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Fly Ball Landing Zone And Red Home Run Arrow


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Hi Everyone,

I play a lot of games as cpu vs. cpu, especially when I want to watch games involving teams I don't control like the all star game and playoff games. Do you think it's possible to make the yellow target zone for fly balls and the red arrow for home runs transparent. I think this would make the immersion of the game much better. I've noticed that other things like this (e.g. "late swing" message)have been removed, so I would imagine it's possible.

Thanks for any input; and to all the modders, thanks for everything you do!


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The only thing I have found under Options is to set the fly ball indicator to either ON or LOCKED. It still shows up during the game on either of these settings, at least during cpu vs. cpu games. I haven't found any option to use in the game to turn this off. I also see no options at all for the red home run arrow while in the game.

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