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Total Conversion Mods


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Mvp Caribe 2012 Continued

Look at this picture and try to guess if the baserunner was safe or out. In this case the umpire called him out.

Action in the Criollos de Caguas bullpen.

Catch of the day goes to the Mayos first baseman as he makes a diving catch to prevent a base hit.

A wild throw past first base eventually lead to the Criollos scoring their third and final run of the game.

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  • 1 month later...

The next mod to be reviewed here is the World Baseball Classic 2013 mod made by the Caribe team and was released here this week for the convenience of the members of this website. You can download the mod by following this link right here.


Installation of this mod is very straight forward and if you are familiar with any of the other Caribe installs in the past you will have no problem here. Hector has the instructions clear and easy to follow and as with the previous installs when asked for the password to put in type in www.mvpcaribe.com and you'll get this mod installed in no time flat.


The first thing that grabs your attention is the video that these guys put together to introduce their mods. It immediately grabs your attention and makes you want to watch it all the way through. The care and detail put into this short video is carried over into every aspect of this mod as I'll soon explain.


I must admit though that the CTS screen here (which you will see in the screenshots area) had me a little puzzled. Why Derek Jeter? If it were me I would have had a picture that had something to do with the Japanese team because going into this WBC they were the two time champions. All that that American teams in these tournaments ever did was get eliminated early and not seem too worked up about it at all. Then again maybe I am reading too much into this.


Once you get into the game the jukebox music jumps out at you and grabs your attention. The choice of music is widespread and it shows the different musical tastes from all over the world. Where else but a WBC mod would you find a jukebox that has Latino-based music, music by Queen, Miley Cyrus and group called Teriyaki Boyz, who sang some oriental sounding number that I never heard of. These songs may or may not fit into your mp3 collection but they work well in this mod.


There are twenty-eight teams to choose from in this mod and if you want there is an option for a thirty game schedule for dynasty play. The rosters in the mod are up to date. For example, the American team has Eric Hosmer as their first baseman because he replaced Mark Teixeira after Teixeira got hurt on the 5th of March and had to leave the team. That's one example of the attention they put into the rosters right up until the time the mod was released.


The stadiums here are really well done. I like the Tokyo Dome even though I did not use that ballpark for this exhibition that I ran. I went through a few of the stadiums after I played my game and each one is very well done.


In closing I would (and did) give this World Baseball Classic mod five stars. You'll get a lot of fun playing this mod and if you do please take the time to leave a nice comment so Hector and the other Caribe guys know you appreciated their work.




Welcome to the WBC 2013 mod by the Caribe modders.


This exhibition game was between China and Italy and here Italian pitcher John Mariotti strikes out a Chinese hitter in the first inning.


Italy got on the board first when Alex Liddi hit a triple to drive in two runs and later scored himself on a groundout.


Chinese pitcher Xia Luo is momentarily stunned here when a ball was hit off his chest but quickly recovered to throw the runner out. Luo had a tough first inning giving up three runs on five hits but quickly settled down.


It was all Italy in the early part of this game.


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WBC 2013 Mod Continued

The rightfielder from China made a wonderful diving catch in the fifth inning to stop an Italian rally. Had this catch not been made the game could have been out of reach.

This Chinese batter grounded out here and also got his bat sawed in half for his troubles.

One minor thing. The advertisement for the Caribe website is written backwards on the umpire's uniform.

Mariotti of Italy throws wildly past first base to allow the runner to make it all the way to third.

The score is now 3 - 2 Italy after the first baseman from China hit a 1-2 pitch from Mariotti deep into the right field bleachers. This was no Chinese home run. As soon as he hit it you knew it was gone. The only question was how far.

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WBC 2013 Mod Continued

A perfect example of how it looks when you are caught looking for strike three.

There's no quit in the Chinese as they start the 7th inning off with this opposite field double

He just gets back to first after nearly getting picked off.

Things get interesting here in the top of the 8th as China gets two men on base but fail to score as an inning ending double play kills the rally.

