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Batter's Eye?


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I have set batter's eye on for the first time the last 2 games and I never get the guessed pitch or location regardless what I try. I attemped 3 innings in a row always selecting down and away pitches, and many times the pitch was there. I never once saw the pitch type. The only time I have ever seen it was in practice hitting mode, and they always throw it down the middle so I never move the eye. I am on the PC using keyboard only. Do I have to select the button in the control menu (F4 is what mine is set for) after I select a location I want the eye, or do I hold the location I want until the pitcher starts? Would be nice to have this feature, especially for 0-0 or 2-0, 3-0, 3-1 counts where I can sit pitch and location and attack if I like it. Anybody had any success figuring this out on PC?

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I have batters eye turned on, so I know that is not the issue, and I can see what the control I need to use to do whatever the control is for. When I press that button (F4) for me, the little dark circle vanishes. What I dont know is if that turns it off for that pitch or sets the location I want. It appears it turns it off, as in practice I no longer get to see the fastball (always turns green in practice down the middle). I have never had any success in a game situation to guess a pitch, so is it broken on PC?

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I have batters eye turned on, so I know that is not the issue, and I can see what the control I need to use to do whatever the control is for. When I press that button (F4) for me, the little dark circle vanishes. What I dont know is if that turns it off for that pitch or sets the location I want. It appears it turns it off, as in practice I no longer get to see the fastball (always turns green in practice down the middle). I have never had any success in a game situation to guess a pitch, so is it broken on PC?

Ah, I see. I'm going to fire up a game now and turn Batter's Eye ON. Granted, I use a gamepad, but will see if it works on PC or not.

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Ok thanks, I dont think the type of controller should matter in this case, so let me know if you have success during an actual game. My next game I am going to guess the same location for every pitch the entire game, if batters eye works you would think you should see at least ONE correctly guessed pitch :p

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OK i think i figured it out. On the PC with keyboard controls you have 10 options only. You can leave the eye alone looking for a pitch right in the middle, or you can select one of 9 zones outside of the strike zone, you cannot look for a pitch down and away IN THE ZONE, just way outside. I am not sure if you can fine tune this with a controller or joystick, but keyboard you either look right down the middle or for junk way out of the strike zone. I am sure this is the case as countless times when I looked down and away, the pitch would clip the down and away zone but I was never notified prior. On 4 occassions throughout the game I got the pitch indicator prior to him throwing, each time it was way down and away, exactally where the dark gray icon was. With a controller can you fine tune the eye inside the zone? Let me know if you have success. Below is an image of what I am talking about, that is where I must look, outside the zone.


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When you have batter's eye activated, pressing button 4 will only turn it off for that next pitch from what I figured out. With my controls (keyboard) it seems that batter's eye is pretty pointless because I can only guess right down the middle, or one of 9 locations way outside the strike zone as shown in that screen shot I took. I am not sure if with a controller you can fine tune the little circle inside the strike zone. If anyone can tell me if you can, I will try to dig out an old controler and see if I can get it working.

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