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Temporary GoodBye To My Favorite Site.


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I have been working in the Oil and Gas Industry since August of this year. This past week I was informed I may have to go across country from New Brunswick to Alberta for a contract. I found out today that I leave tomorrw evening on WestJet.

My wife is 8 months pregnant, and I have a 9 year old boy, and a 13 month old girl...this sucks. The money will be fantastic, and the work great, but now I am leaving until December 20, which is killing me.

My boy is taking it hard, my daughter doesn't know what the Hell is going on, and my wife is being as supportive as she can.

Anyway, I haven't even had the time to tell the staff here, but I wanted to say "Good Bye" to all of my friends here on MVPMods. I'll check in from time to time, over the next couple of months, but will not be active until Christmas for two weeks, then I fly out again.

Have a safe winter my friends, I'll miss this place, but I will be back again.



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Hey bud, you have to do what you have to do and what's best for your family. At least you'll be there until December 20th so that means this Christmas should be a wonderful one at your home as you return to your family.

Stay safe, and best of luck to you during this time.

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Good luck. I was going to type something else but all I can think of this sucks. I guess you can look at all the positives. Life is full with bad timing and it sounds like this is one of those times. Wish you well to you and your family. Have a safe winter and take care.

PS > Maybe you can ask your son to draw you a picture and tell him that you'll take it with you so he can be always close to you while you are gone ... or something like that. And maybe you can draw the same picture and give it to him to keep too. I don't know .... wish you well though.

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Thanks guys. I have been okay with it since I found out, but my boy just went to bed, and I have been sitting here listening to him sob now for 30 minutes. My wife is in there with him, and I really don't know what to say to the little guy.

I come home in December, then I haul out again after New Year's.

The money is fantastic...I'll clear approx. $7,000 a month while I am gone.

Between the boys sobs, he was able to get out that he would like to get a trip to Disneyland out of the deal....that cracked me up. My wife and I feel so guilty about this, that he just may get his wish.

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$7,000 a month? I just told my wife this and she wants to know if I can go with you.

Yeah Y4L, but that has nothing to do with the money. She's just trying to get you out of the house. :D

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Yeah Y4L, but that has nothing to do with the money. She's just trying to get you out of the house. :D

You might have a point there because she already has two bags packed and is almost done with another.

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DJ, best of luck and be safe while your gone. You will be missed.

Y4L, if she is packing your bags maybe you should just leave to go south and play some golf with the yanks.

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You won't be forced to miss the birth will you. Good luck good sir. Take the boy to Disneyworld and the Blue Jays spring training on that income!

Right now, I am unsure about missing the birth. I can come home for 6-7 days when the baby is due, but that will cut into my time home at XMas. I am doing a long stretch after Xmas, which will result in me not being able to get home until March. If I miss the birth, and stay in Alberta an extra two weeks, then I can extend my XMas stay to almost three full weeks.

The way I see it, is the baby will not miss me, but my 9 year old, and my 13 month old will. It would be better to be home a solid three weeks, rather then 6 days, and be gone another month, and then just home for 10.

I am so confused, and scared. This really sucks, but I know it'll be great for us in the long run. I just find myself worrying that my 13 month old will not know who I am, when I come home...and she will absolutely break my heart tomorrow at the airport. She's at that phase now where she is becoming quite the "Daddie's Girl".

I will miss them.

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Right now, I am unsure about missing the birth. I can come home for 6-7 days when the baby is due, but that will cut into my time home at XMas. I am doing a long stretch after Xmas, which will result in me not being able to get home until March. If I miss the birth, and stay in Alberta an extra two weeks, then I can extend my XMas stay to almost three full weeks.

The way I see it, is the baby will not miss me, but my 9 year old, and my 13 month old will. It would be better to be home a solid three weeks, rather then 6 days, and be gone another month, and then just home for 10.

I am so confused, and scared. This really sucks, but I know it'll be great for us in the long run. I just find myself worrying that my 13 month old will not know who I am, when I come home...and she will absolutely break my heart tomorrow at the airport. She's at that phase now where she is becoming quite the "Daddie's Girl".

I will miss them.

Man. Go out there and spend that quality time with your family. :)

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Your their dad and that is all that matters. They love you and will miss you. Think about that, they care about you greatly, but they will love you even more as will you them when you come back at the holiday. Good luck. God speed.

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Hey DJ, I know we havnt been the best of friends lately, and for that I wanted to say I am sorry. I also want to say congrats on the new job, it sounds really exciting. I think you just proved to everyone that family life is more important than anything else. Get yourself situated first, then everything else will take care of itself. Make that money while you can, because the economy is down. Your little one will understand. Take care, and stop in when ya can....later bro


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