The Italian team hangs on for a tough 3 - 2 win.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The next Total Conversion mod to be discussed in this thread is the 1941 season mod that the combined talents of Jim825 and Dennis James put together. Without even going any further here you know that mods released by these two in the past are top-of-the-line and now that these two have come together to create this mod you can be sure of one thing right away and that it's going to be great.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it is.


Jim created the installer for this mod just as he does for any season mod that he is a part of. The schedule was made by none other than Dylan Bradbury, someone who can make a schedule and have it work right when he's asleep. You know if he made it then it's accurate. You'll see that I am given credit for providing some photos and music for the mod but the proper credit must go to Dennis here. They know the photos that they wanted. I just gave options. Same with the music. The only credit I get here is that I was one of the first ones to download this and I gave it five stars.


The 1941 season was one of the greatest seasons in the history of the game. As Jim stated in his description of the mod the pennant race was overshadowed by what Joe Dimaggio did with his 56 game hitting streak and Ted Williams' season long quest to hit .400, which he achieved by going 6 for 8 in a doubleheader against the Philadelphia Athletics on the last day of the season.


So, there was no pennant race; at least not in the American League. The National League was an entirely different story. The Brooklyn Dodgers won their first pennant in twenty-one years as they fought the St. Louis Cardinals all year long before finally winning by 2 1/2 games.


It was a ticker-tape parade for the new N.L. Champions but there was a saying that went like this: It can only happen in Brooklyn. And for the Dodgers that proved to be true at the worst possible time in the World Series against the Yankees just as they were about to tie the series at two games apiece. A swing and a miss, a passed ball, a Yankee rally to win the game and they won the next game and just like that the series was over and done with in five games.


This was a wonderful season. It's seventy-two years behind us now and most of the people who played in that year are no longer with us but thanks to these two modders it is now here for you to download (right here.) and enjoy.


When you first get into this mod you'll see a color photo of Dimaggio and Williams. The music chosen for this mod fits wonderfully - especially the tunes chosen for the walk-up music and between innings. Remember there are only sixteen teams in the league at this time so you'll have a lot of open spots when you look for a team to pick. You'll notice that there are only two uniforms for each team to choose from, their home and away ones. That's because that's how it was back then. Remember this was fifty years before the White Sox invented the popular turn-back-the-clock promotion.


The stadiums are wonderful. I've played in them all and it is hard to pick a favorite because back then they were all built completely different from the others except for St. Louis of course because the Cardinals and Browns played in the same ballpark.


I like the simpleness of this mod and that's in no way a back handed slap at it. For example the overlay in the game. It's not flashy, it doesn't have any unnecessary stuff in it like pitch counts. It tells you what you need to know. Remember, this mod is based in an era where there were no exploding scoreboards, no swimming pools in the outfield and no electronic scoreboards enticing people to get up and "make noise." When those fans got up to make noise to cheer their team on they didn't have to be told how to do it or how loud either.


There is a bit of artistic license in this mod that was thrown in but it fits in so well that you almost can not tell it is there. When you play a game with the Yankees listen closely when Joe Dimaggio comes up to bat. You'll hear very softly Bob Sheppard announce his name. He also does the same for Phil Rizzuto. The reason why I say this is artistic license is because Sheppard did not start doing the Yankee public address announcing until 1951. Sheppard's professional voice fits in anywhere; even ten years before he started work.


If you are fans of other season mods you won't regret downloading this one.


VIDEO: Joe Dimaggio singles in the 9th against the Browns.



Total Classics 1941!


Phil Rizzuto hits a single to right field off of Elden Auker of the Browns.


Yankee pitcher Marius Russo lays down a perfect sacrifice bunt.


So perfect in fact that Browns third baseman Harlond Clift throws the ball away.


Here's the second Browns error of the day. On a potential double play, shortstop Johnny Berardino throws the ball into right field.


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Total Classics 1941 continued.

Bill Dickey has just hit a double to drive home two runs off off Elden Auker.

Phil Rizzuto is caught trying to get back to first base after a steal attempt gone wrong.

George McQuinn puts the Browns on the board with this home run off of Russo.

Here's one of Russo's six strikeouts in the game.

Red Rolfe starts another Yankee rally by hitting a single over the head of George McQuinn at first base that sent Johnny Sturm to third.

