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As you can see, we've upgraded our site once again. This time however, it's a major conversion from the Dragonfly CMS to Invision Power Board. There is still lots to do, but instead of keeping the site down for an extended period of time, I chose to do this in stages. All user accounts, passwords, posts and pm's have been converted. Some things didn't convert very well, such as attachments and avatars. I'll see what I can do to fix that, but you can always just update your avatar manually if you want.

I'll be working on the downloads section today along with many other things to help get the site back up to speed.

Thanks again for all your patience.

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Trues... the site looks great. I've been doing some thinking and some playing and I have come to a conclusion... this game is worth updating, especially when we have a great community like this.

If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.

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Trues... the site looks great. I've been doing some thinking and some playing and I have come to a conclusion... this game is worth updating, especially when we have a great community like this.

If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Sent you a PM Pirate.

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Trues... the site looks great. I've been doing some thinking and some playing and I have come to a conclusion... this game is worth updating, especially when we have a great community like this.

If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.

With your talents (new stadiums), I'm sure that there are plenty of things (new stadiums) that we can think of for you to do (new stadiums). Give us some time (new stadiums) and we'll see what we can come up with (new stadiums).... :lol:

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