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Total Conversion Mods


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Does anyone know of a file that updates a teams minor league system? for example, the Buffalo Bisons are now with the Mets but they are with Cleveland on MVP. I tried kgbaseball's 2009 Roster 7.1 Plus which does this but every time i go to start a game it crashes.

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Does anyone know of a file that updates a teams minor league system? for example, the Buffalo Bisons are now with the Mets but they are with Cleveland on MVP. I tried kgbaseball's 2009 Roster 7.1 Plus which does this but every time i go to start a game it crashes.

Wait until the Mvp 09 season mod is out. That will take care of everything.

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dshibshm said:
I have the crash problem with that mod and TIT generates an error when I try to install the version 3 of the 09 unis.

Why are you asking this in this thread? This has nothing to do with the 09 uniforms. Nothing at all. :angry:


You have already ruined this thread by you coming in here and complaining to one of the modders about releasing stuff that you tell him to and now you got to bring this question in here? This thread is about showing off the different total conversion mods we have here, not for questions like yours. Get out of here with this nonsense. In fact, since it is a TiT question, go over to Eamods and annoy them with this.

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Just not wasting my time talking about dshibshm's crazy requests, he kinda ruined the thread. If i see through that, i like the thread very much Y4L, way to go. Magnificent mods theyve maid over the past.

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Just not wasting my time talking about dshibshm's crazy requests, he kinda ruined the thread. If i see through that, i like the thread very much Y4L, way to go. Magnificent mods theyve maid over the past.

Thank you VDhits, I appreciate it. It was fun for me to make this thread to show everyone, especially the newer users here, some of the season mods that we have here for them to try out. The modders that made these for everyone are simply the best.

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Perhaps in a few months my 98 Mod will be appearing in this thread B)

I could be wrong here, but if you plan on releasing this mod in a few months you could be overlooking a lot of things that go into it. You shouldn't even have a timetable for this. When it gets done and you are happy with it, that's when you release it. And that shouldn't matter if it is in six months or a year.

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Perhaps in a few months my 98 Mod will be appearing in this thread B)

That would be great. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with and it's nice to have another single season modder on the site! :)

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Wait until the Mvp 09 season mod is out. That will take care of everything.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but do you know anything about the 09 mod production? Like if it's being made now, and how far along it is?

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Jim825 said:
That would be great. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with and it's nice to have another single season modder on the site! :)

Trust me there is no one more excited about the mod than I am. I spent a large chunk of my childhood enjoying All Star Baseball '99 on the N64 even when the rosters (and the console) past their sell by dates, and with the greatest season of all time with the 98 Yankees and the great homerun battle between Sosa & McGwire, this seems to be the perfect season to for a Total Conversion Mod.


I did jump the gun thinking this was going to be a short project because I know it's going to take a long while, although it would be significantly shortened if I can get permission to use stadiums, uniforms and cyberfaces produced by other members but at this time I'm just trying to get the roster in order (Got the MLB teams in order apart from naming the Expos, just need to decide how far I'm going with the minor leagues, because my preference is to focus on the MLB but I know the majority would like at least the AAA to be complete).

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modders have expressed permission to use the cyberfaces in my classic packs for total conversion mods. all i ask is that the mod is uploaded here or eamods, and also gives due credit. so feel free to use them. but i feel for you too. the rosters take forever.

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Homer said:
modders have expressed permission to use the cyberfaces in my classic packs for total conversion mods. all i ask is that the mod is uploaded here or eamods, and also gives due credit. so feel free to use them. but i feel for you too. the rosters take forever.

That sound absolutely perfect. I've done rosters before with Madden 06 for a couple of years, but rosters on there are in no way close to as difficult to produce as these are. Still, when it's all complete it'll all be worth it.


Just one question though, probably something I could search up but how would I go to rename the Washington Nationals to the Montreal Expos for example?

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There is a utility in the tools section called loclook, or lookloc. One of the other. It allows you to change the text within the game. I am pretty sure if you just get it, and read the readme, it'll tell you what you need to know. If not, just ask, and I am sure someone can explain.

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Hmm, in the other thread, I've been working on stats for the 99 mod, but if you're interested, I could tweak it to run 95-97 stats to make stats for a 98 set instead.


Bonus is, we'll have 'true talent projections' for all players down to A ball, and it'll just be converting it to ratings from there.


Renaming things in game can be done with LocLook, I believe the program is. The in-game audio, however, I have no idea.


EDIT: Whoops, owe emath a coke...

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The toughest part about Audio is figuring out exactly which file it is in. You could probably get audio from someone with MVP 2004, which i believe still has the Montreal Expos, and use that to import.

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you'll need to edit the loc files. there are two of them in the data folder. you will need to use a program called loclook. look in markb's faq list or xiberger's mvp for dummies threads to read more about them, or just search. it should be in the downloads. this will change the in game text.


you will then also need to edit the config.txt file in the mvpedit folder. this will edit the text in the roster.


you will also need to edit the logo in the logos.big folder.


finally you will also need to edit the team and stadium audios. this will be the fun part.


i think that might cover it all.

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I love you guys. Seriously, I've never been on a board where everyone is so helpful.


@emath: I'm looking to have the mod as the pure season mod, where you can replicate the season rather than doing it as for example MVP09 where they are taking previous seasons into consideration. I'll try and finish the MLB Rosters first then consider the options.

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Looking at past data is basically to get a better sample size. Otherwise, you get players like Shane Spencer, who hit .373/.411/.910 in 73 PA. For established players, it has a really small effect. The best hitters are still the best hitters, but this takes the part time players (and minor leaguers), and puts them all on the same scale.


If you want the data, let me know. Either way, good luck on the mod!

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Looking at past data is basically to get a better sample size. Otherwise, you get players like Shane Spencer, who hit .373/.411/.910 in 73 PA. For established players, it has a really small effect. The best hitters are still the best hitters, but this takes the part time players (and minor leaguers), and puts them all on the same scale.

If you want the data, let me know. Either way, good luck on the mod!

Yeah, but what he is saying is that Spencer was that good that year, so he wants him to be that good in, essentially, the season replay.

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Heh, it's just a pet peeve of mine giving someone what'll end up being 100 power for a month he'll never repeat in a 7-year career. Well, guess I'll prepare my material for the next Total Minors Total Classic...

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Since he's wanting to recreate the '98 season, a season in which Spencer was hot most of the year, then yeah, his ratings will be up compared to the rest of his career.


It's a pet peeve of most everybody here that one person doesn't come in thinking they run the whole show.

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