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Total Classics 1941 continued.

Here's Fritz Ostermuller six years before he started throwing at Jackie Robinson. (Go and see 42 to see what I mean.)

Marius Russo's second bunt attempt did not go so well as the first one as he popped out in foul territory here.

This elusive slide by Joe Grace allowed him to reach third base safely with a triple.

Yes, Joe Dimaggio did get a hit in this game. Far be it from me to break up this guy's hit streak. For me, the second most impressive stat about his 1941 season besides hitting in the 56 straight games was that for the entire year he only struck out thirteen times.

The Yankee hitting star of the day was left fielder Charlie Keller who went 4 for 5 with 3 RBI and one run scored.

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Total Classics 1941 continued.

George McQuinn wasn't too shabby for the Browns either. He went 3 for 4 with a single, a home run and this opposite field double that third baseman Red Rolfe had no chance at.

This was a strange ninth inning for relief pitcher Tiny Bonham of the Yankees. The Browns were about to go down to a 7 - 3 defeat but they weren't going to go quietly or without inflicting some sort of pain as Bonham can confirm. Here, catcher Rick Ferrell lines a ball off of his leg but Bonham was able to recover in time to throw him out.

After recording the second out of the inning via a fly ball, pinch hitter Chet Laabs got in on the act and he hit a ball off of Bonham too. The difference here is that Laabs reached base and Bonham was unexplainably charged with an error on the play. One batter later Bonham, without a ball being hit near him or at him, retired the Browns to end the game.

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After going back to re-read my review of the 1941 mod I noticed that I neglected to mention the various books that have been written specifically about this season and events that affected baseball. So now that I remember I'll post them here.


Robert W. Creamer's wonderful book about Baseball and Other Matters in 1941 gives a first person perspective of that year and season from Creamer's own eyes.


Real Grass, Real Heroes: Baseball's Historic 1941 Season By Dom Dimaggio and Ted Williams.


56: Joe Dimaggio and the Last Magic Number in Sports. By Kostya Kennedy.


These three books are probably the best ones out there that cover the '41 season.


Enjoy! And thank you again Jim and Dennis.

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Yes, thank Y4L for another superb review and I do appreciate all the hard work you put into compiling this. I don't know why, but I am enjoying this MOD lately, even more than my TC 1915...I put my 1915 Dynasty on hold so that I could play a whole month's worth of a new 1941 Yankees Dynasty.

To add to the publicity of the Total Classics 1941 mod, here is a video sampling of the (2) Chicago teams in action within the game:

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  • 2 months later...

The next mod to be talked about in this thread is the Mvp 13 mod, which was released here on Mvpmods just a few days ago. You can download the mod right here and on the download page kyleb has provided simple and detailed instructions on how to install it.


This 2013 season is thanks to the organizational skills of Kyleb. If you liked how the 2012 mod turned out you will love the work that was done this year. Thanks to people like daflyboys, DennisJames71, Homer, Jim825, bctrackboi11 and Trues (among many others) this mod would not have been made. And for any of you preparing to play a dynasty with this mod Dylan Bradbury has made the schedule so you are all set and ready to go.


(In the coming days I am going to be reviewing another Mvp 2013 season mod. It is completely different than the one that is available for download here and I am confident that you will find it very interesting. But enough of that right now. )


Here we go. Let's get into this mod and see what we got. The installation of this mod is quick and easy. Now if you have bothered to read previous reviews of other mods that I have done you will notice that I always say the installation is quick and easy and the simple reason for that is because that is how it is. As I stated in the very first paragraph Kyleb provides the instructions on how to install this on the download page but that still doesn't matter for some people because they'll still end up asking how to install this. :D


The first thing you will see when you start Mvp 13 is a splash screen featuring the baseball cards of Bryce Harper, Derek Jeter, Buster Posey and Price Fielder. Then you get to the click-to-start screen that showcases 2012 Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera, a perfect choice for the cover player of this year's mod. Incidentally the loading screens in the game are very well done and I salute Kyleb for his artistic work.


