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The Mlb 2k9 Impressions Thread


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Yeah EA bailed out hard...This game (2K9) is really going to be something, and I think it's pretty solid now. Once the bugs get worked out, and the modders work their magic..Gotta say I love the commentary!

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My very first impresion of this game was disappointment in getting one of those eco-DVD cases, with the huge recycle cut out in the plastic. Just screams out cheap.

At this point in time, I'm not really liking this game. Part of this comes from playing MVP for 5 years, and High Heat 5 years before that. Those games played similar, though the pitching in MVP took soem getting used to. Other than that, those two games weren't a leap in terms of how you play them. 2K9 is a giant leap.

The menus are unresponsive, and the button config is confusing. It's not easy to navigate through the menus, and even once you get the buttons set up, it's still confusing! I don't like using the stick for so much. Pitching is OK, swinging sucks, and with defense, it's too easy to throw to the wrong base with the stick.

If there are ways to change that, it's really tough to find them because of all the confusion and difficulty in navigating the menus. I didn't like MVPs menus either, but they are infinately more useful than 2K9s. High Heat was really the last game that use useful menus, as it was a game really designed for the computer instead of being a port.

Having said that, there's a reason you hear about MVP 04 and MVP 05 all the time, but you hardly ever hear about MVP 03. MVP 03 sucked. It had many issues, modders didn't move over since High Heat 2004 was out there, and didn't have minor leagues. '04 worked out many of the issues and added AAA teams, and '05 ironed out even more, added A and AA levels.

In other words, MVP evolved from a game with alot of problems into what we all know it as today. EA did their part, and we, the modders, did ours. It took the collabrative efforts of everyone in order to turn MVP into a powerhouse. Maybe the same will happen with this game. Only time will tell. But you can't polish a turd, 2K has to do their part. Put out a patch, fix the free agent issues. Add online play next year. Give us something to look forward to.

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Next gen baseball for pc, I can't hate.

I enjoy the zone hitting, it's like MVP baseball but using the stick for timing instead of a button. What I think is great about it is what I noticed in practice mode. Timing really makes a difference in your quality of contact. I think you might have to learn different backswing timings for different types of players. While doing a very quick back and forth motion, I got some pretty weak hits. While timing my backswing with the landing of the pitcher's lead foot, I was getting some pretty good hits. Going to have to test it some more. I don't really like the bat sound.

I love the pitching controls. What I am doing is making the motion and holding it at the end until the circle fills, then releasing. I believe this may be wrong, but it works on most pitches. I hate the catcher's decisions, I may turn them off. I enjoyed K'ing the other pitcher with three straight high fastballs out of the zone.

Fielding takes a little getting used to, but I hate not being able to choose the speed at which my player is moving. Sometimes I am trying to get my player to run, and they are just barely moving. It reminds me of the cpu ai in MVP Baseball, where they would jog slowly and make it to the spot just in time to make a catch instead of run there, get under it and then catch it. I was using the face buttons to throw unti I accidentally moved the right stick. The right stick is alot more responsive. After learning that the Left Trigger or L2 was a quick throw, I was finally able to pull off some double plays. There is no button to cutoff a throw that I know of other than directly throwing to a cutoff man.

With baserunning, I am so confused. I don't really like the controls, but atleast you can aim your slide and attempt to run over the catcher.

Sliders are almost incomprehensible to me.

I hit a two run homerun to take the lead late and the crowd must have been asleep or something. Also, it looked as if the ball just went through the stands and bounced on the ground into the parking lot. I thought the fans were supposed to fight for the ball or something.

Love the commentary. Enough said.

I hope I missed something but when creating a player, I found no options for choosing my batting stance. On the bright side, the face morphing options were simpler and alot better than NBA 2K9's, not to mention the greatest option ever - Butt Size. Next year, they can top it by adding cup size. :p

I had to use my logitech profiler to get my analog buttons to work so I could view a player's card. No biggie, I had to do the same thing in NBA 2K9.

Setting up your advancing/retreating of the runner is key. Whatever your setup is will dictate this. For instance, let's say you have runners on 1st and 2nd, you can program you pad to highlight either runner, and you can make that runner advance or retreat to the bag. If you wanted the guy on 2nd to advance to third or take a bit of extra lead off, you can do this. He will be highlighted by a circle. If you wanted the guy on 1st to do the same, you simple cycle through (putting the circle on him) and pressing that button to make him do the same. You can also tell all runners to advance/retreat at the same time, or individually. Not sure if you knew this, just thought I'd put it out there.

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I've owned the game for barely more than 1 day. It's been frustrating figuring out the controls, etc, but I think when the dust settles this game is going to be solid. I'm having a blast getting used to everything being so different that I haven't even looked at the sliders yet.

When I get used to all the little things, I'm going to do my best to get some good solid results. And if it turns out to be moddable, that's just another plus.

