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The Internet Still Amazes Me


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Granted I am almost 30, have a kid on the way, and only purchased an ipod last year, but I consider myself connected. I was the first kid in my school to have Internet at his house back in 1994 (AOL 1.5! With 14.4 connection speed), I have been palyig videogames since 86 and spend my working days programing Web Sites for a software company, but even today I learn new things ont he Internet.

This week I learned what a fanboy is. They exist here and are especially prevelant at the Operation Sports boards. From what I gather they are somewhat reclusive until they find a game or progrma that they are determined to love, usually out of necessity (i.e. only own an Xbox so they love MLB 2K9). When they do show themselves they usually post the same thing over and over again about the game or program they have become infatuated with. They often attack those who post negatively about the thing they love. They often resort to childish attacks and are controlled by a stong moderator. They rarely give up the fight without a suspension or banning.

I also learned what Internet Tailgaiting is. This is where cybergeeks gather in a post to discuss osmehting that has not been released yet. i have enjoyed this "Tailgating" while waiting for MLB The Show and MLB 2K9. Tailgating topics include what team are you going to play with, what race are you going to be, what game store you are pre-ordering your game at... etc.

It's amazing how digital we all have gotten in the last 15 years. I grow geekier by the day, but still even I learn something new.

Please share a somehting you learned about hte Internet. And we are not talking about new adult-oriented sites. Maybe we can all learn something new.

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The internet, not really sure. But I agree with the "fanboy" statement, I know some people on my wifes side (actually 1 person) who is like that with WoW.

By I did learn somethin new, about the lawnmowers compared to vehicles on the e-way...Interesting...

EDIT- BTW- I am a fanboy of my Alum IU!! Go Hoosiers...;)

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The internet, not really sure. But I agree with the "fanboy" statement, I know some people on my wifes side (actually 1 person) who is like that with WoW.

By I did learn somethin new, about the lawnmowers compared to vehicles on the e-way...Interesting...

EDIT- BTW- I am a fanboy of my Alum IU!! Go Hoosiers...;)

See I learned that Maddux is a Hoosier! I'll be there tomorrow against Northwestern... Big Eleven Victory No. 2!

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I am amazed at the crap people will take for the truth cuz they read it on the internet. The internet reminds me of the old white haired guy behind the curtain in the wizard of Oz... BS, smoke and mirrors. buyer beware. That being said, I love the internet.

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Pirate, I go back to the days of Prodigy on DOS. At that time I thought it was the best thing in the world. Back in the 90's if you recall we didn't have any of that unlimited access that we have now. AOL used to be $2.95 an hour back then (you would get ten hours or so free a month and then you'd be on the clock.) To me, unlimited Internet access was the best thing introduced on the Internet since I've been on it. If not, I'd have been broke years ago.

I do consider myself pretty Internet savvy. I have an iPod -a hand-me-down from my wife- but still I have one. I know how to search through the newsgroups and I try to keep up with the latest things on the net. I think I am pretty good at this until I read about what some of these guys have in here or what they do and I see that I am not as internet savvy as I think I am. I have a theory that high school aged and college kids are more knowledgeable about what happens on the Internet better than any other age group combined. They are on top of the latest fads and they go to the coolest sites way before it becomes well known to everyone. I believe that is because everyone around them in school is connected on the Internet and word of such things spreads faster with them than it would any place else.

Take me for example. I'm not in college. Where I work, I work with some people that do not have computers, have no interest in them and therefore do not talk about them. But if I worked with people that all had computers and we all shared our interests (like favorite websites, etc) I would be open to more of what the net offers. I don't have that at work, but I do have it here. I pay close attention to what you guys think is fun or what you think is a good program to have. I discovered the Youtube site from people in here that said it was a fun place to be. I tried out various audio programs that others have recommended to me over the years. I've become Internet knowledgeable by my own research and by listening to the advice from others.

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Man do I remember the prodigy pay as you go...So do my parents..

On AOL I would have a timer that I would start right after my free hours were up. I remember an AOL user who told me she used to fall asleep at her computer all the time and one time her bill for the month was over $700.

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On AOL I would have a timer that I would start right after my free hours were up. I remember an AOL user who told me she used to fall asleep at her computer all the time and one time her bill for the month was over $700.

I completely forgot about that... see I'm so old I forgot what the Internet was like. I wish I would have documented this stuff so I could show my kids. We used to get so happy when we'd find a slot on our local server and we didn't have to keep from redialing!

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On AOL I would have a timer that I would start right after my free hours were up. I remember an AOL user who told me she used to fall asleep at her computer all the time and one time her bill for the month was over $700.

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop laughing when I read the above, LOL. It's probably because I remember how much Prodigy was bankrupting me back in the day....though I don't think my bill approached $700, maybe $100-150 per month though. I remember spending alot of time playing baseball manager on prodigy, sucked alot of my time up.

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I remember using a 2400 baud modem, connecting to BBSs, downloading files from them and stuff. It downloaded at around 2K per second using the Z Modem protocol. I can't even get into decent discussions with people who are fanboys. They are so one sided and close minded, it's honestly stunning to me sometimes how pathetic their mentality is. It's like they forget that most game companies are usually out for one thing - money..

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