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You You Reintsall For Patch To Work


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i am waiting for the downloadable patch to come out. i am new to mods. i already used some mods on my intsall. do i have to reinstall in order for the patch to work?

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Well, if you've been installing mods, you should have been backing up the original files. For the patch installation, I would copy back the original files, install the patch when it comes out for the d/l version, then re-install the mods again.

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i did back up the original files. so i'll just put them back, then overwrite them again with the modded ones. or would a fresh install be better to do.

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i did back up the original files. so i'll just put them back, then overwrite them again with the modded ones. or would a fresh install be better to do.

That's what I did. No need for a fresh install. It makes it kind of easy to copy/paste the files back, because 2k put everything in one folder.

*Although, the patch does modify some files, besides the .exe file. So mods that were created pre-patch with those files, will need to be made again by the modders.

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so after you put back the originals and then install the patch, you can't use the same mod files.

I believe the following files are affected with the patch:




*Any mods made with these files, pre-patch... will have to be done again with the patched versions of those files.

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