The jukebox features songs that I personally never heard of but that doesn't mean they made a bad selection. I didn't know any of the songs from the 2012 mod either but you got to take that with a grain of salt because I don't know anything about modern music since I have different tastes. But whatever the names of these songs are they fit well into the makeup of this game.


It took me awhile before I even played my first game because I kept on looking through all the teams from A ball on up to the majors just to see what uniforms were assigned to each of them. That took awhile but it was worth exploring. Once again the old classic stadiums are not included here and it is something that I think adds so much to the mod. Many people do not realize that the Tokyo Dome has been on this site for a few years now and it was really nice to see that being included once again in this mod. The exhibition game I played today between Kansas City and Oakland was played in the Estadeo de Beisbol Monterrey, a stadium also featured in last year's mod and the reason why I wanted to use one of these stadiums was to show how good these little-known ballparks are in this game.


Finally after poking around for as long as I could I picked my teams and starting pitchers and got into the game. I used a throwback Kansas City uniform and for Oakland I used the gold uniform from the 1964 Kansas City Athletics.


I have played quite a few games in this 2013 mod and have experienced no problems at all. No crashing problems or anything at all. The mod is very well put together and I highly recommend you do two things with this. First, download it and find out for yourself. You will love this mod. Secondly, thank the modders for their work. You will be surprised at how many times they don't get a single thanks for what they did.


So, thank you to everyone who was a part of Mvp 13. You are valued and appreciated.


Enjoy this mod!




Mvp Baseball 2013. There's nothing like it!

Overlay and overall layout of Mvp13.

Bartolo Colon had an excellent game for Oakland. Here he is pitching against his mound counterpart James Shields (not pictured.)

Colon pitched eight innings of shutout baseball and struck out six including this strikeout of Royals second baseman Johnny Giavotella.

Eric Sogard busts up a potential double play for the Athletics.

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Mvp 13 Continued

After bobbling the ball momentarily, Oakland third baseman Josh Donaldson recovers to throw out Royals catcher Salvador Perez.

Jarrod Dyson went 3 for 4 in today's game. Here he is making a catch off of Brandon Moss to end the second inning.

A perfect sacrifice bunt by James Shields.

Coco Crisp driving in one of his two runs on the day with a double to right center field. He went 3 for 5.

This is what turned the game into a rout. Yoenis Cespedes has just hit a three run home run off of Shields deep in the left field stands to give Oakland a 6 - 0 lead and the Royals had no chance after that.

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Mvp 13 Continued

This hit off of Shields by Coco Crisp made the Royals bullpen work doubletime because Shields was not in much longer after this. In fact when the Kansas City manager came out to talk to him instead of seeing the usual EA Sports message that said PITCHER'S REACTION:NEGATIVE, I had to laugh out loud when these guys replaced those words with IT'S GETTING UGLY! :D

Oakland manufactures an insurance run in the eighth as pinch hitter Chris Young singles.

In the top of the ninth with one out Johnny Giavotella singles and then tries to steal second. He is gunned down by the strong arm of John Jaso and the next batter, Jarrod Dyson, grounds out to end the game.

The final score was Oakland 7, Kansas City 0. Thank you to all the modders that worked on this mod for all these months. Your work and dedication is very much appreciated.

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And not sure but as I remember the Yankees, Twins ans Marlins new stadium are included by 1st time to play in a season mode.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean but this is not the thread for questions like that. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

All right!!! What season mod are you going to play first?

I was hoping to play the 1994 or 1998 mod, but im a little more fuzzy than i thought on how to set things up. Im also having issues with shimmering grass which i fixed at one point years ago but dont remember how.

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I was hoping to play the 1994 or 1998 mod, but im a little more fuzzy than i thought on how to set things up. Im also having issues with shimmering grass which i fixed at one point years ago but dont remember how.

If you ever need help with fixing the grass, I can help out and correct the problem fields or if you having that problem with ALL of the fields...I can take care of that too. Best of luck with everything. :good:

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If you ever need help with fixing the grass, I can help out and correct the problem fields or if you having that problem with ALL of the fields...I can take care of that too. Best of luck with everything. :good:

ill take any help i can get thanks! do you have aim or yahoo?

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