I'm going to try and be realistic and give it some time. MVP wasn't exactly an award winner straight out of the box either.

Glad you got the gist of it. I think you illustrations will help many here. I would have posted some pics, but seems the majority are using the 880, so I didn't want to confuse anyone. BTW, those pics are STUNNING, something about that particular Stadium.......... :D

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Setting up your advancing/retreating of the runner is key. Whatever your setup is will dictate this. For instance, let's say you have runners on 1st and 2nd, you can program you pad to highlight either runner, and you can make that runner advance or retreat to the bag. If you wanted the guy on 2nd to advance to third or take a bit of extra lead off, you can do this. He will be highlighted by a circle. If you wanted the guy on 1st to do the same, you simple cycle through (putting the circle on him) and pressing that button to make him do the same. You can also tell all runners to advance/retreat at the same time, or individually. Not sure if you knew this, just thought I'd put it out there.

but how do you send him to steal? i have no problem telling a runner to go home from second on a single nor advancing runners, but i can't figure which button i have to push to send my guy stealing... if i press the advance baserunner button he leads of and that's it.

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Whichever button you have designated for the steal, that's the button you hold. The runner should start the steal when the button is released. Tap, tap, for leadoffs. Hold for steal.

Ok fellas, I'm a bit tired. I'll see everyone in a few hours.

good luck and good gaming!

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I read on OS board that someone who is using the cursor hitting can not hit the ball the other way. Can anyone confirm this and on the timing hitting is it important like on MVP 05 to push aim stick to the outside to make better contact if the ptch is outside or is it just purely timing? Thanks.

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All I can say is I downloaded demos for both the xbox and the PC and it looks 10x better on the PC. I can't wait to get the full copy.

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I haven't experienced many of the game play issues some are talking about, crashing, ball being trapped against the walls, etc. My major issue was figuring out the controls, and once I did, it seems to be playing pretty decent. The pitching is amazing. Here's how I did it.

Here is the mapping for the pitch controls (Total Control - Logitech Dual Analog)


Figuring out how to pitch was the tricky part, but I think I have it:


Looking at the screenie, for a 2 seam fastball

1. Aim the ball cursor with your left analog stick (location)

2. Hold down the right analog stick, this will power up the yellow circle (speed)

3. When the yellow circle is at it's fullest, execute the pitch with the left analog stick, see pitch selection graphics on screen. (accuracy)

4. When done correctly, the pitches are extremely effective.

For those of us that are new to this series, it takes a while to get used to, but it seems to be flawless when done correctly.

Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to hold the right analog stick in the direction of the first motion, and when the yellow circle is full, then do the second motion? All with the right stick? I haven't tried it using both (right stick for power, left for the pitch), but I was able to do all the pitches just with the right stick.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to hold the right analog stick in the direction of the first motion, and when the yellow circle is full, then do the second motion? All with the right stick? I haven't tried it using both (right stick for power, left for the pitch), but I was able to do all the pitches just with the right stick.

That how I thought it was, I honestly could be wrong though.

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Hitting is a joke in this game. I like the button control for hitting like in MVP08. Is there a way to convert this without screwing up the controls?? Someone please explain to me how to hit. My player just stands there like the barn by the side of the road. ( Ernie Harwell) LOL

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Hitting is a joke in this game. I like the button control for hitting like in MVP08. Is there a way to convert this without screwing up the controls?? Someone please explain to me how to hit. My player just stands there like the barn by the side of the road. ( Ernie Harwell) LOL

It was doing that to me for about 3 innings till I finally figured it out. Press down with the right stick to set yourself and up to swing in one motion. While doing that, use the left stick to "aim" where you want to hit the ball.

At first it was a pain in the butt, but after getting used to it, I actually like it.

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is it even comparable to MLB '08? If not I'll just stick with that til I see a reason to get this.

If you have MLB '08 The Show for PS3, you don't need this game.

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It was doing that to me for about 3 innings till I finally figured it out. Press down with the right stick to set yourself and up to swing in one motion. While doing that, use the left stick to "aim" where you want to hit the ball.

At first it was a pain in the butt, but after getting used to it, I actually like it.

I've got a hitting question/observation. I can't stand the yellow bat graphic waving in my face if you have zone hitting turned on, so I turned it off, but I decided to see if there was any difference in the game if I still used the left stick to aim even though theoretically it shouldn't affect hits. I don't like hitting based purely on timing.

I was kind of surprised to see that maybe it still does have an affect? I tried holding the stick up and in with Ortiz and he was consistently hitting fly balls to right. Same thing for ground balls to right if I held it down and in. I would occassionaly see a liner but maybe that's just built in randomness. Anyway, I'm curious to know if others experience this too.

