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Problem Installing Uniform Bmps With Tit.


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I know I have asked for uni help before, and I thought I had it taken care of... But I don't... Sorry, but I have another problem...

I am not sure what I was doing wrong, but originally I could not get my uniforms to install at all with tit. Game always crashed. Finally got that part figured out, but now it won't update the picture for the uni select screen.

I am updating the Rays uni file. I am adding unis to slot e, and f. The unis are in the game, and work great, but the uni select screen still shows old pics. I am renaming the BMPs to 012e, and 012f, zipping them up, and running tit.

Am I forgetting something?

EDIT: It runs tit, but it never pops up the black screen (I think nfshtool, or whatever), it just extracts, and then opens the donations screen...

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Kraw, I figured out that, but now I am stumped on something else. I am not sure why, but I had to open each BMP, and then re save it. Same size, same format, but then it worked...

Now, and even more frustrating issue. I got all of my unis in the game, but now I have a problem with a corrupt uniform.big file. It is either Arizona, Oakland, or Anaheim. If I fix the team that is bad, it breaks another team. I fix that one, it breaks another... I keep going around in circles, and it is driving me crazy. I can get 29 teams right, but there is always the 30th team that is bad. I import the uni BMPs, and then that team is ok, but one of the others is bad again. I have not added any unis, just replaced current ones. Like I said, the model.big file is good, I just can't get the uniforms.big file to work...

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Damn I got a headache.

I ended up having 5 teams involved in this crap by the end of it.

I, for the 4th time (literally), went to my back up uniform.big file, which was not corrupt, but didn't have the updates I wanted. I updated all 5 teams I was having trouble with, all at the same time. Only 3 of the 5 were teams I was trying to update, the other were Oakland, and Anaheim, and I am not sure why I was having issues with them.

Anyway, after updating all 5 at once, it finally worked... Nearly 3 1/2 half hours of messing with it, and my uniforms are finally updated to the point I am not messing with them anymore...

Maybe now I can actually get to my rosters....

Kraw, your stuff works just fine, I am sure I am doing something to screw stuff up, so please don't take my bitching as being directed at you....

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