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I submitted a download yesterday and it has not appeared in the recent list on the right. Is that an issue or did the upload get messed up?

It's an issue with the latest downloads block. I'll be working on that today.

Edit: Fixed

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I'm loving the site trues. A wrigley/cubs theme would be pretty tight ;) .

Thanks man, glad you like it.

Once I have everything functioning the way it should, new custom team skins will be added. At least that's the plan.

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Whats the maximum dimensions that an image can be in the forums before it is minimised?

Plus is there a way to make sure the images aren't resized?

Will there be some more options available for the text, such as alignment?

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Whats the maximum dimensions that an image can be in the forums before it is minimised?

Plus is there a way to make sure the images aren't resized?

Will there be some more options available for the text, such as alignment?

I just changed the setting for images. You should be safe with any images 1024px wide or less.

There are already alignment options available. When posting a new message, look in the upper right hand section for alignment and other options.

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Wow trues you've really outdone yourself man im loving some of the new Newsfeeds and bots.

Also i don't know how feasible this is, as it would be a somewhat large undertaking but, If you server supports my sql have you thought about making a web based Database interface, PHP or even perl, that allows people to look up player IDs and Cyberface #s.

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There is a conflict with the slideshow and shoutbox both being displayed on the front page so I had to move the shoutbox to the top of the forum index page until I come up with a fix. Sorry.

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how about a login box on the front page or side panel instead of having to click the login button first? maybe i'm missing it if it's already there. but yeah, i'm that lazy to have to go to one extra page :)

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Some new team specific skins are now available. The NL central is first up. More coming soon.

You can switch skins at the bottom of the page.

I had a moment or two of difficulty finding where this is. So, for anyone looking for it: It's the dropdown box next to the languange selection box (lower left of page)... the default selection in the skin box is "mvpmods" and the default language (of course) is "English."

BTW: I love the Cardinals outfield wall (and the STL background). I like the Cubs brick wall... but shouldn't it be ivy?

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I had a moment or two of difficulty finding where this is. So, for anyone looking for it: It's the dropdown box next to the languange selection box (lower left of page)... the default selection in the skin box is "mvpmods" and the default language (of course) is "English."

BTW: I love the Cardinals outfield wall (and the STL background). I like the Cubs brick wall... but shouldn't it be ivy?

Thanks Raptor. You're right, it was supposed to be ivy. I forgot to switch it.

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When i check the remember me box when logging in, i later come back to website after closing the browser and i need to log back in. I was just wondering if it possible to make it like the old layout where i stay logged in even when the browser gets closed. It just makes it easier when i'm coming on here when i'm not meant to when i'm at college. :)

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When i check the remember me box when logging in, i later come back to website after closing the browser and i need to log back in. I was just wondering if it possible to make it like the old layout where i stay logged in even when the browser gets closed. It just makes it easier when i'm coming on here when i'm not meant to when i'm at college. :)

clear your cookies.

it should remember you after that.

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That's what i have been trying to do but there is no options there to do it.

Sorry, I forgot to enable that option for contributors and modders. You should be good now.

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