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axispadfx game pad


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Thanks for posting on the forums like I asked.

I am pretty tired right now, so I am not too much help.

One thing, could you find me Interact's website, I'd appreciate it. The only one I found is nonfunctional.

Real quick, could you open up your controller properties:

Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type joy.cpl.

What is the name of your controller?

I'll try and help you out more tomorrow.

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I think I found the gamepads home page, too bad it's in another language.

First try downloading the latest drivers (those are the latest XP drivers).

Next try using the Radio Shack method listed on the faq and post your results back on here.

I don't know the perfect fix for this controller, we'll have to play it one step at a time.

The first step is to get the gamepad recognized by the game. The next step will be to get it configured correctly.

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