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Did you vote?

Sean O

Did you Vote Today?  

65 members have voted

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    • Yes, I care about democracy
    • No, I'm a lazy jerk and hate freedom
    • No, I'm too young
    • No, I'm foreign, but I vote in my country's socialist elections
    • I will vote if all-knowing President Mugabe lets me, god willing

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Blacks have voted for Democrat candidates very strongly since FDR.

No, they have supported Democrats but they never voted like how they will today because they only want a black president. Thats all they care about. Rediculous. FOCUS ON THE ISSUES.

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I voted today. I made a stop before I went off to work and I felt better after knowing I did my part.

I voted the Democratic party line. I don't like to push my political views on people because that isn't my style. I vote the way I want to and I don't question why someone votes the way they want to or insult them because of it.

I don't get into the political back-and-forth talk around here because I don't follow politics that close to really jump in and have anything to add that hasn't been mentioned before. So I just sit back and read the views from you guys here. And I'll also be the first to admit that there's people from other countries (like Hory and MarkB) that have more knowledge and understanding of American politics than I do.

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No, they have supported Democrats but they never voted like how they will today because they only want a black president. Thats all they care about. Rediculous. FOCUS ON THE ISSUES.

Are you serious? Your shoutbox post was bad enough, but I'm now starting to think you're just stirring the pot for some lulz on election night. If so, please, feel free, but just let us know so that we can accommodate you as necessary and laugh at your posts.

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Are you serious? Your shoutbox post was bad enough, but I'm now starting to think you're just stirring the pot for some lulz on election night. If so, please, feel free, but just let us know so that we can accommodate you as necessary and laugh at your posts.

No, I am just pissed off that people are voting for obama for his race an from what other people say. People actually need to think about who they are voting for. An obama presidency would be a disaster for America.

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No, they have supported Democrats but they never voted like how they will today because they only want a black president. Thats all they care about. Rediculous. FOCUS ON THE ISSUES.

I think you mean "Blackdiculous." Of course, the Communists are probably also voting Democrat, which is rediculous.


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No, they have supported Democrats but they never voted like how they will today because they only want a black president. Thats all they care about. Rediculous. FOCUS ON THE ISSUES.

Hmmm I guess since I am black and voted for Obama, than I do not care about his health care or economic views. Hint, that is why I am voting for him.

Here is more news. If Ron Paul won the republican nomination, this first time voter would of voted repub. Ron Paul I honestly feel has a genuine interest in this countries lil guy and economics for the regular dude.

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No, I am just **** off that people are voting for obama for his race an from what other people say. People actually need to think about who they are voting for. An obama presidency would be a disaster for America.

Your bitching about that when there are tons of videos on youtube of mccain supporters calling him arab and even old hillary voters saying they wont vote for a black man.

Get over it dude. It works both ways. And from the looks of it, America wants change and the people will have spoken tonight

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In your opinion. Some would argue that all McCain cares about is tax cuts for the already rich. However, the time for arguing is over, it's time for voting now.

Also, are you saying all blacks are voting for Obama based solely on the colour of his skin? That's just stupidity. They're not voting for his race as you say; he's of mixed race. Half-white and half-black. I don't know of any major solely African-American candidates, do you?

Gotta love the excessive use of "they" as well.

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Here is more news. If Ron Paul won the republican nomination, this first time voter would of voted repub. Ron Paul I honestly feel has a genuine interest in this countries lil guy and economics for the regular dude.

I would have voted for Ron Paul in a heartbeat. After Kerry I pretty much swore off the democratic party. I really laugh at the "Change" slogan when in reality the two major parties are there to keep the failing system exactly the way it is. Of the about 15 props I felt half of them were important and the others were regurgitated waste.

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Who's losing so far?
Obama is losing 8-3 according to NBC.

I am too young to vote, but in my mock high school election I voted for Bob Barr.

I am 16 and interested in politics, i know both candidates and their running mates well.

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It is a shame on how black people are going to vote for obama just for the fact of him being black. Cnn is showing this black story right now.

Blacks vote democrat, always have...end of story

Obama is losing 8-3 according to NBC.

I am too young to vote, but in my mock high school election I voted for Bob Barr.

I am 16 and interested in politics, i know both candidates and their running mates well.

Those are 8 electorates for the Bubba vote. He will also win W.Virginia as well. Obama will win California and New York, so technically, McCain is in the hole from the get go. I believe McCain will win Texas, but thats not really an issue. I will go out on a limb and say Obama will win this thing by the slimmest of margins.

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are you saying all blacks are voting for Obama based solely on the colour of his skin? That's just stupidity. They're not voting for his race as you say; he's of mixed race. Half-white and half-black. I don't know of any major solely African-American candidates, do you?

I have to disagree. In my neighborhood, which is half white and half black and latino, they're all voting for Obama based on his race. I know some of these guys and they know nothing about politics but they insist on voting for Obama just so they can have the first African-American President. I mean thousands of people. I'm sure a lot of places are doing the same, which is wrong, your supposed to vote based on the issues and not skin color.

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Blacks vote democrat, always have...end of story

Those are 8 electorates for the Bubba vote. He will also win W.Virginia as well. Obama will win California and New York, so technically, McCain is in the hole from the get go. I believe McCain will win Texas, but thats not really an issue. I will go out on a limb and say Obama will win this thing by the slimmest of margins.

IMO I really hope he does.

IMO i hope ppl did the best thing and voted for Obama it's for my future and most importantly for the U.S future.

ooh and for George W. Bush


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I have to disagree. In my neighborhood, which is half white and half black and latino, they're all voting for Obama based on his race. I know some of these guys and they know nothing about politics but they insist on voting for Obama just so they can have the first African-American President. I mean thousands of people. I'm sure a lot of places are doing the same, which is wrong, your supposed to vote based on the issues and not skin color.

That was my point - if they are voting for his race, as opposed to his skin colour or his perceived image, they have to vote for a mixed-race candidate, as Obama is mixed race. I don't know of any mixed race candidates in this election.

Also, the use of "they" perceived as "blacks" supplements the comment I made. I could get a flight to the U.S. right now and find one black man who voted for McCain. That's all it would take to prove the point incorrect.

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