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It should be self explanatory more or less but there should be good instructions that come along with the download (along with quite a few threads about it).

You can go one line at a time scanning what the file contains or you can search for something in particular. Basically, open up the *.loc file using the downloaded program and when you highlight the line you want to modify, the text appears in the text box below. You can modify that and when done modifying, click on the change button. As soon as you change one line, I believe the file changes so just like with everything else when you modify (or replace / update) the files, you should make a backup of the file in case if you mess something up. But, before you exit the file, make sure you click on the save button.

Everything you may need to know about how to use the program should be in the instructions accompanying the download as well as all the threads about the program or loc files.

Good luck.

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