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Stadium Request #3


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I have the latest twins metropolitan stadium (metpnite.big - 08/22/07) but it appears to be non-compatible with the older igonly.big and ingame.big (05/06/07) that I am using. I am forced to use the default files (no.. pitch counts, base runner speeds, etc.). I am playing with the '67 Twins in the 1967 mod and would love to play in a 60's version of metropolitan stadium instead of the "DOME". A "newer?" version would be great. Thanks.

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I have the latest twins metropolitan stadium (metpnite.big - 08/22/07) but it appears to be non-compatible with the older igonly.big and ingame.big (05/06/07) that I am using. I am forced to use the default files (no.. pitch counts, base runner speeds, etc.). I am playing with the '67 Twins in the 1967 mod and would love to play in a 60's version of metropolitan stadium instead of the "DOME". A "newer?" version would be great. Thanks.

Non-compatible in what way?

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As I said.

The *.big files that I use display in game pitch counts and

base runner speeds. When I play at metropolitan stadium non

of these displays are available. I get just the pitch meter, ball/strike count, score, and the available pitches if I am pitching. Not even a fatigue meter.

The other stadiums usually display the other things except older/unedited stadiums. Most stadiums have been edited to display these items if used with the *.big files I am using.

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Exactly where do you have Metropolitan Stadium installed (i.e. what stadium slot). The way that the game works is that there are two sets of overlays. One set is used for the "modern" stadiums and one set is used in the retro stadiums.

The overlay files used for the modern stadiums are igonly.big and ingame.big.

The overlay files used for the retro stadiums are coopov.big and cooplay.big.

Have you tried playing in one of the other retro stadiums -- e.g. Griffith Park, classic Fenway, Shibe Field, the Astrodome, etc.? If not, I'm guessing that you'll see the same thing if you try playing in those stadiums.

The way to fix this so that the same overlays are used for ALL stadiums is as follows:

Copy igonly.big to coopov.big

Copy ingame.big to cooplay.big

Now the same set of files are used for both sets of overlays. Try this and see if it helps.

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Thanks I will give that a try.

I guess most of the other mods that use the "retro" stadiums

have already done this as i have noticed no other problems with

those mods in this regard. Maybe I just have not played in one of

those stadiums in the other mods.

Stadium installed into '67 as metpnite.big in the stadium folder.

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metpnite.big is one of the retro stadiums, so that is mostly likely the cause of your problem. If you were to install the stadium as metrdome.big (the default Twins stadium), I'm guessing that you wouldn't see the problem.

On all of the mods I've worked on, I make sure that both sets of overlays are setup the same. It sounds like this wasn't the case for the 1967 mod.

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uh collision data doenst exist in overlays lol

That's true, BUT danc asks a valid question, because if he simply renames metpnite.big to metrdome.big, what will happen is that the Metrodome collision data (which is embedded in the data datafile datafile.big file as metrdome.txt) will be used.

That means that Metrodome collision data will be applied to Metropolitan Stadium, since it is now in the Metrodome slot.

What you need to do is extract metpnite.txt from datafile.big, rename it to metrdome.txt and copy it to your data folder. The proper collision data will now be applied to Metropolitan Stadium.

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Thats what I was thinking. Thanks Jim!


You live up to your namesake lol.

Do you understand the difference between a stadium file and

an overlay file???? :roll:

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No need to be snotty about it.

I agee, but when I read BigPaPa's response, it sounded to me like he was talking down to danc. I was tempted to write something myself, but held my tongue and simply answered danc's question.

If BigPaPa had worded his response a little differently (remove the "uh" and "lol"), danc may not have responded the way that he did.

Both BigPaPa and danc could have shown a little more decorum in their responses.

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