pixel representation of a face to understand that while something can be taken as argumentative, it probably isn't. Then, when I'm asked to keep my "smart mouth" to myself, I again respond with a post that, while sarcastic, isn't offensive, and isn't intended to be, only to have my suggestion called "Ridiculous". Sorry, but that, coupled with the way he was posting in response to Homer's posts, were enough for me. There's only so much that you can get away with when you're being an arrogant, self-righteous and self-important idiot, and he crossed that line.

Also, I'd love to know you got the idea that I was "just looking to get into something". Yes, with all the various problems I have in real-life, I'm just dying to come to a forum I enjoy and don't have many problems, only to sit at a keyboard, waiting for someone to post something that can be taken as mildly argumentative so that I can post a witty, offensive and vulgar retort and take advantage of my "powers" as an administrator. God, you really have me figured out!

Finally, Pyro, I'd encourage you to donate to either the creators of the mod, this site, or EAMods, if you're enjoying the MVP '06 mod. What better way to show that you're truly thankful for the hours spent to make your gaming experience more enjoyable?

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Love the sarcasm, as if it is not anything new. My response to that whole post is "meh". Leave it at that.

Anyways to the OP. Leave me a PM about that datafile if you are interested.

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... to get back on topic ... thank you very much for the poll. After making 15 lists, weighing all the pros and cons of each, spending two years of research and countless minutes of typing as well as getting bribed from each of the Total Conversion Modders, I think I'll have to go with ...

MVP09 ... j/k :lmao:

MVP07 was good but I like the new updates in MVP08 so I voted for that.

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MVP08 is more advanced. A sort of next-gen feel to it. I am not sure if this was posted anywhere in this thread/poll however, the crowd chants are all still there and then some. Give the game a chance or the 08 game a chance. It has added quite a bit more audio to it, but again, you must play it to know it. It is a nice upgrade from the 07 verison which was really well modded as well. But the 08 crew exceeded my expectations. Again, this is just my opinion, take it for what it's worth. An opinion.

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any idea why I'm not able to d/l MVP 08 from eamods? i'm registered, logge in, everything - it just keeps telling me I need to be logged in or registered before I can download, but I AM! In fact, I just downloaded TiT.

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any idea why I'm not able to d/l MVP 08 from eamods? i'm registered, logge in, everything - it just keeps telling me I need to be logged in or registered before I can download, but I AM! In fact, I just downloaded TiT.

You can download it directly from here.

EDITED to fix link.

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MVP08 is more advanced. A sort of next-gen feel to it. I am not sure if this was posted anywhere in this thread/poll however, the crowd chants are all still there and then some. Give the game a chance or the 08 game a chance. It has added quite a bit more audio to it, but again, you must play it to know it. It is a nice upgrade from the 07 verison which was really well modded as well. But the 08 crew exceeded my expectations. Again, this is just my opinion, take it for what it's worth. An opinion.

Funny you mentioned the crowd because that is one of the biggest disappointments for me. The "white noise" I hear is so bad I have to turn Crowd off. I am not talking about the chants...

There is more audio, but some names have an awful glitch sound--check out Skip Schumaker of the Cardinals.

The Player Info thing is loaded with grammatical errors. I don't care much for the new terminology, such as Starting 9, GM, etc.

I don't see the point of having a pitch meter when there is no green.

The main difference I see is the roster being updated--the rest does not make a big impression on me...

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Well - for the crowd sounds, just make them up as you go! and with the pitch meter, there are a few tutorals around that can teach you how to play with the physics and settings so that when your pitcher is at 10 percent stamina, he can still pitch a 95 mph fastball dead-on. That's just a few things you can do to improve an already outstanding game

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Well - for the crowd sounds, just make them up as you go! and with the pitch meter, there are a few tutorals around that can teach you how to play with the physics and settings so that when your pitcher is at 10 percent stamina, he can still pitch a 95 mph fastball dead-on. That's just a few things you can do to improve an already outstanding game

Make what up for Crowd sounds? I said what annoys me is the "white noise" heard that I guess is supposed to be a roar. The "white noise" is loud and so annoying I have to turn Crowd noise off and I don't hear any chants, which was part of the fun playing 07.

As for the pitch meter and what I can do, I am comparing 08 to 07 as is.

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I forgot to add one other biggie: the scouting report!

Here is the Scouting Report for Josh Towers, just one example:

"I issue an open challenge to anyone who can name 10 better active Pitchers than this guy. He is part of an elite pitching group that he very well could lead..."

There is another sentence but I almost threw up so I'll stop right here.

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I forgot to add one other biggie: the scouting report!

Here is the Scouting Report for Josh Towers, just one example:

"I issue an open challenge to anyone who can name 10 better active Pitchers than this guy. He is part of an elite pitching group that he very well could lead..."

There is another sentence but I almost threw up so I'll stop right here.

Are you saying that someone edited the text in the scouting report for this guy?

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Like they said at EAmods, the pitching meter is for more realism. If you do not care for the way it is you are able to change it. Check the 08 support thread at eamods, which will instruct you as to how to change the pitch meter. If I am not mistaken though 07's meter was not a whole lot greener than 08's. You just have to practice, it does add alot more realism than throwing a perfect game or striking out 8-12 batters a game with your 4-5 starters...But if that's how you want it, just change it. It's really that simple.

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There is more audio, but some names have an awful glitch sound--check out Skip Schumaker of the Cardinals.

Indeed. I don't understand why they leave things like that in. If it doesn't sound like the name, leave it out. In one of the classics mods they pronounced Jim Gentile as "Gen-TEE-lee." I delete them as I run across them.

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