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Sean O

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Obama wins.

You can put it on the board....YES!

He's even freakin' leading Conservative Texas and Florida right now. He is about to sweep all of NE, as the Democrat party usually does. It's over.

teehee i guess a little sarcasm would be nice at these times lol

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I'm watching the local BBC News feed. Started off watching the one on the BBC website, but having 4 torrents running doesn't lead to a lot of spare bandwidth, so it's election results on 37" TV FTW.

Seems to be pretty up to date.

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I'm going to wait till tomorrow, when I run my errands and there will be less people at the polls.


I was reading the entire thread and when I came upon your post, I just bursted out laughing.

According to ABC, CBS and NBC, Obama is currently leading 102-45. According to FoxNews, McCain is winning 8-3 with a ton of close calls. LOL ... just kidding.

My former coworker was running for the Assembly in upstate New York. I wonder if he won tonight. If not, I wonder if he'll come back to work. :)

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mccain will take kansas. its almost pointless for me (democrat) to vote here.

There's always the Mandate factor. If Hopey gets this, he's going to need a serious mandate, seeing has how he's becoming president in pretty much the worst time ever.

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Everyone should be looking at Virginia, Florida, Ohio, and Colorado. If Obama wins Virginia/Colorado, he doesn't need Florida or Ohio. If he wins Florida, he doesn't need any of the remaining three.

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BBC has Obama just crossing half-way, now with 171 to 58 for Obama with Obama taking Minnesota and New York.

McCain just got one back, and Obama then takes Rhode Island in retaliation - 175-61.

Just saw a video of a Republican "celebration" centre, with a lot of people looking very butthurt. :lol:

EDIT - McCain just took George for 15, 175-76.

Just thinking, Obama has a relatively modest lead right now. As the results come in from the west coast, Obama is projected to take a lot of those states anyway based on the pre-election data, so what seems like a modest win just now could turn into a landslide if McCain hasn't done some serious work on the west side.

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The Republican on the BBC show is truly butthurt and full of BAAAAWWWWWW. New Mexico = Obama's. Another 5 = 200-90.

I'm just hoping nothing bad happens during Obama's speech when I'll be sleeping. Crowds building up in Chi-town. He'll be speaking from between 2 large, bullet-proof sheets of glass.

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Two important things from a big Obama win: there won't be a need, if he does decently, for a "four year campaign", to the point to where he has to be essentially campaigning the entire time he's on the job. Second, a winning Obama campaign sets a winning foundation for winning elections, with a 50 State approach. That's something Democrats have sorely lacked the last eight years.

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The Republican on the BBC show is truly butthurt and full of BAAAAWWWWWW. New Mexico = Obama's. Another 5 = 200-90.

I'm just hoping nothing bad happens during Obama's speech when I'll be sleeping. Crowds building up in Chi-town. He'll be speaking from between 2 large, bullet-proof sheets of glass.

god forbits something stupid happens man.

i'll be nervous and i'll be praying.

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Obama is gonna win california, its a given, so any tandem of 4 states should put him over. I love the fact the world is watching this. Its unbelievable about the support that we are getting.

The world wants Obama because of the change in foriegn policy. Obama is a willing participant in negotiating without asking for a pretext as to a reason why. McCain stands for a bomb first, ask questions later attitude. Thats one of the reasons why he is going down. Also, a change in economic priciples is another reason why the world is watching.

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A couple of weeks ago they held a poll in Holland, and 90% of the participants voted for Obama, so that should tell you how much everyone wants it (though I'm not sure how many people voted).

We were in shock 4 years ago when Bush was re-elected, but the shock would be even bigger if Obama doesn't win today. And that probably goes for the majority of Europe.

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We were in shock 4 years ago when Bush was re-elected, but the shock would be even bigger if Obama doesn't win today. And that probably goes for the majority of Europe.

Imagine how bad it felt as a progressive. Almost as good as it feels now.

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Our country is in worse shape than its been in since Nixon. Our presidency has been damaged, our crediblity ruined, our children's growth stunted, our military weakened, our environment damaged, and our economy left in ruins.

Do I think Obama is America's big UNDO button? No.

Did I vote for him? Absolutely.

Do I think he can restore America's image in the next 4 (8) years? Of course.

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Our country is in worse shape than its been in since Nixon. Our presidency has been damaged, our crediblity ruined, our children's growth stunted, our military weakened, our environment damaged, and our economy left in ruins.

Do I think Obama is America's big UNDO button? No.

Did I vote for him? Absolutely.

Do I think he can restore America's image in the next 4 (8) years? Of course.

100% agree, and he got my vote!

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2008: The day America died.

The day the "dumb america" died is more like it


Ok, caps are over, and I wanted to say to you that couldnt make up your mind and didnt vote, you had 4 years to get to know these guys. Obama came on to the scene 4 years ago, and who in their right mind doesnt know John McCain?? To say you didnt have enough time to get to know the candidates is a scapegoat for saying you didnt really care. It didnt take much to make a determination during the primaries and debates to make a conclusion that Obama was the right choice. The ones who went for McCain were just die-hard republicans, who would vote republican if I ran for office. The race card was an issue in the south, because the white population were for McCain. To say the black vote from the deep south went to Obama is only half the coin. Flip to the other side, and you will see a very different story with prejudice southern whites.

This election has turned into a rout since Obama clinched with California. Its 333 now, so I think the small amount of Americans will now complain that the US is going downhill now. He won the popular vote and the consensus electorate. I dont think this man has to prove anything else to anyone.

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