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Mlb 2k9 Realism


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First of all, let me say that the sliders that I have begun tweaking are so far the best that I've found, and I want to give full credit to SerialMike over at ThePerfectGame.net for posting these. As always, when trying out someone's else's sliders, you should always consider them a base to start from, and work (tweak) your way out from there. As most of you know, it's very rare that you will find a set that suits your playing style perfectly.

With that said, I won't post the sliders themselves because I don't have permission, nor have I ever spoken to the guy, and I do not want to take any credit for creating them. But so far for me, they have been an excellent base to start from, and I can only tell you to find them HERE.

After 5 or 6 complete games, and adjusting a few things here and there, I've begun to get some decent results for my personal playing style. I'm seeing a lot of different types of hits, strikeouts (swinging and looking), CPU taking pitches, and even a couple of walks here and there. I've witnessed the "wall bug" once, and the "first baseman off the bag" only once in the week that I've had this game. Obviously that has nothing to do with sliders, and I may just be lucky to this point, but at least for me it hasn't been overwhelming.

Here is a game I finished this morning, and generally these are the results I've been getting. I am extremely patient at the plate, and I take the first pitch I see (90% of the time) and try to work the count from there. Granted, after upping the pitch speed from these sliders, I do tend to swing at bad pitches, so my strikeouts are a bit high, and my walk count should progressively rise the more I get used to the game. In combination with a realistic number of foul balls, pitch counts are in the general area where they need to be.

Detroit vs Boston Linescore

Game Stats

Batting Totals - Detroit (CPU)

Batting Totals - Boston (User)

Detroit Pitching Totals - (CPU)

Boston Pitching Totals - (User)

Detroit Game Summary (CPU)

Boston Game Summary (User)

I still have a ways to go before I am completely happy with the results, and I just wanted to share my "find". Not sure if a lot of you have even heard of the site where I found these sliders. Again, thanks to SerialMike.

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Thanks for the info, Joe. Many of the oldtimers here (like me) remember SerialMike very well. In fact, his strikeout fix for MVP is an integral part of the MVP datafiles that I released.

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Thanks Joe! I registered at that forum just to get those sliders, hopefully they work well!

Do you guys have release timing on with these sliders? I can get all my pitches accurate except for my fastball so i gotta be doing something wrong.

EDIT: Just played my first game with those sliders you posted Joe and i like them a lot! I will need to tweak them a bit for my gameplay but they worked very good for a start.

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Good to hear, Wicked. Like I said, I've been tweaking for a couple of days now, and SerialMike's sliders are an excellent base to start from, at least for me. I haven't done anything with fielding or running the bases yet, but from the looks of it there may not be a lot that needs done.

I'm almost convinced that the "1st basemen bug" has to do with the control stick when throwing. From what I've read, it's only happening when the fielder (User) is gunning the throw meter in the red. It's only happened to me once, and this was the case for me.

That said though, I'm pretty comfortable with the throw meter and fielding in general. Here's a vid of a shot down the line (3 angles) and I had to fire a rocket to 1st to get him. I've had to make 'desperate' throws before, and like I said, only once has the bug happened to me. Either way, I have heard a lot about this happening so hopefully we'll still see a patch very soon.

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The first baseman bug can happen when the meter is green, but it's rare. That is fine i accept that.

The problem i have with it is when the AI bunts and my catcher goes to field the ball, and the way the 1B stands as he tries to make the play is off and he often doesn't touch the bag. This is about the only time i see the bug pop up.

Has anyone else experienced this? Or is it something i'm doing wrong?

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I've looked in the eh, *cough*, manual and didn't see it, but can anyone tell me exactly what the green boxes are that come up when you are batting? Since I've now turned on the Inside Edge option, I'm guessing it has something to do with that but I'm not particularly sure what it's for.

Thanks if anyone knows.

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Yes Joe it's for the Inside Edge reports that you buy. If you press (i think) left/right on the dpad it will give you more info. Like what pitches the batter can handle and where he hits them at etc.

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Green boxes act as the red ones in MVP...From all I have experienced...Hope that helps..

i don't think so - there are blue and red zones when you are pitching. when you are batting green zones should represent where will the pitcher most likely throw the ball at that pitch count. green zones shift with pitch count while hot/cold zones do not. hope this helps.

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i don't think so - there are blue and red zones when you are pitching. when you are batting green zones should represent where will the pitcher most likely throw the ball at that pitch count. green zones shift with pitch count while hot/cold zones do not. hope this helps.

electro_cute is right. After reading around on some other forums, this is what the green squares (Inside Edge) are for when batting. This game has a ton of cool features, and I haven't even gotten into a season yet. I'm curious to see how in depth the game really goes.

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once you change any slider, the difficulty becomes custom, so, yea, it's custom difficulty. I suggest everyone try these. It's really realistic, whether it's CPU vs CPU or you playin' the CPU. I'm letting a CPU vs CPU game play out right now and I'll post the results of the game here..

Mike, just curious what the results were for the CPU vs. CPU game?

If anyone else has come with with decent sliders for CPU vs. CPU it would be great if you can post them.

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