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What Could Be Accessing My Models.big File With Out Me Knowing?


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I have not installed a cyber face, or uniform in at least 3 weeks, as I had everything updated to what I wanted at that point.

However, suddenly, some of the uniforms I use on a regular basis no longer work, and when I select them, the game will crash while loading.

I was going to try my back up copy, which I make a new back up each time I modify something, after I test it out, and before I add anything else. My models.big has my most recent upgrades (cyber faces for my all time Cubs), so it is slightly larger than my last back up (which I made before I added the cyber faces). Anyways, if I go to my back up, I lose my Cubs faces, which is ok, because I can add them back easy enough.

What bothers me is that my current models.big says it was last modified last Saturday (the 21st), when I actually last added something around the end of February/beginning of March. And nothing, and I mean NOTHING since then.

What would be accessing it? Since it worked just fine as recently as last weekend, whatever happened last Saturday must be what is screwing it up.

The worst part is that I am now seeming to get random crashes all the time. Before games finish loading (which I have figured out is the uniforms for some teams), but even during games, just at random times. It is very frustrating now.

I had been talking to Homer about it, and the random, in game crashes, all seemed to start after i added an audio mod. He and I came to the conclusion that it wasn't the audio, but it all started after I used Tit to install them. I am not saying my models.big was because of that, as I did the audio the past 3 or 4 day, and that was 8 days ago that that was accessed.

I am at a loss, and am just hoping someone has an idea what it could be.

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Ok. Since no one can answer that one, how about this one.

I figured out it was the fonts file that was screwed up in my models.big file. Like I said above, I have no idea why since it was fine a few days ago, and I have not done anything to any unis, or cyberfaces in 3-4 weeks, but whatever, they were messed up for a few of the unis.

So, I get the correct font files from the unis that were messed up, and get ready to install them with tit, and hopefully fix the issue. There are two unis messed up, so i take the two font files, zip them up, and install them. The zip file is approx 15 kb, with the two fsh files in it.

Takes 4 minutes to install for some reason.... Hmm, what's up with that... I happen to notice my models.big file that i just installed them to went from about 580 mb, to 1.229 GB!!! It more than doubled the size, just installing a 12 kb file.

What the hell is happening here?

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Well, since no one else seemed to know any more than I did, I just re installed the 08 mod in another folder, and used the original models.big, since all of my back ups were corrupted as well.

Luckily I still have all the unis, and cybers, and I can just reinstall them again. This time, once I am done, I am testing it, and archiving it on a friggin cdr. Gonna archive all of my primary files, instead of just making a back up copy on my HDD.

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it sounds like you're having similar problems i had when i first started modding. when i started doing what you were doing, my models.big file jumped to a 4 gb file. the conclusion we all came to was that the models.big somehow became corrupt. the question to how was never really figured out.

the solution was this: i simply always install updates at one time, into a stock models.big. so i always keep a stock models.big handy to copy over to my files. i keep all the files that i want to add to the models.big in one folder. and when i am ready to test them, i zip them all up and use Tit to install onto a fresh models.big. since i started this, i have yet to see my models.big go in crapper.

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in your case, since you want to modify the 08 models.big, just back that up and keep a folder with all the files that you want to add into it. hopefully that will solve something. otherwise, you may have a third party program that is messing everything up (firewall? antivirus? a virus?).

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I have found this to occur most often when people use BigGUI or EAgraph to install mods.

ditto. but he said he used Tit, so i have to assume that is not the case. but for whatever reason, it's going to the crapper.

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Yeah, I don't use either of them to install. I use them occasionally to extract a file, but not to install.

Homer, I see exactly what you mean. Not sure why I never thought of that. I have always updated, and tested. Then, if it tested out, I made a back up copy of it. Then I would add more mods in a few days, test it out, and if it worked, back it up... But I always kept using the same models.big, and continued to add stuff to it. Sure, I can see how that may get corrupted after a while.

Do you do that for your audio files (and others for that matter) too, or just your models.big?

Right now, the only stuff I am working on is audio (Once I get my models.big updated again), and my roster file, so the others are pretty much set anyway.

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yeah i do that for everything, including audio. it takes a little longer to install each time, so i don't replace the models.big each time. i only do it when i run into a problem. so that way, i have all the files i will use to update kept separate, so there's no going back to try to figure out what i've added.

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yeah i do that for everything, including audio. it takes a little longer to install each time, so i don't replace the models.big each time. i only do it when i run into a problem. so that way, i have all the files i will use to update kept separate, so there's no going back to try to figure out what i've added.

Ahh. I see. Thanks for the info.

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