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LOL!! Funny thing about that, I was thinking the same thing as I wrote that....Not to mention my hometown Pistons traded and got the guy who practices non-stop A.I....wait, I got that backwards..

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I haven't experienced many of the game play issues some are talking about, crashing, ball being trapped against the walls, etc. My major issue was figuring out the controls, and once I did, it seems to be playing pretty decent. The pitching is amazing. Here's how I did it.

Here is the mapping for the pitch controls (Total Control - Logitech Dual Analog)

Figuring out how to pitch was the tricky part, but I think I have it:

Looking at the screenie, for a 2 seam fastball

1. Aim the ball cursor with your left analog stick (location)

2. Hold down the right analog stick, this will power up the yellow circle (speed)

3. When the yellow circle is at it's fullest, execute the pitch with the left analog stick, see pitch selection graphics on screen. (accuracy)

4. When done correctly, the pitches are extremely effective.

For those of us that are new to this series, it takes a while to get used to, but it seems to be flawless when done correctly.

Joe - Thanks for this information. Using this, I was able to start playing the demo with my P880, however, it does take some getting used to. It took me some time to realize that I needed to keep my thumb on top of the stick (and not underneath or above it like I do for MVP) so that it's easier to move it down and then up in one fluid motion.

I still have yet to get the hang of batting. I push down to set the batter and then when the pitch is coming in, I push up to swing, but I'm either too early or too late. I think I've only made contact once.

For pitching, your step #3 is slightly wrong, as the right stick is used to actually throw the pitch (both steps). It took me a while to figure out that button 1 (shake off pitch) is used to select a different pitch. Also, it took a number of innings before I realized that the catcher is showing me where to throw the ball (which explained why I kept giving up hit after hit!).

With fielding, I have to remember that I control the fielders, so I need to move them to get the ball. On MVP, I used assisted fielding, so all I had to worry about was throwing the ball to the right base.

As for throwing the ball to the right base, on MVP, my P880 1-2-3-4 buttons are in a diamond shape, and the diamond corresponds to the bases - right button = 1st base, top button = 2nd base, left button = 3rd base, bottom button = home. That makes it VERY easy to remember.

Now in MLB 2K9, the mapping is different, so I have to think before I throw -- top button = 1st base, right button = 2nd base, bottom button = 3rd base, left button = home. With some practice, I can probably get this down, however, I have to then "unremember" this when I go back to play MVP.

Now that I have a basic understanding of the controls, I'll have to spend more time playing the demo to see if I can get the hang of it and if I want to actually buy the retail version of the game.

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Good to hear Jim. Yeah, I realized that late last night. Somehow I had managed to get the "max" out of the pitches a couple of times, but I must have been hitting the right stick somehow. Thanks for clearing that up for everyone.

That said, I find hitting to be pretty easy. The practice modes in this game have helped me tremendously.

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I haven't experienced many of the game play issues some are talking about, crashing, ball being trapped against the walls, etc. My major issue was figuring out the controls, and once I did, it seems to be playing pretty decent. The pitching is amazing. Here's how I did it.

Here is the mapping for the pitch controls (Total Control - Logitech Dual Analog)

Figuring out how to pitch was the tricky part, but I think I have it:

1. Aim the ball cursor with your left analog stick (location)

2. Gesture 1 - Hold the RS in the direction of the pitch desired (correspond to the #1 on the pitch) this will power up the yellow circle (speed, movement)

3. Gesture 2 - When the yellow circle is at it's fullest, execute the pitch with the RS in the corresponding direction to #2 (accuracy)

4. When done correctly, the pitches are extremely effective.

Note - These directions are with Release Timing set to OFF

Thanks to Jim, I want to edit this post and clear the details up on hitting. (Hopefully I got it this time. It's confusing at first, but works out well when done right)

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Now in MLB 2K9, the mapping is different, so I have to think before I throw -- top button = 1st base, right button = 2nd base, bottom button = 3rd base, left button = home. With some practice, I can probably get this down, however, I have to then "unremember" this when I go back to play MVP.

So why don't you go into the Control Panel > Game Controllers and re-map the buttons? I can do this with my S-Controller. So, in your case above, swap the mapping for the top and right button and swap the left and bottom button. This would put the button config the same as MVP.

Mind you, I don't have the game, but I had to do something similar when switching between Madden and MVP.

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So why don't you go into the Control Panel > Game Controllers and re-map the buttons? I can do this with my S-Controller. So, in your case above, swap the mapping for the top and right button and swap the left and bottom button. This would put the button config the same as MVP.

Mind you, I don't have the game, but I had to do something similar when switching between Madden and MVP.

I suppose I can try that. I just have to see if there is any sort of re-mapping functionality for the P880. I also have to look at the other menus (pitching, batting, baserunning, etc.) to see how that remapping would affect them. Thanks for the idea!

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