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* Venturas Park - Fantasy Stadium *


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EA could have done some pretty cool things with Create-A-Stadium, but with that turning out to be bust, I thought about creating a fantasy stadium that would incorporate different designs and features. With help from rolie and Sean O, I was able to get started and slowly understood the ins and outs of stadium modding. Thanks to marlinsmy as well for providing me instructions on how to create a functional scoreboard (though I haven't implemented it yet).

Basically, I took AAA Stadium Two as a base and started modifying it to suit my needs. Below are a list of things I have completed and hope to complete. To keep myself organized, I kinda divided the things I want to accomplish in 3 stages - initial changes, intermediary changes, and final touches.

(blue indicates the things I have completed and green indicate the ones that have been partially completed).

Venturas Park - Fantasy Baseball Stadium for MVP 2005

Initial changes

* foul pole

* sky texture

* wall padding

* dugout texture

* dugout railing

* tarp

* on-deck circle logos

* stadium ads

* 2D crowds - need to update the lighting

Intermediary changes

* stadium scoreboard (fully functional)

* stadium background

* background buildings

* parts from other stadiums (ex: add baseball bat from Create-A-Stadium's removable.o, Angel Stadium's rock fountain, etc.)

* suites

* concessions stands

Final touches

* collision data

* wall data

* crowd data

* dirt and grass texture

* Beta testing

* Debugging

~ * Release * ~

As always with all of my other mods, I more than welcome any sort of feedback, suggestions, thoughts, etc. to improve in any way possible.

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Dugout & Railing - EA's version seemed quite dull inside the dugout and wanted to spice it up by adding some sort of a background to make it stand out a little bit more. I also updated the railing to go along with the color theme for the fantasy stadium.

EA Version


Modded Version


Foul pole & Wall padding - Foul pole was the first part I created using rolie's tutorial. Again wanted to go with a graphic that stood out more than EA's. Updated the wall padding to go along with the color scheme. Updating the wall padding was really easy - just a matter of updating the cram32 file but creating the foul pole was a little bit more complicated. I had created the same foul pole 3 times - mainly because I wanted to get a feel for zmod's environment.

EA Version


Modded Version


Sky - EA's version of the sky had a low quality and besides, I wanted this to be a day version instead of a night version. I still need to play around with the lighting to brighten certain parts of the stadium (plan on doing it once I have all the parts either created or updated). Updating this was actually pretty easy - just updated sky0.fsh with a high-res. texture.

EA Version


Modded Verison


Tarp - EA didn't include the tarp in this stadium, but thought including that would add to the realism of the stadium. I took the part from Yankee Stadium and merged it with my base stadium. The texture was created using Photoshop.

Modded Verison


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Looks good. How did you get that net foul texture to come out so nicely? Mine had a few hick ups. Looks cool though, I would suggest using black padding instead of brown, but that is just my opinion. Have you considered using seating in the outfield? I have no idea if that is possible, but it would be cool if you had a Wrigley Field like bleacher seating there. :)

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nice start, keep it up.

Thank you.

Looks good. How did you get that net foul texture to come out so nicely? Mine had a few hick ups.

I just followed rolie's tutorial bud.

Looks cool though, I would suggest using black padding instead of brown, but that is just my opinion.

Only reason I did that was to match the wall padding with the stadium's color scheme.

Have you considered using seating in the outfield? I have no idea if that is possible, but it would be cool if you had a Wrigley Field like bleacher seating there. :)

I was planning on having fans on top of buildings, but if I can't, I will just try and add a texture to see if it turns out ok.

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Looks very good so far. Impressive stuff.

Ive always thought about doing something similar myself if I ever actually get around to modding ballparks. Taking a base park and adding/upgrading it sounds like a lot a fun.

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This looks very, very nice! I can't wait for it to come out. I never really wanted to get into stadium modding, because I didn't think I'd have the time or patience or skill to be able to do it.

But right now, I'm learning a CAD program in school...I wonder if I could pick it up a little bit.

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On-deck circle logo - Added the Bandits logo in place of the stock texture.

EA Version


Modded Version


Dugout roof - Updated the roof of the dugout with the name of the stadium. I will update the railing of the roof in my next update.

EA Version


Modded Version


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Looks pretty good, Im trying to vuild the new Yankee Stadium from scratch im getting pretty good idea of just how hard this is, its awful fun tho.

Most definitely. It took a while for me to get going, but things picked up once I got my first part into the game.

Personally, I didn't think zmod was that hard to learn. I had an issue with UV-mapping when I first started using it, but for the most part, I have been able to find my way around it thus far. Hot-keying the frequent commands saves a lot of time for sure.

