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Problem With Mvp Baseba/vista,laptop And Logitech Dual Action Controller


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Okay, I have a new laptop with Vista, that I purchased for work. I installed MVP 2005, and the '08 mod, played a few games with my Logitech Dual Action, and it worked great...until now.

All of a sudden, if my controller is plugged in to a USB port, the game will not load up. It will go as far as the first startup screen, and freeze after the "loading bar" fills up. If the controller is unplugged, game works great.

I am not very tech savvy, and am not totally familar with Vista. Any help would be appreciated.


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Any recent hardware or software changes to the system?

I'd try running a registry cleaner like CCleaner, removing any redundant or old entries, and if that doesn't work, uninstalling the controller and driver, then re-installing. Also, before uninstalling the controller, what's it listed as in the Game Controllers section of the Control Panel? It may not be named Game Controllers in Vista, but should be something similar.

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Hmm...pretty weird. Can you try renaming your controller.cfg file temporarily to controller2.cfg and try to start the game with your controller inserted? In case there's some sort of conflict with how the game is detecting your controller and when it's trying to detect the controllers you have connected, it's finding a problem with what the system is saying is connected and what it's reading from the .cfg file.

Shot in the dark, really, but worth a try. On second thought, try renaming the MVP Baseball 2005 folder from your My Documents folder instead - that'll force the game to create a new profile and controller.cfg file, instead of just a new .cfg file. DOn't forget to go to the controller config section in-game and save it to actually create the controller.cfg file - if you can get it to load, that is.

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