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Most definitely. It took a while for me to get going, but things picked up once I got my first part into the game.

Personally, I didn't think zmod was that hard to learn. I had an issue with UV-mapping when I first started using it, but for the most part, I have been able to find my way around it thus far. Hot-keying the frequent commands saves a lot of time for sure.

I do everything in the much more Powerful 3DS Max Suite, UV mapping their is a little less complicated and 1000x more powerful. That program is SOOO powerful it blows mt mind whats possible with it as far as stadium modding, ive been using it for some time but i still don't think ive capitalized on more then 5-10% of what the program is capable of.

Downside is it is really really expensive, but a nabbed a copy this summer from my job for free cuz they wanted me to teach the basics to kids for Unreal Tournament Modding, normally i think its close to 1000 :(

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I believe that's what rolie is using now. And he pretty much said the same thing. But I guess there's a huge learning curve for that 3dsm? Once I get this completed, I would love to use 3dsm to create my next stadium project.

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Looks pretty good, Im trying to vuild the new Yankee Stadium from scratch im getting pretty good idea of just how hard this is, its awful fun tho.

By the way, are you still working on that? I'm interested to see how "powerful" that program is. :) Yeah, I think zmod is perfect for beginners. It is the basics imo. Maybe I'll go with more advanced programs once I finish my first project. We will see. Anyways, redsox great work. The dirt texture uv mapping is a little stretched. I don't know if you want to play with it some more.

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By the way, are you still working on that? I'm interested to see how "powerful" that program is. :) Yeah, I think zmod is perfect for beginners. It is the basics imo. Maybe I'll go with more advanced programs once I finish my first project. We will see. Anyways, redsox great work. The dirt texture uv mapping is a little stretched. I don't know if you want to play with it some more.

check the newest post :) ::http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=34312.html

I lsot everything i did before but 90% of it turned out to be wrong anyway loz.

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2D crowds - Thanks to rolie, updating the 2D crowds were really easy. I may go back and update some of the fans to show that they are in Las Vegas though.

I will fix the lighting at a later time.

Disregard the 3D crowds up front. I will update them later on

EA Version


Modded Version


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dig the chicks. let's lose all the fat slobs and replace them with cheerleaders.

so does anyone think it's possible to throw a streaker in there? and animate the streaker (male or female) across the field? i think it'd be hilarious.

anyhow, enough of my tangent. great work redsox. looks like you caught onto this stuff rather quickly. maybe one day you guys will inspire me to get away from oedit.

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Ha ha, I don't think we can incorporate streakers.

I think I will end up updating the fans. I had updated what rolie had created, but I want it to actually represent either the city or the team.

BTW, this ended up being just like uniform modding. I was clueless when it came to modding uniforms initially, but once I started asking around (thanks for the start in modding btw) and got the basic understanding of what goes into modding uniforms, I was able to catch on quick.

Though, there are a lot more intricate stuff that I am clueless about when it comes to stadium modding.

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Looks good so far redsox. Glad you are getting the hang of it. looks like you are definitely on your way. You can also change the color of the 3d seat texture to match. It's the top right corner of the texture.

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It is really amazing to me redsox, how you get all of this in game so fast. Modeling and dealing with uv maps in zmod is so easy for me. Yet I have no experience at all with importing objects in game (besides a foul pole) with oiftool, and that is where I think I will get into some trouble.

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It is really amazing to me redsox, how you get all of this in game so fast. Modeling and dealing with uv maps in zmod is so easy for me. Yet I have no experience at all with importing objects in game (besides a foul pole) with oiftool, and that is where I think I will get into some trouble.

But to me, I think, that is the easy part. You have to spend some time creating the textures you want, map it correctly, find the best location for the part you want to import, etc. But when you have completed all of that, getting those parts into the game shouldn't be hard at all.

Just remember that if you are adding new parts to the stadium, you don't have to modify the mstadium using oiftool. You still need to open up mstadium and hit retain all and create a new .o, but there's no part replacing involved. You would only have to replace parts in the removable.o.

rolie's openoffice templates will help you a ton if you keep track of the things you are changing and/or updating. You can always refer back to that to see which parts have been used up and if you are wanting to make a quick update, it will help you out in that regard as well.

I am in no way an expert in regards to stadiums, but if you have a question and I know the answer to, I will gladly help you out.

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Stadium Ads - Updated the right field ads.

EA Version


Modded Version



Thanks to rolie, I also updated the on-deck circle. Here's the new screen.

Modded Version - on-deck circle


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